Business & Economics
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Pleasant PersistenceMost people give up way too early in the sales process-either due to a lack of time or because they don't want to be perceived as pushy or unprofessional. This results in a lower percentage of people saying "Yes" to what a salesperson is...
- $61.13 AUD
- $61.13 AUD
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Pleasant PersistenceMost people give up way too early in the sales process-either due to a lack of time or because they don't want to be perceived as pushy or unprofessional. This results in a lower percentage of people saying "Yes" to what a salesperson is...
- $33.95 AUD
- $33.95 AUD
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Instagram Marketing Editing 2023 the Ultimate Beginners Guide Images, Videos, and Sounds to Boost your Social Media Marketing GrowthWhen I wrote this book I mainly thought about small and medium-sized companies. Thanks to the power of one of the most popular social networking sites in the world, Instagram, there is a chance to develop your business and significantly increase your turnover. If...
- $60.35 AUD
- $60.35 AUD
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Harassment and Discrimination on the Basis of Gender and Race/Ethnicity in the Fema Workforce: 2021 Survey Follow-UpThis report presents results of a follow-up survey of Federal Emergency Management Agency employees on workplace harassment and discrimination, employee reporting experiences, and workplace climate. About one in five employees experienced at least one gender-based/sexual or race/ethnicity-based civil rights violation in the year preceding...
- $114.75 AUD
- $114.75 AUD
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Die Power Der Persönlichen Präsenz: 10 Basics Aus Schauspiel Und Psychologie Für Selbstbewusstes AuftretenDieses Buch verrät Ihnen, mit welchen einfachen, aber wirksamen Techniken Sie in jeder Situation selbstsichere Präsenz erreichen und Wirkung erzielen. Benedikt Crisand verbindet schauspielerische und psychologische Elemente zu Verhaltenstechniken, die sich im Berufsalltag einsetzen lassen, um durch physische Präsenz Aufmerksamkeit zu gewinnen. So treten...
- $56.60 AUD
- $56.60 AUD
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Virtuelle Führung: Erfolgreiche Strategien Und Tools Für Teams in Der Digitalen ArbeitsweltBietet zielgerichtete Übungseinheiten, um die eigenen Stärken zu erkennen und sich individuelle Lösungswege mit dem Buch zu erarbeiten Auch für Personalexperten zu empfehlen, die Anregungen für Programme und Weiterbildungsprojekte zu den spezifischen Ausprägungen von Kommunikation und Führung in virtuellen Teams suchen Mit wertvollen Reflexionseinheiten...
- $135.85 AUD
- $135.85 AUD
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Quick Guide Franchising: Wie Sie Mit Der Partnership for Profit Ein Solides Business AufbauenDieser Quick Guide beschreibt kompakt und strukturiert die vielschichtigen Facetten des Franchisings. Dieses Kooperationsmodell verbreitet sich weltweit rasant und prägt inzwischen ganze Branchen in Dienstleistung und Handel. Doch welche Geschäftsideen eignen sich für diese "partnership for profit"? Welche Chancen und Risiken bringt dieses synergetische...
- $84.90 AUD
- $84.90 AUD
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Quick Guide Unconscious Bias: Wie Sie Unbewusste Verzerrungen Verstehen, Erkennen Und VerändernDieses Buch hilft Menschen, bewusstere, unvoreingenommenere und damit vorurteilsfreiere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wir alle unterliegen Unconscious Bias, unbewussten Verzerrungen und damit oft unbewusster Voreingenommenheit, denn so funktioniert unser Gehirn. Die Reduzierung von Komplexität hilft uns dabei, täglich eine Vielzahl an Entscheidungen zu treffen. Das...
- $101.88 AUD
- $101.88 AUD
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Design Evolution and the Law: Protecting Product Designs Today and TomorrowAuthor: Vladimir SamoylovPublisher: SpringerPublished: 01/02/2023Pages: 145Binding Type: HardcoverWeight: 0.89lbsSize: 9.21h x 6.14w x 0.44dISBN: 9789811966262
- $543.55 AUD
- $543.55 AUD
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Boards of Directors in Disruptive Times: Improving Corporate Governance EffectivenessAuthor: Jordi CanalsPublisher: Cambridge University PressPublished: 10/25/2022Pages: 410Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 1.20lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.84dISBN: 9781009165785This title is not returnable
- $128.30 AUD
- $128.30 AUD
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Leadership WorthyYou don't have to be a natural leader to learn to be an effective oneAre you an aspiring leader who is eager to advance your career and make a positive difference in your organization and your life? Or a current leader who wants to...
- $38.38 AUD
- $38.38 AUD
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Get There, Love Here!: The busy professional's guide to authentic, enjoyable successAre you striving for career success, but struggling to find work-life balance? Are you driving hard towards each new deadline, but paying the price with your health, relationships and wellbeing? In short, are you enjoying - or merely enduring - the journey? If work...
- $71.30 AUD
- $71.30 AUD
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Celebrating YOU with PR!Kickass female entrepreneurs let's get you in the press!You don't know how? You will. You're not ready? Yes you are.Award-winning PR expert, ex-journalist and host of the No.1 podcast, PR Powerhouse, Jo Swann, is inviting you to join the PR Party to supercharge your...
- $68.10 AUD
- $68.10 AUD
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Introduction to System Reliability TheoryThis textbook provides the tools for a modern post-graduate introductory course on system reliability theory. It focuses on probabilistic aspects of the theory, including recent results based on signatures, stochastic orders, aging classes, copulas and distortion (or aggregation) functions. The reader requires on an...
- $203.80 AUD
- $203.80 AUD
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Standards Für Alle: Eine Einführung in Die (Technische) StandardisierungDieses Buch soll ein Bewusstsein wecken hinsichtlich der Notwendigkeit und Vorteile von innerbetrieblichen (technischen) Standards: Jedes Unternehmen hat das Ziel, effizient, innovativ und wirtschaftlich zu produzieren. Für eine effiziente Organisation und Erfüllung von zu berücksichtigenden Anforderungen können Standards ma geblich zum Erfolg eines Unternehmens...
- $84.90 AUD
- $84.90 AUD
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Basic Financial StepsIn today's society, people are making more money than any other time in history. However, over 75% of Americans have less than $500 in savings. The same percentage of people have over $20,000 in credit card debt. These statistics exist because families and individuals...
- $27.15 AUD
- $27.15 AUD
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Candy Kingpin: A MemoirInternational Award Winning Entrepreneur, Author, and Global Leadership Advisor, Rahfeal "RahGor" Gordon, narrates an amazing story that is filled with transparency, inspiration, sadness, and triumph. His memoir, The Candy Kingpin, recounts a background that molded and shaped his passion today-helping others.Gordon's ability to vividly...
- $67.93 AUD
- $67.93 AUD
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Tourism Planning and Development in the Middle EastAuthor: Stella KladouPublisher: CabiPublished: 12/20/2022Binding Type: HardcoverISBN: 9781789249125
- $482.28 AUD
- $482.28 AUD
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Part-Time WealthGet Up Each Morning, Put in 15 Minutes (or Less) of Fast and Easy Work - Right from Your Kitchen Table. Then Take Off the Rest of the Day! Everything Else is Done for You and Then You are in Position to Get Paid...
- $28.50 AUD
- $28.50 AUD
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Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python- 1. Time Series Concepts and Python. - 2. Exploratory Time Series Data Analysis. - 3. Stationary Time Series Models. - 4. ARMA and ARIMA Modeling and Forecasting. - 5. Nonstationary Time Series Models. - 6. Financial Time Series and Related Models. - 7....
- $373.68 AUD
- $373.68 AUD
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