Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
Le Basi Dell'Economia: La Guida per Principianti per Capire Economia e FinanzaScopri i segreti della scienza che influenza di più la nostra vita: l'Economia! Perché a inizio anno con otto euro compravo dieci libri e ora ne posso comprare solo sette? Perché decidi di comprare un bene piuttosto che un altro? Perché è necessario pagare...
- $41.98 AUD
- $41.98 AUD
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Le Basi della Finanza: La Guida per Principianti per Capire Economia e FinanzaArricchisci te stesso! Impara le basi della finanza e scopri i segreti dei mercati finanziari Ho alcuni risparmi da parte ma in cosa mi conviene investire? A chi devo rivolgermi se deciso di investire dei soldi? È rischioso investire nella criptovaluta e nei bitcoin?...
- $39.23 AUD
- $39.23 AUD
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Econ Micro (with Mindtap, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access Card) [With Access Card]Learn Microeconomics YOUR Way with ECON MICRO ECON MICRO�s easy-reference, paperback textbook presents course content through visually-engaging chapters as well as Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best review material into a ready-made study tool. With the textbook or on its own, ECON MICRO...
- $566.45 AUD
- $566.45 AUD
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Economics for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Economics (A Complete Guide for Beginners on How to Invest Properly)You want to invest in the entire metaverse eco-system?But don't know where to start?This metaverse investing ultimate guide is here to help. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about investing in the metaverse. You'll learn about cryptos, nfts (non-fungible...
- $45.18 AUD
- $45.18 AUD
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Settling Climate Accounts: Navigating the Road to Net ZeroIntroduction.- Part I: The Dynamics of Net Zero Finance.- 1.A Portfolio Approach to Hedging Climate Risk.- 2.Carbonwashing: ESG Data Greenwashing in a Post-Paris World.- 3.The Road from Scope Three to Net Zero.- 4.Fixing the Plumbing: Asset Management, Clean Energy Technology, and The Valley of...
- $208.53 AUD
- $208.53 AUD
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Structure and Organization of Product Development ProjectsThis book conveys useful knowledge, skills and behaviour that an engineer who is responsible for product development/project management often needs, but which is not given enough attention in the usual engineering education. It goes beyond the specialist knowledge into the human domain, because technical...
- $339.70 AUD
- $339.70 AUD
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Javier Pedroza: Emerging EntrepreneursInside: Madonna, Gwen Stefani, GXVE Beauty, Gucci, 2023 Lexus RX, Louis Vuitton Monogram, LV Diamonds, Dodge Challenger Daytona SRT, Wynn Las Vegas, IMG's Gigi Hadid, Spider-Verse, Spider-Man, Marvel, Disney, Kid Cudi, Latinx Leader Javier Pedroza, Kendall Jenner, ASAP Rocky, Rihanna, Netflix, Very Handsome Studio,...
- $40.98 AUD
- $40.98 AUD
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Reddito Passivo: La Guida alla Libertà e Indipendenza Finanziaria con la Creazione di una Rendita PassivaScopri come fare soldi e vivere di rendita grazie al reddito passivo. Vorresti guadagnare senza dover praticare un lavoro di gestione? Stai cercando di guadagnare dei soldi extra senza però impegnarti in un secondo lavoro? Ti piacerebbe fare soldi e vivere di rendita? Con...
- $45.25 AUD
- $45.25 AUD
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Your Future Self: How to Make Tomorrow Better TodayBased on over a decade of research, psychologist Hal Hershfield explores how connecting with our future selves can both improve our lives right now and help us achieve our goals and hopes for the future. We've all had the desire to travel through time...
- $65.68 AUD
- $65.68 AUD
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ATRÉVETE, El poder del liderazgoSiempre tendrás el poder para abrir puertas delante de ti, pero si quieres abrir nuevas oportunidades, primero debes cerrar las puertas que dejas detrás de ti. Muchas personas no abren puertas porque no entienden el momento en el que termina cierta etapa de la...
- $35.68 AUD
- $35.68 AUD
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Travel the World on a Budget: How to Travel Hack the World on a Budget (How to Cleverly Travel the World on a Shoestring Budget)Everyone wants to travel, but nobody likes the prices that often come with that. How do i travel so much despite being in my early 20's, without having rich parents (single working mother) and without huge amounts of debt that you'll see recommended online?This...
- $45.18 AUD
- $45.18 AUD
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The Status Revolution: The Improbable Story of How the Lowbrow Became the HighbrowHow did rescue dogs become status symbols? Why are luxury brands losing their cachet? What's made F. Scott Fitzgerald's most famous observations obsolete? The answers are part of a new revolution that's radically reorganizing the way we view ourselves and others.Status was once easy...
- $72.65 AUD
- $72.65 AUD
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Enabling Strategic Decision-Making in Organizations Through DataplexManaging big data and data analytics poses unique challenges to many organisations. The effective use of such data is essential to planning business strategies and ensuring future corporate success. Organizations need to know how best to capitalise on the information that they have access...
- $203.85 AUD
- $203.85 AUD
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In The Event I Die: Instruction Manual and Information Guide In The Event I Pass AwayThis book is a guide that will help families have access to important information all in one spot to for easy access during a very difficult time in managing the affairs of a deceased loved one. It will outline designated beneficiaries, assets, and needful...
- $60.28 AUD
- $60.28 AUD
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Numerology for Beginners: Learn How to Use Numerology, Astrology, Numbers, and Tarot to Take Charge of Your Life and Create the One You DeserveNumerology is a type of divination that goes back to the late fifth century B.C. This divinity reading method said to have been created by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, has been extensively circulated in the mystical world for many years. Those interested in learning...
- $58.83 AUD
- $58.83 AUD
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Financing Clean Energy in Developing Asia: Volume 2This book examines clean energy financing and approaches in hydropower and demand-side energy efficiency projects, along with policies and strategies based on experiences in South Asia. It is the second of the two volumes of books on Financing Clean Energy in Developing Asia produced...
- $129.10 AUD
- $129.10 AUD
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SEO & Marketing 2023El mercado del SEO y el Marketing, tiene muchas aristas, pero en esencia se refiere a las estrategias o acciones tendientes a posicionar para promover con fines de venta algún producto o servicio e incluye la investigación de mercados, competencia y publicidad.Con el cambio...
- $48.28 AUD
- $48.28 AUD
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Marknadsföring på Instagram (Internetmarknadsföring)Instagram Marketing: Bygg upp en framgångsrik verksamhet på Instagram med Instagram Marketing! Vad är Instagram? Vad måste man tänka på när det gäller ett företags närvaro på Instagram och hur kan nystartade företag få ut det mesta av det sociala nätverket? Vill du hålla...
- $30.15 AUD
- $30.15 AUD
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Savings Grace: A Savings Guide for Young People Disguised as AdultsZuri Ngozi is not your mother. In fact, she's too young to be. However, she is offering up guidance and light-hearted scolding to rear young adults in proper savings. Savings Grace is beautifully crafted to address many of the issues young people have when...
- $50.08 AUD
- $50.08 AUD
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Wealth Is Power: History and Classification of Wealth (Money).Product DescriptionNow you can create your own money! With this handy Creation of money kit, you'll have everything you need to get started printing your own currency. Whether you're looking to start your own country or just want to be prepared for the next...
- $17.00 AUD
- $17.00 AUD
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