Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
Apicii librorum X qui dicuntur De re coquinaria quae extantApicii librorum X qui dicuntur De re coquinaria quae extantDe Apiciani libri fatis et codicibus exposuimus Giarratano in libello I codici dei libri de re coquinaria di Celio, Napoli 1912, Vollmer in Sitz.-Ber. d. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. phil.-hist. Kl. 1920 Abh. 6. pauca...
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Foods That Will Win the War and How to Cook Them (1918)Foods That Will Win the War and How to Cook Them (1918)Food will win the war, and the nation whose food resources are best conserved will be the victor. This is the truth that our government is trying to drive home to every man,...
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Carving and ServingCarving and Serving I have been so frequently addressed in this way that I have decided to publish a manual on the Art of Carving. Instruction in this art cannot be given at a lecture with any profit to my pupils or satisfaction to...
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The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and CookingThe Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking - Adapted to Domestic Use or Study in ClassesThe little book now revised and sent out with some slight additions, remains substantially the same as when first issued in 1880. In the midst of always increasing cookery-books,...
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The Queen-like Closet or Rich CabinetThe Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet - Stored with all manner of rare receipts for preserving, candying and cookery. Very pleasant and beneficial to all ingenious persons of the female sexYour Kind and Good Acceptance of my Endeavours in Work for You, and that...
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Everyday Foods in War TimeEveryday Foods in War TimeFOOD IS FUEL FOR FIGHTERS. Do not waste it. Save WHEAT, MEAT, SUGARS AND FATS. Send more to our Soldiers, Sailors and Allies. The patriotic housewife finds her little domestic boat sailing in uncharted waters. The above message of the...
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The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887)The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) - Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes, Menus, Dinner-Giving, Table Etiquette, Care of the Sick, Health Suggestions, Facts Worth Knowing, Etc., Etc. In presenting to the public the "WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK," the publishers believe they can justly claim that it...
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Volks-KochbuchVolks-Kochbuch - für Schule, Fortbildungsschule und HausDie vielseitigere Ausgestaltung des Kochunterrichts hat eine Umarbeit des Volks-Kochbuchs notwendig gemacht. Es ist nicht mehr in Lektionen eingeteilt, welche sich an den theoretischen Teil (fuer die Hand der Lehrerin) anschlossen, sondern gibt die Rezepte an leicht aufzufindender...
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The New Dr. Price CookbookThe New Dr. Price CookbookIn presenting these recipes great care has been exercised to select only those that will be popular in every home, in order that the new Dr. Price Cook Book will be useful every meal every day the year through. Here...
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Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled During Her Visit Among the "Pennsylvania Germans"Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled During Her Visit Among the "Pennsylvania Germans" The incidents narrated in this book are based on fact, and, while not absolutely true in every particular, the characters are all drawn from real life. The photographs...
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The American Frugal HousewifeThe American Frugal HousewifeIt has become necessary to change the title of this work to the "American Frugal Housewife," because there is an English work of the same name, not adapted to the wants of this country. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in...
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The Story of CriscoThe Story of CriscoThe word "fat" is one of the most interesting in food chemistry. It is the great energy producer. John C. Olsen, A.M., Ph.D., in his book, "Pure Food," states that fats furnish half the total energy obtained by human beings from...
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American Cookery: The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and VegetablesAmerican Cookery: The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and VegetablesAs this treatise is calculated for the improvement of the rising generation of Females in America, the Lady of fashion and fortune will not be displeased, if many hints are suggested for the more...
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The Virginia Housewife Or, Methodical CookThe Virginia Housewife; Or, Methodical CookManagement is an art that may be acquired by every woman of good sense and tolerable memory. If, unfortunately, she has been bred in a family where domestic business is the work of chance, she will have many difficulties...
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Old Cookery Books and Ancient CuisineOld Cookery Books and Ancient CuisineMan has been distinguished from other animals in various ways; but perhaps there is no particular in which he exhibits so marked a difference from the rest of creationnot even in the prehensile faculty resident in his handas in...
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Science in the KitchenScience in the Kitchen - A Scientific Treatise On Food Substances and Their Dietetic Properties, Together with a Practical Explanation of the Principles of Healthful Cookery, and a Large Number of Original, Palatable, and Wholesome RecipesNo one thing over which we have control exerts...
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Joe Tilden's Recipes for EpicuresJoe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures * * * * * Major Joseph Tilden was in his time one of the most famous Bohemians and epicureans of the Pacific Coast. Ever since his death his many friends have been trying to learn the culinary secrets...
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For Luncheon and Supper GuestsFor Luncheon and Supper GuestsMeals of many courses are neither practical nor popular with the modern hostess. For a company luncheon or supper it is not necessary to serve more than a hot dish, a salad, a biscuit or sandwich, a dessert and a...
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The Compleat CookThe Compleat Cook - Expertly Prescribing the Most Ready Wayes, Whether Italian,Take a quart of Creame, and a quarter of a Nutmeg in it, then put it on the fire, and let it boyl a little while, and as it is boyling take a...
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The Book of Household ManagementThe Book of Household ManagementI must frankly own, that if I had known, beforehand, that this book would have cost me the labour which it has, I should never have been courageous enough to commence it. What moved me, in the first instance, to...
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