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A Book of the United StatesA Book of the United States - Exhibiting its geography, divisions, constitution, and government ... and presenting a view of the republic generally, and of the individual states; together with a condensed history of the land, from its first discovery to the present time....
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Colored Troops in the French ArmyColored Troops in the French Army - A Report from the Department of State Relating to the Colored Troops in the French Army and the Number of French Colonial Troops in the Occupied TerritorySir: In response to an informal request made by your secretary...
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Roma beata letters from the Eternal cityRoma beata; letters from the Eternal cityLetters from the Eternal City BY MAUD HOWE AUTHOR OF A NEWPORT AQUARELLE, THE SAN ROSARIO RANCH, MAMMON, PHILLIDA, LAURA BRIDGMAN, ETC. With Illustrations from Drawings by John Elliott and from Photographs BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1909...
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The Daily Telegraph War BooksThe Battle of the RiversOn a scale before unknown in Western Europe, and save for the coincident operations in the Eastern theatre of war, unexampled in history, the succession of events named the "Battle of the Rivers" presents illustrations of strategy and tactics of...
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By the Way: Travel Letters Written During Several Journeys AbroadBy the Way: Travel Letters Written During Several Journeys Abroad New material has been added in this edition including sojourns in Turkey, Greece, Austria-Hungary and Germany. While not intended in any way as a guide-book, this volume will be found especially helpful to those...
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The Anti-slavery Harp: A Collection of Songs for Anti-slavery MeetingsThe Anti-slavery Harp: A Collection of Songs for Anti-slavery MeetingsThis song is said to be sung by Slaves, as they are chained in gangs, when parting from friends for the far-off Southchildren taken from parents, husbands from wives, and brothers from sisters. My child,...
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English men of actionHenry the FifthHenry was born in the castle of Monmouth on August 9th, 1387. He was the eldest of the six children of Henry of Lancaster by Mary de Bohun, younger daughter and co-heiress of Humphrey de Bohun.1 Humphrey, as the last male descendant...
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John Vytal: A Tale of the Lost ColonyJohn Vytal: A Tale of the Lost ColonyNo epoch in American history is more essentially romantic than that in which, for a few years, less than one hundred colonists from England lived on the island of Roanoke, off the coast of old Virginia. Nevertheless,...
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Gibraltar and Its Sieges, with a Description of Its Natural FeaturesGibraltar and Its Sieges, with a Description of Its Natural Features.HE year 1704 was the year of Blenheim, that wonderful victory of Marlboroughs which dissipated Lewis the Fourteenths dreams of universal empire. As stars are extinguished in the light of dawn, so in the...
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Letters and Discussions on the Formation of Colored RegimentsLetters and Discussions on the Formation of Colored Regiments, - and the Duty of the Colored People in Regard to the Great Slaveholders' Rebellion, in the United States of AmericaAt the beginning of the great struggle between the Government of the United States and...
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The Wigmaker in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Wigmaker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - An Account of His Barbering, Hair-dressing, & Peruke-Making Services, & Some Remarks on Wigs of Various Styles.Richard Gamble, barber and perukemaker of Williamsburg in the middle years of the eighteenth century, appears to have remained a bachelor all...
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Umé San in JapanUmé San in JapanJapan is a paradise of flowers and of treasure-flowers, as the Japanese mothers call their babies. In no other country in the world do they both form so large a part of the daily life of the people. From the first...
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Chin-Chin Or, The Chinaman at HomeChin-Chin; Or, The Chinaman at HomeThe friendly welcome accorded by the English Public to my Chinese Painted by Themselves has encouraged me to publish this translation of my last work. Old Epicurus summed up his philosophy in pleasures well understood. The peoples of the...
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Armenia: A year at Erzeroom, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and PersiaArmenia: A year at Erzeroom, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and PersiaAlmost from time immemorial a border warfare has been carried on between the Koordish tribes on the confines of Turkey and Persia, in the mountainous country beginning at Mount Ararat toward...
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Les aventures du jeune Comte Potowski, Vol. 1 (of 2)Les aventures du jeune Comte Potowski, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Un roman de coeur par Marat, l'ami du peupleL'authenticit de cet ouvrage indit de Marat est incontestable: le manuscrit original, entirement autographe, est rest, pendant plus d'un mois, expos dans les bureaux du...
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