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The Passing of EmpireThe Passing of Empire Most people when they talk of India, most books when they treat of India, are concerned with its differences from the rest of the world. It is the appearance and the dress of its peoples, their customs and habits, their...
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An Artist in EgyptAn Artist in EgyptI ENDEAVOURED, in a former book on Egypt, to give my first impressions while the glamour of the East had not been dimmed by familiarity; and the kind reception of that, my first literary attempt, has encouraged me to write again...
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History of GeographyHistory of GeographyThis is not a history of geographical exploration, though the leading episodes in the advance of our knowledge of the face of the Earth are necessarily referred to in tracing the evolution of geography as a department of science. That is the...
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A History of AeronauticsA History of AeronauticsAlthough successful heavier-than-air flight is less than two decades old, and successful dirigible propulsion antedates it by a very short period, the mass of experiment and accomplishment renders any one-volume history of the subject a matter of selection. In addition to...
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Upplevelser under krigsåren 1914-1918Upplevelser under krigsåren 1914-1918Det stora vrldskrigets utbrott trffade mig p min villa ngra kilometer frn Viborg, varest jag, just hemkommen frn en badsejour i Sverige, beredde mig fr en angenm "Nachkur". Tidigt p morgonen den 1 augusti 1914 verlmnades till mig av en poliskonstapel...
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The Jewel House: An Account of the Many Romances Connected with the Royal RegaliaThe Jewel House: An Account of the Many Romances Connected with the Royal Regalia - Together with Sir Gilbert Talbot's Account of Colonel Blood's PlotWhen kings began to reignThe Crown of the King of the AmmonitesA Crown weighing 125 lbs.The Treasure House of KingsEgbert...
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Wanderings in Corsica: Its History and Its Heroes. Vol. 2 of 2Wanderings in Corsica: Its History and Its Heroes. Vol. 2 of 2 For our supply of the comforts and luxuries of life, we lay the world under contribution: fresh from every quarter of the globe we draw a portion of its yearly produce. The...
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Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, lady companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, Volume 1 (of 2)Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, lady companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, Volume 1 (of 2) - with extracts from her journals and anecdote booksA book of this kind scarcely needs a sponsor. It carries the impression of its authenticity on every page....
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The Blacksmith in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Blacksmith in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - An Account of His Life & Times and of His CraftIron seemeth a simple metal, but in its nature are many mysteries, wrote Joseph Glanvill, a seventeenth-century English churchman. To the contrary, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, two centuries later,...
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History of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer InfantryHistory of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry - First Brigade, First Division, Third Corps and Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Corps, Army of the PotomacWhen the idea of publishing the History of the Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers was first conceived and a...
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Il fiume Bianco e i Dénka: MemorieIl fiume Bianco e i Dénka: Memorie Io nol nego: fin dai vent'anni ho avuto la vocazione d'andarmene proprio in Africa; ed unico mio scopo era la conversione di quelle genti barbare e selvagge a religione e civilt. Ma non posso negare altres d'essere...
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John LacklandJohn LacklandOther sidenotes give the actual date of an event. These have been moved next to the description of the date, and are shown in parentheses, e.g. {30 May}, or show a change of year. Others, which merely repeat a date, have been removed....
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Slavery in HistorySlavery in HistoryFor the first time in the annals of humanity, domestic slavery, or the system of chattelhood and traffic in man, is erected into a religious, social and political creed. This new creed has its thaumaturgus, its temples, its altars, its worship, its...
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The cries of London and public edificesLondon Cries & Public EdificesThe Tinker is swinging his fire-pot to make it burn, having placed his soldering-iron in it, and is proceeding to some corner or post, there to repair the saucepan he carries.We commence with the most interesting edifice in our capital,...
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The Military Adventures of Charles O'NeilThe Military Adventures of Charles O'Neil - Who was a Soldier in the Army of Lord Wellington during the Memorable Peninsular War and the Continental Campaigns from 1811 to 1815The history of times and events, of men and their characters, must ever be replete...
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100 Years in Yosemite: The Story of a Great Park and Its FriendsOne Hundred Years in Yosemite: The Story of a Great Park and Its FriendsIt is the purpose of One Hundred Years in Yosemite to preserve and disseminate the true story of the discovery and preservation of Americas first public reservation to be set aside...
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Girls of 1864Girls of '64Corinne twisted and turned before the mirror over the console table, flicked a speck of powder from her sacque and stood back to regard herself appreciatively. She felt her toilette to be extremely distinguished when war deprivations were taken into account. What...
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ElämäniElämäniYlimpn armeijan johtoon astumisesta Venjn murskautumiseen. Kutsu ylimpn armeijanjohtoon. Elm suuressa pmajassa. Sotatapaukset vuoden 1916 loppuun. Suhteeni valtiollisiin kysymyksiin. Valmistuksia tulevan sotavuoden varalle. Vihollisten rynnistys 1917 vuoden alkupuoliskolla. Vihollishykkysten jatkuminen v:n 1917 jlkipuoliskolla. Katsaus kansojen ja valtioiden sisisiin oloihin lopulla vuotta 1917. Ern kevtiltana...
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Granada, Poema Oriental, precedido de la Leyenda de al-Hamar, Tomo 2Granada, Poema Oriental, precedido de la Leyenda de al-Hamar, Tomo 2Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y...
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The Tower of LondonThe Tower of LondonFrom a MS. of the Poems of Charles, Duke of Orleans. British Museum, 16 F. II. The numerous subjects drawn from the collection formed by the late Mr. J. E. Gardner are reproduced by kind permission of Mr. E. T. Gardner....
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