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Tales of the R.I.CTales of the R.I.C.In many parts of the west of Ireland one finds small mountain farms of from five to twenty acres, generally consisting of twenty-five per cent rock, twenty-five per cent heather, and the remainder of indifferent grass-land. On such a farm a...
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Bygone BerkshireBygone BerkshireThe Royal County has many charms for the Antiquary and the Historian, and we trust that "Bygone Berkshire" will not be the least interesting volume of the series which the publisher has so successfully inaugurated. We have attempted to give some glimpses of...
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America: A historyAmerica: A historyPresenting in a handy form a history of the great events and movements of the present century, in our own country, throughout the British Empire, on the Continent of Europe, and in America. THE SCOTSMAN.The central idea of the work and the...
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Little Prudy's Captain HoraceLittle Prudy's Captain HoraceTheir home, with its charming grounds, was a little way out of town, and from the front windows of the house you could look out on the broad Ohio, a river which would be very beautiful if its yellow waters were...
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The Gourmet's Guide to LondonThe Gourmet's Guide to LondonIn describing in this book some of the restaurants and taverns in and near London, I have selected those that seem to me to be typical of the various classes, giving preference to those of each kind which have some...
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KuningastarinoitaKuningastarinoita"Norjan kansan historia alkaa samaan aikaan kuin sen maankin", sanoo P.A. Munch teoksessaan "Norjan kansan historia"; "ja yht vhn kuin historia tiet kertoa tapahtumista, jotka ovat sattuneet Norjan pohjalla ennen norjalaisten tuloa, yht vhn se tiet norjalaisista, ennenkuin se tapaa heidt Norjassa asuvina". Aikoinaan...
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Historical Characters: Mackintosh, Talleyrand, Canning, Cobbett, PeelHistorical Characters: Mackintosh, Talleyrand, Canning, Cobbett, PeelThe sale which this work has had in its original form has induced my publisher to recommend a cheaper and more popular one; and I myself gladly seize the opportunity of correcting some of the errors in print...
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Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 1 (of 15)Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 1 (of 15)Voici enfin tous les ouvrages de Mably, tels quils sont sortis de sa plume. Lditeur ne sest pas permis dy rien ajouter, ni den rien retrancher. Il en est un auquel il mettoit...
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The Child of the Moat: A Story for Girls. 1557 A.DThe Child of the Moat: A Story for Girls. 1557 A.D.On the analogy of the famous apple,there aint going to be no preface, not nohow. Children do not read prefaces, so anything of a prefatory nature that might interest them is put at the...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book, v. 1 (of 3)The Every-day Book and Table Book, v. 1 (of 3) - or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs and Events, Incident to Each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days, in past and Present Times; Forming a Complete History of...
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Lord LawrenceLord LawrenceJohn Laird Mair Lawrence was born in 1811 and died in 1879, being sixty-eight years of age. Within that time he entered the Civil Service of the East India Company, governed the Punjab then the most difficult province in India, took a very...
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Famous Assassinations of History from Philip of Macedon, 336 B. C., to Alexander of Servia, A. D. 1903Famous Assassinations of History from Philip of Macedon, 336 B. C., to Alexander of Servia, A. D. 1903THE thirty-one assassinations, famous in history, which are narrated in this volume, have never before had their stories told in a collected form in any language. The...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book. v. 3 (of 3)The Every-day Book and Table Book. v. 3 (of 3) - Everlasting Calerdar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs and Events, Incident to Each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days, in past and Present Times; Forming a Complete History of the...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book. v. 2 (of 3)The Every-day Book and Table Book. v. 2 (of 3) - or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs and Events, Incident to Each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days, in past and Present Times; Forming a Complete History of...
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The Pilgrim StoryThe Pilgrim Story - Being largely a compilation from the documents of Governor Bradford and Governor Winslow, severally and in collaboration; together with a list of Mayflower passengers.No phase of early American history presents a finer example of faith, fortitude and determination of purpose...
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The Corset and the CrinolineThe Corset and the Crinoline - A Book of Modes and Costumes from Remote Periods to the Present TimeThe subject which we have here treated is a sort of figurative battle-field, where fierce contests have for ages been from time to time waged; and,...
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A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 1, 1807-1809A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 1, 1807-1809 - From the Treaty of Fontainbleau to the Battle of CorunnaIt is many years since an attempt has been made in England to deal with the general history of the Peninsular War. Several interesting and...
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Horton GenealogyHorton Genealogy - or Chronicles of the Descendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L. I., 1640.We give Barnabas Horton as the Preface and Introduction to this little volume of Chronicles. He was probably the son of Joseph Horton, of Leicestershire, England, and born in...
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The Lusitania's Last VoyageThe Lusitania's Last Voyage - Being a narrative of the torpedoing and sinking of the R. M. S. Lusitania by a German submarine off the Irish coast, May 7, 1915Being a Narrative of the Torpedoing and Sinking of the R. M. S. Lusitania by...
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Gallant Little Wales: Sketches of its people, places and customsGallant Little Wales: Sketches of its people, places and customsAs a guide-book this volume will be found to contain too few unpronounceable Welsh place-names to be adequate, but as an introduction to the North Welsh land, its customs, its village life, its little churches,...
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