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Correspondence of the Family of Haddock, 1657-1719Correspondence of the Family of Haddock, 1657-1719 - The Camden Miscellany: Volume the EighthSettled from remote times in the little town of Leigh, in Essex, at the mouth of the Thames, the family of Haddock, we may be sure, took early to the sea,...
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Chickamauga and Chattanooga BattlefieldsChickamauga and Chattanooga Battlefields - Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park—Georgia, TennesseeThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the...
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The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 7: Quebec, Hurons, Cape Breton, 1634-1635The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 7: Quebec, Hurons, Cape Breton, 1634-1635Following is a synopsis of the documents contained in the present volume: XXIII. The first installment (chaps. i.-ix.) of Le Jeune's Relation of 1634, written to the provincial at Paris, was given...
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The Indian Council in the Valley of the Walla-Walla. 1855The Indian Council in the Valley of the Walla-Walla. 1855If the author's other book, Army Life on the Pacific, which we reprinted as our Extra No. 30, is a scarce item of Americana, this is even more so, for it was not even published;...
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The War of Women, Volume 1The War of Women, Volume 1In "Twenty Years After" Dumas dealt with the earlier stages of the War of the Fronde,the arrest of the three counsellors of the Parliament of Paris, Charton, Blancmesnil, and Broussel, the "day of barricades," of which the Abb de...
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The War of Women, Volume 2The War of Women, Volume 2Two days later they came in sight of Bordeaux, and it became necessary to decide at once how they should enter the city. The dukes, with their army, were no more than ten leagues away, so that they were...
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Myths and Tales from the White Mountain ApacheMyths and Tales from the White Mountain Apache - Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History Vol. XXIV, Part IIThese myths and tales are the free translations of texts recorded in the dialect of the White Mountain Apache. The texts themselves with...
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Om mordet på Karl XII: Historisk och juridisk undersökningOm mordet på Karl XII: Historisk och juridisk undersökning Ehuru flera skarpsinniga forskare uttalat den sigt, att Karl den tolfte fll fr en lnnmrdares kula, har likvl allmnna omdmet allt sedan den danske historieforskaren C. Paludan Mller r 1846 i en i Kpenhamn utgifven...
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Trattato generale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte: Italica, Etrusca e RomanaTrattato generale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte: Italica, Etrusca e Romana Questo volume, secondo i criter dell'illustre e compianto prof. Gentile, non dovrebbe avere introduzione, perch questa sta dinanzi al II volume per l'archeologia e per l'arte greca. Ma ragioni di opportunit indussero l'editore...
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The WitchThe WitchIt was said that the Queen was dying. She lay at Richmond, in the palace looking out upon the wintry, wooded, March-shaken park, but London, a few miles away, had daily news of how she did. There was much talk about herthe old...
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The VikingsThe VikingsThe term 'Viking' is derived from the Old Norse vk, a bay, and means 'one who haunts a bay, creek or fjord[1].' In the 9th and 10th centuries it came to be used more especially of those warriors who left their homes in...
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Confessions of the CzarinaConfessions of the CzarinaI am not a coward, and it was not out of a feeling of uneasiness in regard to my personal safety, that I had not the courage to publish in my own name the book which, some thirty years ago, produced...
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London Signs and InscriptionsLondon Signs and InscriptionsUNTIL the beginning of this century, I may almost say till the development of our railway system some fifty years ago, though London was continually spreading in all directions, its heartthe Cityremained very much as Wren had left it. Here many...
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Digging for Gold: A Story of CaliforniaDigging for Gold: A Story of CaliforniaI acted for the best, as I thought, Grant. You know how your poor father left us. 3After his affairs were settled, there were only two hundred and fifty dollars left, and you were but twelve years old....
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Outline of the history of the English language and literatureOutline of the history of the English language and literatureThe object of this book, as indicated in the title, is to give an outline of the History of the English Language and Literature. It aims, however, at being something more than a mere statement...
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The Defence of LucknowThe Defence of Lucknow - A Diary Recording the Daily Events during the Siege of the European Residency, from 31st May to 25th September, 1857RECORDING THE DAILY EVENTS DURING THE SIEGE OF THE EUROPEAN RESIDENCY LONDON PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE. The...
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The Antiquities of ConstantinopleThe Antiquities of Constantinople - With a Description of Its Situation, the Conveniencies of Its Port, Its Publick Buildings, the Statuary, Sculpture, Architecture, and Other Curiosities of That CityConstantinople is situated after such a Manner in a Peninsula, that tis scarce bounded by the...
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Dinners & DinersDinners and Diners: Where and How to Dine in LondonTo all the gentlemen, the managers of the various restaurants and the masters of the culinary art, who have assisted me in the making of this little book, I give my most grateful thanks. When...
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Ravished ArmeniaRavished Armenia - The Story of Aurora Mardiganian, the Christian Girl Who Lived Through the Great MassacresOne of the most striking photographs of the deportations that have come out of Armenia. Here is shown a column of Christians on the path across the great...
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Der WeltverkehrDer Weltverkehr - Telegraphie und Post, Eisenbahnen und Schiffahrt, in ihrer Entwickelung dargestelltDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1887 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Zeichensetzung und offensichtliche typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche sowie inkonsistente Schreibweisen wurden beibehalten, insbesondere wenn diese...
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