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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 3La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 3 - Conferenze fiorentine - Lettere, scienze e arti Il Comitato Direttivo mi ha incaricato di esprimere con poche parole il nostro grande compianto alla memoria dei due dilettissimi che la morte ci ha rapito nello spazio...
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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 2La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 2 - Conferenze fiorentine - Storia Ma premire pense, lorsque j'ai accept la trs gracieuse invitation qui m'amne ici, a t de vous parler du roi Charles-Albert, et naturellement, j'ai cherch quelqu'pisode de sa vie, qui pt...
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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 1La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 1 - Conferenze fiorentine - Storia Queste Letture Fiorentine su la Vita italiana nei vari secoli, iniziate ott'anni sono, a cura d'una Societ di gentiluomini[1], hanno fin qui ottenuto una grande e non immeritata fortuna. Per sei...
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The Prisoner of the Mill or, Captain Hayward's "Body Guard"The Prisoner of the Mill; or, Captain Hayward's "Body Guard"War! Oh! how much of misery is expressed in that one word! It tells its own tale of woe, of blood, of broken hearts and desolated homes, of hopes blighted, of poverty and crime, of...
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Jeanne de Constantinople: Comtesse de Flandre et de HainautJeanne de Constantinople: Comtesse de Flandre et de HainautL'histoire de Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut, offre un mmorable exemple des vicissitudes de la fortune. Celles qu'eut subir cette princesse, durant prs d'un demi-sicle, furent, en effet, aussi diverses qu'mouvantes. L'apprentissage...
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English Coins and Tokens, with a Chapter on Greek and Roman CoinsEnglish Coins and Tokens, with a Chapter on Greek and Roman CoinsIt is not possible to say, with any degree of certainty, at what precise period our ancient British forefathers acquired a knowledge of the art of coining, or into what part of our...
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Ibrahim Pasha: Grand Vizir of Suleiman the MagnificentIbrahim Pasha: Grand Vizir of Suleiman the MagnificentThe life of Ibrahim Pasha, as full of strange events as the most highlycolored romance, paradoxical, and to western students of society almost incomprehensible in its rapid changes, is very difficult to place soberly before Occidental readers;...
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Spanish America, Vol. 2 (of 2)Spanish America, Vol. 2 (of 2) Pages 27, line 18, for Angelo read Antonio. 28, 10, for converziones read conversaziones. 82, 22, for omomum read amomum. 127, 3, from bottom, for Tarmu read Tarma. 164, 8, for Uraguay read Uruguay. 182, 11, from bottom,...
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Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 4 (of 8)Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 4 (of 8) - French Explorations and Settlements in North America and Those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes 1500-1700PHYSIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA. BY NATHANIEL S. SHALER, Professor of Palontology in Harvard University. PHYSIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA....
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Memories of the Kaiser's CourtMemories of the Kaiser's CourtTOWARDS the middle of August 1902, on a very hot, dusty, suffocating day, I was travelling, the prey of various apprehensions, to the town of Homburg-vor-der-Hhe, where the Prussian Court was at that time in temporary residence. A stormy night-passage...
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Maa kuuluu kaikille! Matkoiltani Laukon laulumaillaMaa kuuluu kaikille! Matkoiltani Laukon laulumaillaEn sano sit vuorta ihmeelliseksi sen puolesta, ett maailma sielt ksin nyttisi muunlaiselta kuin se thn pivn asti on aina ollut. Ihmeelliseksi sanon vuorta senvuoksi, ett sinne nkyvien laaksojen olot, jotka alhaalla vaeltaessamme tuntuivat selvimttmn sekavilta ja moninaisilta, vuorelle...
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With Cavalry in 1915With Cavalry in 1915 - The British Trooper in the Trench Line, Through the Second Battle of YpresThe more than kind reception that Press and Public accorded my first book on the War, "From Mons to Ypres with French," has encouraged me to put...
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Erzgebirgs-KammwegführerErzgebirgs-Kammwegführer - Tetschen (Schneeberg) - Erzgebirge - Asch (Hainberg). Mit einer Karte des KammwegesWanderglck und echte Wanderfreude sei allen jenen beschieden, die unsern Erzgebirgskammweg besuchen, besonders aber dann, wenn es gilt, selben in seiner gesamten Erstreckung von Tetschen bis Asch zurckzulegen. Hierzu sind etwa...
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The History of the Highland ClearancesThe History of the Highland Clearances - Second Edition, Altered and RevisedIt is with great pleasure that I accede to the request that I should write a short introduction to welcome this reprint of so interesting and valuable a book as Mackenzies Highland Clearances....
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Stirling Castle, its place in Scottish historyStirling Castle, its place in Scottish historyStirling Castle is a many-sided subject that can be treated in more than one way. The story of the castle might be dealt with in a book divided into sections, each one taking up a special part, such...
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The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 6: Quebec, 1633-1634The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 6: Quebec, 1633-1634Following is a synopsis of the documents contained in the present volume: XXI. In the final installment of Le Jeune's Relation for 1633 (the first part was presented in our Vol. V.), the superior describes...
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The 39th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865The Thirty-Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865More than fifty years after the organization of the Thirty-ninth Regiment and its departure for the seat of war, its printed history makes its appearance. The long delay has not arisen from any lack of desire for its preparation,...
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Bell's English History Source BooksThe Welding of the Race ("449"-1066)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two...
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