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Boy of My HeartBoy of My HeartThe Publishers wish to state that this is a book of absolute factnot a work of fiction. From cover to cover it is the truth, and the truth onlya record exact and faithful, both in large things and in small, of...
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Glorious Deeds of Australasians in the Great WarGlorious Deeds of Australasians in the Great WarThe rapid exhaustion of four editions of this book has been accepted by myself as sufficient proof that I have succeeded in carrying out the main idea suggested to me by Mr. Andrew Melrose, the publisher. He...
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"1812" Napoleon I in Russia"1812" Napoleon I in RussiaThe following pages are not offered to the reader as a history of the invasion of Russia by Napoleon. They are but the statement of the basis of observation on which M. Verestchagin has founded his great series of pictures...
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The Daily Telegraph War BooksThe Campaign in Russian PolandThe capture of the important town of Lemberg, the capital of Galicia, by the forces of the Tsar during the first week of September may be said to have marked an epoch in the operations of the gigantic armies contending...
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Suomalaisen taiteen historia pääpiirteissäänSuomalaisen taiteen historia pääpiirteissäänKoska tm ensiminen yritys yhdess jaksossa esitt suomalaisen taiteen historia on kirjoitettu liitteeksi W. Lbken Taiteen Historian suomennokseen, on aineen jrjestely toimitettu pteoksen mukaisesti, mutta mrtessn, mitk taiteelliset ilmit ja taiteen harjoittajat otat mainittavat, mitk ei, tekij luonnollisesti ei ole voinut...
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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte 3La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte 3 - Seconda serie - Lettere, scienze e arti On a souvent reproch aux Franais, dans notre sicle, d'ignorer systmatiquement les langues trangres. Ce reproche, ils ne l'ont mrit qu'un moment. Nulle part pendant deux cents ans...
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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte 2La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte 2 - Seconda serie - Lettere, scienze e arti Nel maggio del 1897, dopo le feste roveretane per il centenario di Antonio Rosmini, io scendevo dal Trentino per le gole precipitose che versano alla mia pianura i...
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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte 1La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte 1 - Seconda serie - Storia Restituendo la corona delle Due Sicilie a quel re Ferdinando che nel 1799 vi aveva esercitato cos feroci vendette, la Santa Alleanza non gl'impose nessuna riserva, n per gli antichi diritti...
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Sixth annual report of the Bureau of ethnology. (1888 N 06 / 1884-1885)Sixth annual report of the Bureau of ethnology. (1888 N 06 / 1884-1885)The prosecution of research among the North American Indians, as directed by act of Congress, was continued during the fiscal year 1884-'85. No change has been made in the general plan upon...
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Famous ImpostorsFamous ImpostorsThe subject of imposture is always an interesting one, and impostors in one shape or another are likely to flourish as long as human nature remains what it is, and society shows itself ready to be gulled. The histories of famous cases of...
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The History of the Prince of Wales' Civil Service RiflesThe History of the Prince of Wales' Civil Service RiflesThis brief story of the 2/15th Battalion, London Regiment, is written, not as a specimen of literary art, but merely as a record of the work of the Battalion during the War of 1914-1918. It...
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CawnporeCawnporeThe Author of this work has made it his aim to preserve a scrupulous fidelity to the original sources of his information. The most trivial allusions, the slightest touches, are equally authentic with the main outlines of the story. The authorities most frequently consulted...
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Gampe's Erzgebirge mit Einschluss der böhmischen Bäder Teplitz, Karlsbad, Franzensbad und Marienbad, des Voigtlandes und des Granulitgebietes an den unteren Mulden. Ein ReisehandbuchGampe's Erzgebirge mit Einschluss der böhmischen Bäder Teplitz, Karlsbad, Franzensbad und Marienbad, des Voigtlandes und des Granulitgebietes an den unteren Mulden. Ein ReisehandbuchUnzhlige Reisen, die der Verfasser des vorliegenden Buches in das beschriebene Gebiet unternommen, seine erzgebirgische Heimathliebe und seine Freude an der eigenartigen...
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Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's des Zweiten. Siebenter Band: enthaltend Kapitel 13 und 14Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's des Zweiten. Siebenter Band: enthaltend Kapitel 13 und 14. Die Heftigkeit der Revolutionen steht gewhnlich im Verhltnis mit der Schwere der Regierungssnden, welche sie herbeigefhrt haben. Es kann daher nicht Wunder nehmen, da die Regierung von Schottland,...
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Slaveholding Weighed in the Balance of Truth, and Its Comparative Guilt IllustratedSlaveholding Weighed in the Balance of Truth, and Its Comparative Guilt IllustratedIn order that we may understand the duties, which we owe to God and our fellow men, relative to the subject of slavery, it is necessary that we examine the institution, in all...
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A Queen of Tears, vol. 2 of 2A Queen of Tears, vol. 2 of 2 - Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway and Princess of Great Britain and IrelandStruensee had now reached the highest pinnacle of power, but no sooner did he gain it than the whole edifice, which he...
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A Queen of Tears, vol. 1 of 2A Queen of Tears, vol. 1 of 2 - Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway and Princess of Great Britain and IrelandSome years ago, when visiting Celle in connection with a book I was writing on Sophie Dorothea, The Love of an Uncrowned...
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The Autobiography of Phineas PettThe Autobiography of Phineas PettIt might be supposed that so ancient a craft as that of shipbuilding would have left some trace in contemporary records of its activities, the methods of its technique, and the personalities of those engaged in it. Yet although references...
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Nine Thousand Miles on a Pullman TrainNine Thousand Miles on a Pullman Train - An Account of a Tour of Railroad Conductors from Philadelphia to the Pacific Coast and ReturnThe writer is not sure that this work will give satisfaction to his many friends who have asked for it; the...
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Turkey the Awakening of Turkey the Turkish Revolution of 1908Turkey; the Awakening of Turkey; the Turkish Revolution of 1908FROM the land of the TurksTurkestan in Central Asiathere descended beginning in A.D. 800 a series of hordes and armies which overran and gradually took possession of that portion of South-Eastern Europe and Western Asia...
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