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The Believer's Confidence in a Faithful GodThe Believer's Confidence in a Faithful God - and the Needless Triumph of His Enemies Considered, in a Sermon, Preached on Lord's Day Morning, November 23, 1817, at Seven O'clock, at the Surrey TabernacleI am come this morning to perform one of the most...
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De Sobremesa crónicas, Quinta Parte (de 5)De Sobremesa; crónicas, Quinta Parte (de 5)Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico...
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What I Remember, Volume 1What I Remember, Volume 1 BY THOMAS ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I SECOND EDITION LONDON RICHARD BENTLEY AND SON Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen 1887 {iv} Richard Clay and Sons, london and bungay. {v} OMNIBUS WICCAMICIS T. ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE...
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The Glory of Grace Effected by Weak MeansThe Glory of Grace Effected by Weak Means - Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached on the Death of Samuel Church, Aged Twelve Years. On Sunday Evening, April 14, 1822, by J. Church, at the Surrey Tabernacle.When David had his mind most divinely...
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L'Atelier de Marie-ClaireL'Atelier de Marie-ClairePendant quelques minutes il y eut dans notre groupe un joyeux bavardage. Puis les quatre tages furent monts rapidement. Et tandis que les autres reprenaient leurs places autour de la table, j'allai m'asseoir devant la machine coudre, tout auprs de la fentre....
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 11, July, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 11, July, 1835LITERARY NOTICES THE CRAYON MISCELLANY, No. II. THE CONQUEST OF FLORIDA, by Hernando de Soto: by Theodore Irving CHANCES AND CHANGES, a domestic story: by the author of "Six Weeks on the Loire." NORTH AMERICAN...
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Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 48, No. XVIII, April, 1854Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 48, No. XVIII, April, 1854FOR the early portion of the season, we illustrate a mantilla of great beauty. It is made of black-green or ruby-colored, with a richly embroidered ornamental design. Should it prove desirable, the upper portion of the...
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De Sobremesa crónicas, Cuarta Parte (de 5)De Sobremesa; crónicas, Cuarta Parte (de 5)Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico...
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Un soir à Hernani, 26 février 1902Un soir à Hernani, 26 février 1902 Title: Un soir Hernani, 26 fvrier 1902 Author: Edmond Rostand Release Date: December 16, 2018 [EBook #58476] Language: French Credits: Produced by Laurent Vogel (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/Canadian...
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Kyläkertomuksia IKyläkertomuksia IKyll Jussin nyt teki kovasti mieli konserttiin. Ei hn olisi malttanut olla poissa konsertista, ei, vaikkapa kotona olisi tuli ollut nurkassa, tai Priita-Maija olisi aikonut ottaa rohki eronsa koko miehest, jos vaan sinne meni. Ja muutoinkin hn oli jo ollut niin monta vuotta...
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Lollingdon Downs, and Other Poems, with SonnetsLollingdon Downs, and Other Poems, with Sonnets O earth, give us the corn, Come rain, come sun; We men who have been born Have tasks undone. Out of this earth Comes the thing birth, The thing unguessed, unwon. O wretched man, that for a...
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The Billiard Room MysteryThe Billiard Room MysterySeeing Bathurst this evening, after a lapse of eight years, has given me a most insistent inclination to set down, for the first time, the real facts of that cause clbre, that was called by the Press at the time, the...
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 07 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 07 (of 12)The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things, appeared anonymously in 1826 in two volumes (9 5 inches), published by Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street. The imprint behind both title-pages is London: Printed by...
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In Pursuit of SpringIn Pursuit of SpringSo far the life of men moving to and fro across the bridges was like the old life that I knew, though down below upon the sparkling waters many birds were alighting, or were already seated like wondrous blossoms upon the...
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Alkuperäisiä kertomuksia entisiltä ajoilta IAlkuperäisiä kertomuksia entisiltä ajoilta I"Jos talonpojat kuleksivat rahaa pyytmss ympri maailmaa, niin jvt tekemtt sek hovin, ett omatkin tyt. Mutta jos he tyllns saavat suorittaa veronsa, niin tekevt he siin sivussa omatkin tyns ja oppivat, hovista saadulla kytnnll, jrjellisesti maata viljelemn", saneli tuo ymmrtvinen...
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Viisas tyttöViisas tyttöI. Tilanne. II. "Neiti Exeterin kasvot." III. "Meille on vain yksi yhteist." IV. Elman uusi puku. V. Lady Alfreton ehdottaa kynti kukkasnyttelyss. VI. Matkalla juhlaan. VII. Mertounin herttuatar ja hnen tyttrens. VIII. "En ole ikipivinni nhnyt sopimattomampaa kohtausta." IX. Piers selittelee maailman tapoja....
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Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 2 (of 2)Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 2 (of 2)Lucy came down with sad eyes and a pale face. Her night had been one of mental pain. She was wondering how much longer she could keep up this mask of cheerfulness--which she would especially have...
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Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 1 (of 2)Within the Maze: A Novel, Vol. 1 (of 2)The house was ugly and old-fashioned, with some added modern improvements, and was surrounded by a really beautiful garden. Though situated close upon a large market town of Northamptonshire, it stood alone, excluded from the noise...
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NovelleNovelle Per ringraziarvi degnamente delle cortesi accogliente che mi faceste in Siviglia, dovrei dedicarvi un libro, nel quale fossero descritte le meraviglie della vostra bellissima citt natale; ma poich quel libro non anche fatto, e a me preme d'esprimervi la mia gratitudine, vi prego...
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TarrTarrLouvrage eust t moins mien: et sa fin principale et perfection, cest destre exactement mien. Je corrigerois bien une erreur accidentale, dequoy je suis plain, ainsi que je cours inadvertemment; mais les imperfections qui sont en moy ordinaires et constantes, ce seroit trahison de...
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