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Connaissance de la DéesseConnaissance de la DéesseUn doute a disparu de l'esprit depuis quelque quarante annes. Une dmonstration dfinitive a rejet parmi les rves l'antique ambition de la quadrature du cercle. Heureux les gomtres, qui rsolvent de temps autre, telle nbuleuse de leur systme; mais les potes...
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Novellenbuch 1. BandNovellenbuch 1. BandEine der schnsten Sammlungen der deutschen Literatur ist der Deutsche Novellenschatz, den Paul Heyse in Gemeinschaft mit Hermann Kurz in den Jahren 1871 bis 1876 herausgab. Die Sammlung fand so groen Beifall, da dem Deutschen Novellenschatz, obwohl er 24 Bnde umfate, 1884...
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Evenor et Leucippe: Les amours de l'Âge d'Or Légende antidéluvienneEvenor et Leucippe: Les amours de l'Âge d'Or; Légende antidéluvienneAu sein du puissant univers, la rencontre des nues comtaires engendra un corps brlant qui roula aussitt dans les abmes du ciel, obissant aux lois qu'il y rencontra, lois ternelles, dont les accidents les plus...
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La dama erranteLa dama errante - La raza, Tomo INota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio...
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Bessy Rane: A NovelBessy Rane: A NovelIt was an intensely dark night. What with the mist that hung around from below, and the unusual gloom above, Dr. Rane began to think he might have done well to bring a lantern with him, to guide his steps up...
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 10, June, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 10, June, 1835LITERARY NOTICES THE INFIDEL, or the Fall of Mexico: by the author of Calavar AN ADDRESS, delivered at his inauguration as President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia, Feb. 21, 1835: by Henry Vethake A HISTORY...
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AmisAmisQuelle mauvaise chance! Oh, mauvaise chance! Figurez-vous que la petite de Semenin, qui je fais la cour depuis tantt deux mois, va rester veuve tout le printemps! Ptersbourg: son mari est Ptersbourg! Pas encore. Mais demain, courses. Elle y sera; l'y rencontrerai, par hasard:...
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Maanantai-tarinoita: ValikoimaMaanantai-tarinoita: ValikoimaAlphonse Daudet (lue: Dodee) on uudemman ranskalaisen kirjallisuuden tunnetuimpia ja suosituimpia nimi. Suurimman maineensa hn on saavuttanut viehttvin pikkukertoelmain ja Pariisin kuohuvaa elm todenmukaisesti kuvaavien romaanien taitavana sepittjn. Runoseppn ja nytelminkirjoittajana mikli hn nit runoudenaloja viljeli hn ei pssyt lheskn yht korkealle. Daudet...
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Histoire de Mlle Brion dite Comtesse de Launay (1754)Histoire de Mlle Brion dite Comtesse de Launay (1754) - Introduction, Essai bibliographique par Guillaume ApollinaireL'histoire de Mlle Brion, dite comtesse de Launay, a t fort mal propos confondue par homonymie (Catalogue remani du comte d'I***) avec l'ouvrage de Gaillard de la Bataille sur...
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Fables de FlorianFables de FlorianIl y a quelque temps qu'un de mes amis, me voyant occup de faire des fables, me proposa de me prsenter un de ses oncles, vieillard aimable et obligeant, qui, toute sa vie, avait aim de prdilection le genre de l'apologue, possdait...
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Dagonet DittiesDagonet Ditties Title: Dagonet Ditties Author: George R. Sims Release Date: November 7, 2018 [EBook #58246] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif, deaurider and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet...
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 10. Scènes de la vie parisienne - Tome 02La Comédie humaine - Volume 10. Scènes de la vie parisienne - Tome 02Cette exclamation chappait un clerc appartenant au genre de ceux quon appelle dans les tudes des saute-ruisseaux, et qui mordait en ce moment de fort bon apptit dans un morceau de...
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Das grosse JagenDas große JagenAm zweiten Februar des Jahres 1733, am Lichtmeabend, peitschte der strmische Westwind ein dickwirbelndes Schneetreiben durch die Gassen von Berchtesgaden. An den Husern waren alle Flurtren versperrt, alle Fensterlden geschlossen. Obwohl die Polizeistunde noch nicht geschlagen hatte, war auf der Marktgasse kein...
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The Book of MonthsThe Book of MonthsThe publisher is informed by the Proprietors of Condys Fluid that their preparation contains no permanganate of potash. In making this correction he desires to express regret if the statement on page 83 has done them an injury. Thick yellow fog,...
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Behold this DreamerBehold this Dreamer Accent, American Weave, Approach, Arizona Quarterly, Beloit Poetry Journal, Canadian Forum, Catholic World, Chelsea Review, Coastlines, Commentary, Cresset, Epos, Fiddlehead, Folio, four quarters, Harper's, Harper's Bazaar, Literary Review, Mexican Life, Naked Ear, New Mexico Quarterly, New Poems 2, New Voices 2,...
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A ReapingA ReapingOF all subjects under or over the sun, there is none perhaps, even including bimetallism, or the lengthy description of golf-links which one has never seen, so utterly below possible zones of interest as that of health. Health, of course, matters quite enormously...
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Oswald Cray: A NovelOswald Cray: A NovelIt was market-day at Hallingham. A moderate-sized and once beautiful town, cut up now by the ugly railroad which had chosen to take its way right through it, and to build a large station on the very spot where the Abbey...
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When You Were a BoyWhen You Were a BoyFAT DAY was captain and pitcher. He was captain because, if he was not, he wouldnt play, and inasmuch as he owned the ball, this would have been disastrous; and he was pitcher because he was captain. In the North...
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Roland YorkeRoland Yorke - A Sequel to "The Channings"It was a warm night at the beginning of March. The air was calm and still; the bright moon was shedding her pure light with unusual brilliancy on the city, lying directly underneath her beams. On the...
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