Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 07, July, 1888The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 07, July, 1888EDITORIAL. President of the Association.Paragraphs Indian Outrage Wade Hampton Mr. Cable's Pamphlet Mrs. Ware Three Commencements THE SOUTH. Notes in the Saddle, By District Secretary Ryder Gregory Institute, Wilmington, N.C. A Day at Tougaloo...
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Dave RanneyDave Ranney - Or, Thirty Years on the Bowery; An Autobiography The autobiography which this book contains is that of a man who through the wonderful dealings of Providence has had a most remarkable experience. I have known the writer for about seventeen years,...
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Poise: How to Attain ItPoise: How to Attain ItAll efforts directed toward the correcting of temperamental or mental blemishes or defects and nervous conditions are of benefit to humanity. In producing this book the Author's purpose was to help mankind to overcome these weaknesses, which are a serious...
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The Practice of the Presence of God the Best Rule of a Holy LifeThe Practice of the Presence of God the Best Rule of a Holy LifeThis book consists of notes of several conversations had with, and letters written by Nicholas Herman, of Lorraine, a lowly and unlearned man, who, after having been a footman and soldier,...
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Men of the Bible Some Lesser-Known CharactersMen of the Bible; Some Lesser-Known CharactersEnoch was the bright particular star of the patriarchal epoch. His record is short, but eloquent. It is crowded into a few words, but every word, when placed under examination, expands indefinitely. Every virtue may be read into...
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Discours de la méthodeDiscours de la méthodeLorsque les cendres de DESCARTES, n en France et mort en Sude, furent rapportes, seize ans aprs sa mort, de Stockholm Paris; lorsque tous les savants, rassembls dans un temple, rendoient sa dpouille des honneurs qu'il n'obtint jamais pendant sa vie,...
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The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. andThe following imperfect sketch of topics to be embraced, may serve to illustrate the plan:1. Instances of very early piety.2. Striking results of Parental faithfulness,...
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Abélard, Tome IIAbélard, Tome IILa nature des genres et des espces a donn lieu la controverse la plus longue peut-tre et la plus anime, certainement la plus abstraite, qui ait passionn l'esprit humain. Rien en effet ne ressemble moins une question pratique, une de ces questions...
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Psychology and AchievementPsychology and Achievement - Being the First of a Series of Twelve Volumes on the Applications of Psychology to the Problems of Personal and Business EfficiencyLest in the text of these volumes credit may not always have been given where credit is due, grateful...
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The Life of James RenwickThe Life of James Renwick - A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And AThe prophet's message to Eli, "Wherefore the Lord God of Israel said * * * THEM THAT HONOUR ME, I WILL HONOUR," (1 Sam. ii. 30,) declares a...
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Cobwebs of ThoughtCobwebs of Thought"The first philosophers, whether Chaldeans or Egyptians, said there must be something within us which produces our thought. That something must be very subtle: it is breath; it is fire, it is ether; it is a quintessence; it is a slender likeness;...
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The Heavenly Footman; Or, A Description of the Man That Gets to HeavenThe Heavenly Footman; Or, A Description of the Man That Gets to Heaven - With Directions How to Run So as to ObtainSolomon saith, that "the desire of the slothful killeth him;" and if so, what will slothfulness itself do to those that entertain...
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Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of SocratesApology, Crito, and Phaedo of SocratesThis dialogue presents us with an account of the manner In which Socrates spent the last day of his, life, and how he met his death. The main subject is that of the soul's immortality, which Socrates takes upon...
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A Love EpisodeA Love Episode mile Zola was born in Paris, April 2, 1840. His father was Francois Zola, an Italian engineer, who constructed the Canal Zola in Provence. Zola passed his early youth in the south of France, continuing his studies at the Lyce St....
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"Beautiful Thoughts""Beautiful Thoughts"The epigrammatic style lends itself to quotation. Taste of the spring brings the traveller back to the same fountain on a day of greater leisure. Many times these "Beautiful Thoughts" have enlightened my darkness, and I send them forth with a hope and...
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A Series of Lessons in Raja YogaA Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga 1906 "When the soul sees itself as a Center surrounded by its circumferencewhen the Sun knows that it is a Sun, surrounded by its whirling planets-then is it ready for the Wisdom and Power of the Masters."...
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Exposition of the Apostles' CreedExposition of the Apostles' CreedWhile the disciples had Jesus with them, there was no occasion for a formal summary of the doctrines which His followers were called to accept and to maintain. He was present to resolve all doubts and settle all difficulties, so...
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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 10, October, 1888The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 10, October, 1888Financial. Annual Meeting Voting MembersParagraphs Qualifications Of Candidates For Mission Work Immigrants And Negroes Book Review Gift Of Books From Mr. Willey The Unconscious Influence Of Our Missionaries Expulsion Of Negroes From Marion, Ark Extracts...
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The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and PhilosophyThe World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy Apocrypha is a Greek word, signifying "secret" or "hidden," but in the sixteenth century it came to be applied to a list of books contained in the Septuagint, or Greek translation of the...
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Filosofía Fundamental, Tomo IFilosofía Fundamental, Tomo IEl ttulo de Filosofa fundamental, no significa una pretension vanidosa, sino el objeto de que se trata. No me lisonjeo en fundar de filosofa, pero me propongo examinar sus cuestiones fundamentales; por esto llamo la obra: Filosofa fundamental. Me ha impulsado...
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