Public Domain
Plague and pestilence in literature and artPlague and pestilence in literature and artThis volume represents substantially the FitzPatrick Lectures which I had the privilege of delivering at the Royal College of Physicians in 1912. Originally I intended to do no more than gather together into a succinct record the various...
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MoongladeMoongladeThe white-coiffed nun stood inside the door, waiting for the tall girl who at the words had briskly risen from the first rank of her fellow-pupils. She was older than any there, and her whole allure as she stepped forward betrayed a certain sense...
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Marguerite or, The Isle of Demons and Other PoemsMarguerite; or, The Isle of Demons and Other PoemsThe poems in this volume have been written at various periods of a busy life, and are widely separated in date of composition. Most of the minor poems have appeared in Canadian periodicals, and some of...
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A Wayfarer's Faith: Aspects of the common basis of religious lifeA Wayfarer's Faith: Aspects of the common basis of religious lifeSome of these pages were originally prepared by the writer for the use of his fellow members in the Society of Friends. He is indebted to the courtesy of the Editor of The Nation...
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Visszaemlékezéseim (2. kötet)Visszaemlékezéseim (2. kötet)Mogorva id s nyirkos hideg volt; az eget szrke felhk boritottk s a fldet hviz lepte el. s n mgis oly bartsgos szinben lttam mindent! elttem tndklt szles e vilgon a legkedvesebb vrosom: Pest, rm mosolygott a Dunapart, s ugy rmlett, mintha...
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Visszaemlékezéseim (1. kötet)Visszaemlékezéseim (1. kötet)A vndor, hajnal ta killott fradalmai utn, alkonyatkor ha megpihen, elmerengve nzi a leldoz napot, s elgondolkozik azon benyomsokon, amiket utjban a tjak, esemnyek s viszontagsgok lelkre tettek. Azutn behunyja szemeit, hogy lomba merljn. n is fradt vndor vagyok, napom mr leldozik,...
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Amoralische FabelnAmoralische FabelnEin junges Schaf lief an der Seite des Bckleins glcklich ber die Wiese. Es schmiegte seine feuchte Schnauze dicht an die Nase seines Gefhrten, und die Lcklein ihrer weichen, wolligen Felle kruselten sich ineinander. Das gefiel dem Schflein, das neben seiner Mutter graste....
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The Greatest Heiress in EnglandThe Greatest Heiress in EnglandA country town, quiet, simple, and dull, chiefly of old construction, but with a few new streets and scattered villas of modern flimsiness, a river flowing through it, dulled and stilled with the frost; trees visible in every direction, blocking...
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Utazás a föld központja felé (2. rész)Utazás a föld központja felé (2. rész)Buksom utn sok vrem elfolyt. Vremmel voltam elzva. Mennyire sajnltam, hogy meg nem haltam, hogy a hall mg elttem llott! Tbb nem akartam gondolkodni. Mintegy kizrni lelkembl igyekeztem az eszmket, s a fjdalom ltal vgkp kimeritve, az alagut...
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Utazás a föld központja felé (1. rész)Utazás a föld központja felé (1. rész)n magam maradtam. Nem remlhetm, hogy, tekintve sajt hatrozatlan jellememet, kpes legyek a vilg minden tanrainak legingerlkenyebbikt kapacitlni. Ennlfogva fels emeleti kis szobmba vonulni szndkoztam, midn az utczaajt nagy robajjal megnyilt, a falpcsn nehz lptek kopogsa hallatszott s...
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Modern cosmogoniesModern cosmogoniesOf the sixteen chapters constituting this little work, thirteen have been published as a series, begun in Knowledge and continued in Knowledge and Illustrated Scientific News, and to the proprietors of those journals, for their courteous permission to reprint them, I offer my...
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English Folk-Song and DanceEnglish Folk-Song and DanceWhen I travelled I took a particular delight in hearing the songs and fables that are come down from father to son, and are most in vogue among the common people of the countries through which I passed; for it is...
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A Record of Buddhistic KingdomsA Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms - Being an account by the Chinese monk Fâ-hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline1. Nothing of great importance is known about F-hien in addition to what may...
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On the Brink of a Chasm: A record of plot and passionOn the Brink of a Chasm: A record of plot and passionThere was a crush at Mrs. Eversheds beautiful house in Mark Place, and she now stood at the head of the staircase receiving her guests. Her face wore a smile, and conventional words...
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Zur neuen Lehre: BetrachtungenZur neuen Lehre: BetrachtungenUnter neuer Lehre mchten wir eine Weltanschauung verstanden wissen, welche ihre Mglichkeit vorausgesetzt einen zuverlssigeren und vollkommeneren Inhalt an Stelle des Gottes- und Unsterblichkeitsglaubens setzt. Neu wrde die Lehre im Gegensatz zur Religion, als der alten Lehre, genannt zu werden verdienen,...
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The Lore of the Honey-BeeThe Lore of the Honey-BeeOne of the oldest and prettiest fables in ancient mythology is that which deals with the origin of the honey-bee. It was to Melissa and her sister Amalthea, the beautiful daughters of the King of Crete, that the god Jupiter...
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Werwile of the Crystal CryptWerwile of the Crystal CryptHis black science threatened the whole cosmos. Against him frail Princess Nuala thrust her ancient knowledgebut he sneeringly smashed that. And space-toughened Clark Travis stood by helplessly. Of what use here was a pair of ready fists? He should have...
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Spacemen Are BornSpacemen Are BornMust I hear the spacemen's songs and the stories they tell, so that the breath of romance aches each day in my bones? For here on Earth's cool moon I am as close to the sky as I need be, and the...
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A history of Italian literatureA history of Italian literatureI think, says Jowett, writing to John Addington Symonds (August 4, 1890), that you are happy in having unlocked so much of Italian literature, certainly the greatest in the world after Greek, Latin, English. To have interpreted one such literature...
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Venus HateVenus HateNot that Selo was an ordinary Venusian woman. Even in her madness, as she babbled to the patrol about red dust devils and punctured thermiteens, there was a haunting beauty about her. Those deep-set violet eyes, the blue-black hair, the shapely, well-rounded bodyeasy...
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