Public Domain
The Book of NatureThe Book of Nature - Containing information for young people who think of getting married, on the philosophy of procreation and sexual intercourse, showing how to prevent conception and to avoid child-bearing: also, rules for management during labor and child-birthWithin the past few years,...
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The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 6 (of 6)The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 6 (of 6)Remedies for the stings of serpents, for the bites of dogs, and for injuries indicted by venomous animals. The sea-dragon: three remedies. Twenty-five remedies derived from salted fish. The sarda: one remedy. Eleven remedies derived from...
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A Bill of Divorcement: A Play in Three ActsA Bill of Divorcement: A Play in Three ActsScene.A small house in the country. The action passes on Christmas Day, 1933. The audience is asked to imagine that the recommendations of the Majority Report of the Royal Commission on Divorce v. Matrimonial Causes have...
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The City of the Sacred WellThe City of the Sacred WellThis book is primarily an attempt to recount the many thrilling experiences of Edward Herbert Thompson in his lifelong quest for archological treasures in the ancient and abandoned city of Chi-chen Itza, for centuries buried beneath the jungle of...
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Kellastuneita lehtiäKellastuneita lehtiä Syyskylmst ne lehdet kellastui, tien oheen taakseni ne jivt, ne palaa niinkuin thdet tummat, suuret, ne hyst tarhataimieni juuret, niin kunnes tulee taas ne kevn pivt. Ne lehdet elonpuusta irtaantui, ne suven lapsia on sentn, ne kiilt, kuultaa niinkuin veri, kulta Kun...
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Pictures of PeoplePictures of PeopleThanks are due to Messrs. Mitchell & Miller, Harper & Brothers, Charles Scribners Sons, The Century Company, Stone & Kimball, and The London Graphic, for their kind permission to reproduce a number of the drawings included in this collection. Sympathetic plain friend...
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Ei rahallakaan: KertomusEi rahallakaan: KertomusErn Moskova-joelle antavan umpikadun varrella, lhell vanhanaikuista kirkkoa helen-vihreine kupoolineen ja avoimine, valkoisine kivitapulineen, oli sijansa saanut uhkea, avara ja korealaitteinen kauppiaantalo. Ylhlt alas asti ljyvrill maalattuna tht se kokonaisine peiliruutuineen umpikadulle, tiheiden sireeni-, orjanruusu- ja kuusamapensasten takaa, ymprityn vahvalla harkkorautaisella ristikkoaidalla....
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The Golden Boys on the River DriveThe Golden Boys on the River DriveTwo boys were standing on a little wharf looking out over the ice covered surface of Moosehead Lake in northern Maine. They were fine specimens of American boyhood. Bob Golden, nineteen years old, lacked but a trifle of...
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Atolls of the SunAtolls of the SunAtolls of the Sun is a book of experiences, impressions, and dreams in the strange and lonely islands of the South Seas. It does not aim to be literal, or sequential, though everything in it is the result of my wanderings...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 630Some Common Birds Useful to the Farmer (1915 edition)Whether a bird is beneficial or injurious depends almost entirely upon what it eats. In the case of species which are very abundant, or which feed to some extent on the crops of the farmer, the...
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Untuvan avioliittoUntuvan avioliitto " sill sinun issi ei ole jttnyt jlkeens muuta kuin velkoja, etk sin omista pennikn" Oi! tunnen tuon virren! Sin olet veisannut sit minulle niin usein, etten ensi hdss sit unohda, ole varma siit! Sen thden, ett min en tahdo menn naimisiin...
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Kuinka vaimon sain: Leikillinen kertomusKuinka vaimon sain: Leikillinen kertomusAikaa voittaen oli minusta ehtinyt tulla vanha poika. Olin heittelehtnyt mailmassa ymprins, milloin sinne, milloin tnne. Vliin oli pni levnnyt pehmell tyynyll, vliin oli vsynyt ruumiini saanut tyyty herneenvarsiin vuoteenaan. Mutta sit mukaa kuin vanhenin, eivt herneenvarret minua yht hyvin...
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Climate and Time in Their Geological RelationsClimate and Time in Their Geological Relations - A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's ClimateThe Fundamental Problem of Geology.The investigation of the successive changes and modifications which the earths crust has undergone during past ages is the province of geology. It will...
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Ignotus novelláibólIgnotus novelláibólHat rtl fogva settsg volt az egsz tartomnyban. Hideg harmat csapdott le az rnykba borult kiaszott fldre; mg akin ruha volt is, megdermedt ltben vagy lltban. A megfesztettnek gyakor bjttl, hitvny tpllktl, sok virrasztstl lefogyott meztelen testt a hidegsg, a vrveszts, a gytrelem,...
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La città italiana nell'alto Medio Evo: Il periodo langobardo-francoLa città italiana nell'alto Medio Evo: Il periodo langobardo-franco La storia delle condizioni delle citt italiane nell'alto medio evo fu oggetto di gravi e fondamentali ricerche, per opera di numerosi storici italiani e stranieri, a cominciare dal Muratori, dal Fumagalli, dal Sismondi, dal Pagnoncelli...
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The Boy WhalemanThe Boy WhalemanWhen I was a boy, New Bedford was not, as it is now, a great manufacturing city, but the best known and largest whaling port in the world. The wharves were then busy places; there vessels were fitted, as they used to...
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A guide, descriptive and historical, through the Town of ShrewsburyA guide, descriptive and historical, through the Town of ShrewsburyShrewsbury, the capital town of Shropshire, lies nearly in the centre of that fertile county, and occupies a commanding eminence which gradually rises from the bed of the river Severn, whose stream gracefully bends its...
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The Arabian Nights' EntertainmentsThe Arabian Nights' EntertainmentsThis text is based on what is called the Grub Street edition of the One Thousand and One Nights, that first appeared in London in 1706. It was translated indirectly by anonymous translator(s) from the French translation of Antoine Galland titled...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 67Forestry for FarmersSir: I have the honor to recommend that the two articles contributed by me to the Yearbooks for 1894 and for 1895 on forestry for farmers be reprinted as a Farmers' Bulletin. The articles contain information in popular form regarding the growth...
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