Public Domain
United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 64Ducks and Geese: Standard Breeds and ManagementSir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication as a Farmers' Bulletin, an article on Ducks and Geese, prepared by Mr George E. Howard, secretary of the National Poultry and Pigeon Association. It comprises an enumeration...
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The Belt of 7 Totems: A Story of MassasoitThe Belt of Seven Totems: A Story of MassasoitThe following story is not intended as a history; it is merely an effort to reconcile certain apparently conflicting facts and to explain an otherwise inexplicable situation. At the time of the Pilgrim Fathers all American...
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The Camp Fire Boys at Log Cabin Bend Or, Four Chums Afoot in the Tall TimberThe Camp Fire Boys at Log Cabin Bend; Or, Four Chums Afoot in the Tall TimberThats a fact; and say, I might have noticed it before now, only I was so busy watching some honey-bees working in the wild flowers alongside the road, and...
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The Old Oak TreeThe Old Oak TreeFirst, at the foot of it, lived Bunny the Rabbit, with Mrs. Bunny, his wife, and a fine family of sixteen children. There they ran in and out, cocking up their little white tails, and popping into their hole as quick...
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A szentlélek lovagjaA szentlélek lovagja Ne kapkodd a fejedet, des fiam, mert n beleltok m. n tudom, des j fiam, hogy mi van benne Nekem hiba nyalod magadat kivlrl angol lordra, bell egy szegny kupecivadk ijedt lelke reszket benned. -6- Nekem hiba adod a tudst, n...
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The Superstition of DivorceThe Superstition of DivorceThe earlier part of this book appeared in the form of five articles which came out in the New Witness at the crisis of the recent controversy in the Press on the subject of divorce. Crude and sketchy as they confessedly...
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Loges et coulissesLoges et coulissesGabrielle Rju est ne dans lun des quartiers les plus purement parisiens de la capitale, 14, rue de la Douane, quartier de commerce et dindustrie, qui nest pas encore le faubourg et qui nest pas le boulevard. Son enfance sest donc passe...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 630Some Common Birds Useful to the Farmer (1926 edition)FROM a purely practical point of view the most important of the relations of native birds to man are the economic. The esthetic value of birds is greatgreater, indeed, than that of any other group of...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin no. 816Street TreesTHE COMFORT to be derived from shade trees has long been recognized. The early settlers of this country saved fine trees about their homes, on the village greens, along the country roads, and in the fields. Later, as villages grew, the householders planted...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 43Sewage Disposal on the Farm, and Protection of Drinking WaterThe conditions under which homes and their surroundings are kept healthful in the city and in the country differ in many respects, although the principles underlying them are essentially the same. In the city the...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 54Some Common Birds in Their Relation to AgricultureIt has long been known that birds play an important part in relation to agriculture, but there seems to be a tendency to dwell on the harm they do rather then on the good. Whether a bird...
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Sári biró: VigjátékSári biró: Vigjáték(Nyirsgi paraszthz. Az u. n. htuls hz; a nappali, lakszoba, rendes, de tlzsufolt; butorokkal s hzi lommal tele. A birn ingvllban srg-forog, takarit, Verni egy szken nnepl ruhban, idegenl megl magnak, Pista kukoricza-csutkval jtszik a boglyakemencze tvben. Valamennyien az ersen -z nyelvjrs...
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Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden (3/3)Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden (3/3)Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1913 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate wurden nicht korrigiert. Der Autor verwendet Elisionen, die...
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Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden (2/3)Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden (2/3)Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1913 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate wurden nicht korrigiert. Der Autor verwendet Elisionen, die...
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Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden (1/3)Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden (1/3)Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1913 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate wurden nicht korrigiert.. Der Autor verwendet Elisionen, die...
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LandschaftenLandschaftenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1909 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird. Die...
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The Castle of TwilightThe Castle of TwilightWistfully I deliver up to you my simple story, knowing that the first suggestion of historical novel will bring before you an image of dreary woodenness and unceasing carnage. Yet if you will have the graciousness but to unlock my castle...
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The Life of Hector Berlioz as Written by Himself in His Letters and MemoirsThe Life of Hector Berlioz as Written by Himself in His Letters and MemoirsAutobiography is open to the charge of egoism; somewhat unjustly since, in writing of oneself, the personal note must predominate and, in the case of a geniussure of his goal and...
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A Tale of Brittany (Mon frère Yves)A Tale of Brittany (Mon frère Yves)Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XIX...
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Harold's Town and Its VicinityHarold's Town and Its Vicinity - Waltham Abbey, Waltham Cross, Cheshunt, and High Beech, Epping ForestWith a view to making future Editions of this Handbook as accurate and comprehensive as possible, suggestions for its improvement are cordially invited. If sent to The Editor, The...
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