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Flaming YouthFlaming YouthMen writers when they write of women, do so without comprehension. Men understand women only as women choose to have them, with one exception, the family physician. He knows. He sees through the body to the soul. But he may not tell what...
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La kialo de la vivoLa kialo de la vivoLa homo instruita, la pensulo, sentas la vanecon de la dogmoj, kaj li konstatas kun timego la profundegaon fositan de la eltrovoj de la scienco, profundegao kiu lin forigas por iam de la sanktaj tekstoj, se li amas iom la...
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Politikai divatok: RegényPolitikai divatok: RegényHiba mondjk neknk, vlaszsztok kln a magnletet a kzlettl; tudjatok rzelmesek lenni, mint a nmet, praktikusok, mint az angol, elmsek mint a franczia; kltk azok, a nlkl, hogy politizlnnak. Irjatok gy, hogy az elmondott mese ne legyen feltnen magyar trtnet, tele a...
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Al mia fratineto: Letero pri la seksvivoAl mia fratineto: Letero pri la seksvivoVi certe iomete miros, ricevante tiel longan leteron de via fratego, kaj ne komprenos, kio estas la kazo. Eble vi pensas, ke nepre ekzistas tre serioza kaj grava motivo, ar vi ja ne estas dorlotata per miaj leteroj;...
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Der Sohn: Ein Drama in fünf AktenDer Sohn: Ein Drama in fünf AktenIch bin zwanzig Jahre alt und knnte am Theater sein oder in Johannisburg Viadukte bauen. Weshalb mu es an der Formel fr den abgestumpften Kegel scheitern! Alle Professoren waren mir gewogen, sogar der Direktor sagte mir vor. Ich...
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The Tahquitch Maiden: A Tale of the San JacintosThe Tahquitch Maiden: A Tale of the San JacintosTahquitch Mountain is one of the peaks of the celebrated San Jacinto range. Its contour is peculiar, and on its summit is a huge rock known as Tahquitch Rock. The Indians aver that this rock covers...
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Kaksi pakolaista: Austraalialainen kertomusKaksi pakolaista: Austraalialainen kertomusSquatteri [Squatter'eiksi nimitetn Austraaliassa suurien lammas- ja sarvikarjalaumojen omistajia, joilla tavallisesti on vuokralla suunnattomia aloja aro- ja ruohomaata. Squattereja on thn asti pidetty Austraalian ylimyksin. Suom. muist.] Powellin perhe Murray-joen varrella Austraaliassa oli kauhun vallassa. Mustan poliisivoiman pllikk, luutnantti Walker, oli...
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Mahatma Gandhi: The Man Who Became One With the Universal BeingMahatma Gandhi: The Man Who Became One With the Universal BeingIn connection with the present essay I wish to tender my affectionate thanks to my faithful collaborator, my sister, and to my friend, Kalidas Nag, whose deep knowledge and indefatigable kindness have guided my...
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Selenium cellsSelenium cells - The construction, care and use of selenium cells with special reference to the Fritts cellThe lack of definite information relative to the construction of selenium cells has led the writer to put in this form the results of some of his...
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La perfecta casadaLa perfecta casadaEN QUE SE HABLA DE LAS LEYES Y CONDICIONES DEL ESTADO DEL MATRIMONIO, Y DE LA ESTRECHA OBLIGACIN QUE CORRE LA CASADA DE EMPLEARSE EN EL CUMPLIMIENTO DELLAS. Este nuevo estado en que Dios ha puesto vuestra merced, sujetndola las leyes del...
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General History of Civilisation in Europe, From the Fall of the Roman Empire Till the French Revolution. A Treatise on Death PunishmentsGeneral History of Civilisation in Europe, From the Fall of the Roman Empire Till the French Revolution. A Treatise on Death Punishments. It may be asked, perhaps, what I hope from this work? I do not hope, I admit, that governments will be convinced...
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L'anti-moine: nos numerus sumus & fruges consumere natisL'anti-moine: nos numerus sumus & fruges consumere natisA tous les Etres pensants, morts, ns & natre, Salut, joie, bndiction, sant. Que chacun prenne ce qui lui convient, je ne me charge en aucune faon de faire les lots, j'aurois trop courir. Mes chers confreres,...
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Wulffie ja Kumpp: Näytelmä kolmessa näytöksessäWulffie ja Kumpp: Näytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä Paris 16 pn Tammikuuta WULFF WULFFIE, Konsuli ja Tukkukauppias. Rouva LINDA WULFFIE, hnen vaimonsa. KARNA, 24 vuotias | ELINA, 17 vuotias | heidn tyttrens. OTTAR, heidn poikansa. SELMA REINSKOUG, hnen morsiamensa. Set MADS, koroillaan elj, rouvan sukulainen. FRANTS...
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The Archives of Dentistry, Vol. VII, No. 4, April 1890The Archives of Dentistry, Vol. VII, No. 4, April 1890The bleaching of teeth has, from the first introduction of a positive method, been met with remarkable indifference and, at times, positive prejudice. Why this should be will remain a problem. The teeth that require...
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When They Were GirlsWhen They Were GirlsWhen They Were Girls contains the stories of a group of American women, each one of whom occupies a very important place in her particular field. The stories of these women have been written many times before. We feel, however, that...
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Stonehenge, a Temple Restor'd to the British DruidsStonehenge, a Temple Restor'd to the British DruidsA few years ago I spent some time every summer in viewing, measuring, and considering the works of the ancient Druids in our Island; I mean those remarkable circles of Stones which we find all over the...
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Het Leven der Dieren, Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 6: De WormenHet Leven der Dieren, Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 6: De WormenNa de Gewervelde en de Gelede Dieren liggen de Wormen aan de beurt. De grenzen van deze hoofdafdeeling hebben belangrijke veranderingen ondergaan sedert den tijd toen Linnaeus het geheele dierenrijk in 6 klassen verdeelde, n.l....
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L'Oeuvre Poètique de Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du MalL'Oeuvre Poètique de Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du MalExprimer avec libert ce qui est du domaine des murs, on ne connat pas de courage plus grand chez un crivain. Choderlos de Laclos s'y appliqua avec une prcision pour la premire fois vraiment mathmatique. 1782,...
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AttitudeAttitudeTheir captors had a very curious system, a very curious motivation. The captives were allowed toeven encouraged tobuild devices to bring about their escape. Only at the last moment, mysteriously, the captors always stopped them Dr. Little woke up abruptly, with a distinct sensation...
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Vita mondanaVita mondana Nella elegante portineria olandese, nicchiata nel verde, di fianco al cancello del giardino, il sopraggiungere di Alberto Mentena non cagion meraviglia alcuna. La linda portinaja si alz premurosamente per aprir l'uscio che metteva sul viale e accompagn il giovane, sinch pot vederlo,...
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