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The Elves of Mount FernThe Elves of Mount FernThey live in Elfland, and Elfland can be found in every corner of the globe. They take up their abode on wooded hillsides, beside murmuring streams, or in deep, leafy forests. In the dead of night, when all the world...
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Modern Cotton Spinning Machinery, Its Principles and ConstructionModern Cotton Spinning Machinery, Its Principles and ConstructionIn submitting the following pages to the judgment of the public, the Author does not pretend to have written an exhaustive treatise. This would require a volume much larger than the present. It has rather been his...
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George Washington or, Life in America One Hundred Years AgoGeorge Washington; or, Life in America One Hundred Years Ago.As Columbus and La Salle were the most prominent of the Pioneers of America, so was Washington the most illustrious of its Patriots. In the career of Columbus we have a vivid sketch of life...
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The Book of the Homeless (Le livre des sans-foyer)The Book of the Homeless (Le livre des sans-foyer)Last year, among the waifs swept to Paris by the great torrent of the flight from the North, there came to the American Hostels a little acrobat from a strolling circus. He was not much more...
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Sarah BernhardtSarah BernhardtMy Dear Huret, You have given me an attack of vertigo. I have been reading your biography of our illustrious friend. Its rapid, nervous style, its accumulation of dates and facts, its hurried rush of scenery and events flying past as though seen...
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My Queen: A Weekly Journal for Young Women. Issue 3, October 13, 1900My Queen: A Weekly Journal for Young Women. Issue 3, October 13, 1900 - Marion Marlowe's True Heart; or, How a Daughter ForgaveIssued Weekly. By Subscription $2.50 per year. Entered as Second Class Matter at the N. Y. Post Office, by Street & Smith,...
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The Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origins of ReligionsThe Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origins of Religions TWO main schools of religious thinking exist in our midst at the present day: the school of humanists and the school of animists. This work is to some extent an...
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On Sunset Highways: A Book of Motor Rambles in CaliforniaOn Sunset Highways: A Book of Motor Rambles in California The publishers tell me that the first large edition of "On Sunset Highways" has been exhausted and that the steady demand for the book warrants a reprint. I have, therefore, improved the occasion to...
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A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (2. kötet)A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (2. kötet)Biz az pedig valsgosan Velkovics Rozlia volt s nincs benne semmi rdngssg, hogy volt, hiszen tudjuk, hogy Velkovics Gyrgy uram s csaldja minden vben Somlyn tlt nhny napot. Trencsnben ms a bon-ton, mint egyebtt. A trencsni high-life...
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A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (1. kötet)A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (1. kötet)Mikszth Klmn annak a nemzedknek szellemt kpviseli irodalmunkban, a mely gyermekkort az abszolutizmus idejben tlttte ugyan, de mr a kiegyezs utni vilgban cseperedett fel s lpett ki az letbe. Mint a korszak jellemz kpviseli csaknem mind, is...
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Admiral's LightAdmiral's LightThrusting his tousled head through the trap-door, Miles made his third and last inspection for the night. Fierce yellow light flooded the glass cage; against the panes, like restless, irritated snowflakes, a few belated moths fluttered in vain. The circular base of the...
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A Method of Tanning without BarkA Method of Tanning without BarkText printed in an Irish typeface is denoted by use of the font Old English Text MT or Old English. Without one of these fonts installed you may not be able to discern any difference from the surrounding text....
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Motherhood and the Relationships of the SexesMotherhood and the Relationships of the SexesIn writing at last this book on Motherhood, which for so many years has had a place in my thoughts, one truth has forced itself upon me; the predominant position of Woman in her natural relation to the...
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Illustrated biographies of the great artistsSir Edwin LandseerThe text of a former work on the early productions of Sir Edwin Landseer has been, for the second time, revised and extended by the author; and the subject has been continued to the death of the artist. The biographers aim is...
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Studies in the Evolutionary Psychology of FeelingStudies in the Evolutionary Psychology of FeelingThis work does not profess to be a treatise on the subject of feeling, but merely a series of studies, and rather tentative ones at that. I have attempted to deduce from the standpoint of biologic evolution the...
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Maanalaiset: Seikkailuromaani kapinahankkeiden vakoilustaMaanalaiset: Seikkailuromaani kapinahankkeiden vakoilustaKivinen kiirehti alkoovin taa ja sielt alkoi kuulua laatikoitten aukomista ja sulkemista. Koskela ojentautui mukavasti nojatuolissa ja sytytti savukkeen. Hn oli vhn alle keskipituinen, mutta hartiakas, tanakka. Kasvot olivat jyrkkpiirteiset, leuka voimakas, iho ahavoittunut, silmt kirkkaan ruskeat, tukka lyhyeksi sotilasmaisesti leikattu....
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Älä hellitä!Älä hellitä!I. Ukko Juhl Aa-vuonolta. Sillikuningas Seudun kuningas. II. Juhlin venheen suuri lytretki. III. Silli ja lemmenoikkuja. IV. Taipuako? Ei, mieluummin taitun! V. Hankauksia. VI. Liivaripuomilla mietiskelemss. VII. Sinihai. VIII. Rejer yvahtina ja halonhakkaajana. IX. Ystvyyden tulikoe. X. Rejer luotaa ensimmist permiest ja pohja...
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Famous Composers and Their Works, Vol. 2Famous Composers and Their Works, Vol. 2 N the river Leitha, in Lower Austria, and some fifteen miles south-east from Vienna, is a village so insignificant that it is not set down on the ordinary maps. It is called Rohrau, and there, during the...
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Hints on Child-trainingHints on Child-trainingHints on Child-Training may be helpful, where a formal treatise on the subject would prove bewildering. It is easier to see how one phase or another of childrens needs is to be met, than it is to define the relation of that...
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