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The Principles of Leather ManufactureThe Principles of Leather ManufactureThe origin of the present work was an attempt to prepare a second edition of the little Text-Book of Tanning which the Author published in 1885, and which has been long out of print. Though persevered in for years, the...
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Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de VinciIntroduction à la méthode de Léonard de Vinci1894 Il reste d'un homme ce que donnent songer son nom, et les uvres qui font de ce nom un signe d'admiration, de haine ou d'indiffrence. Nous pensons qu'il a pens, et nous pouvons retrouver entre ses...
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Émile Zola, Novelist and Reformer: An Account of His Life & WorkÉmile Zola, Novelist and Reformer: An Account of His Life & WorkThis book is an attempt to chronicle the chief incidents in the life of the late mile Zola, and to set out the various aims he had in view at different periods of...
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Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the PublicLetter on Corpulence, Addressed to the PublicOf all the parasites that affect humanity I do not know of, nor can I imagine any more distressing than that of Obesity, and having just emerged from a very long probation in this affliction, I am desirous...
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History of Texas LandHistory of Texas LandHere is the story of Texas land. And the story of Texas land is the story of Texas. This history begins with the Spanish in Texas, goes through the period of the Mexican occupation, tells about a courageous people who forced...
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The Health MasterThe Health Master To George W. Goler, M.D., a type of the courageous, unselfish, and far-sighted health official, whom the enlightened and progressive city of Rochester, N. Y., hires to keep it well, on the Chinese plan, this book is inscribed, with the hope...
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Index for Works of Willis George EmersonIndex for Works of Willis George Emerson - Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Title: Index for Works of Willis George Emerson Subtitle: Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Author: Willis George Emerson and David Widger Release Date: July 19,...
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Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in philology, literature and archaeology, vol. 3, no. 2A Primer of Mayan HieroglyphicsIn the following pages I have endeavored with the greatest brevity to supply the learner with the elements necessary for a study of the native hieroglyphic writing of Central America. The material is already so ample that in many directions...
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CranfordCranfordMy father has written of the memories connected with the writing of books, and of the scenes and feelings which are printed on the pages, quite other from those which they recount. And there are also the associations of the readers as well as...
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Index for Works of Rudyard KiplingIndex for Works of Rudyard Kipling - Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Title: Index for Works of Rudyard Kipling Subtitle: Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Author: Rudyard Kipling and David Widger Release Date: July 18, 2018 [EBook #57538]...
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Index for Works of Harold FredericIndex for Works of Harold Frederic - Hyperlinks to All Chapters of All Individual Ebooks Chapter I. "The French Are in the Valley!" Chapter II. Setting Forth How the Girl Child Was Brought to Us. Chapter III. Master Philip Makes His Bow--And Behaves Badly...
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He Knew LincolnHe Knew Lincoln Did I know Lincoln? Well, I should say. See that chair there? Take it, set down. Thats right. Comfortable, aint it? Well, sir, Abraham Lincoln has set in that chair hours, him and Little Doug, and Logan and Judge Davis, all...
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Medical Sketches of the Expedition to Egypt, from IndiaMedical Sketches of the Expedition to Egypt, from IndiaIn consequence of orders, from the Court of Directors to the Government in India, it became my duty to give some account of the health of the troops employed on the late expedition from India to...
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Kynällä ja kiväärillä: "Sissin" itsenäisyys- ja vapaustaistelumme ajaltaKynällä ja kiväärillä: "Sissin" itsenäisyys- ja vapaustaistelumme ajaltaIhminen kaipaa aina uutta. Se ominaisuus on se tuli, jonka Prometeus muinoin tempasi taivaasta, saattaen teollaan ihmiskunnan edistyksen tielle. Niin pian kuin joku asia, toiminta mik hyvns alkaa menn aina samaa uneliasta vanhaa latuansa, silmt ummessa, puoli...
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Three short stories from "The Captain" volume XXVIIThree short stories from "The Captain" volume XXVII - How Dymock Came to Derry; Jack Devereux's Scoop; The Powder HulkMr. Percy F. Westerman has contributed these stories to "THE CAPTAIN, A MAGAZINE FOR BOYS & 'OLD BOYS.'", volume XXVII, published in 1912, by George...
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Passages from the Life of a PhilosopherPassages from the Life of a PhilosopherSOME men write their lives to save themselves from ennui, careless of the amount they inflict on their readers. Others write their personal history, lest some kind friend should survive them, and, in showing off his own talent,...
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MermaidMermaidI have adopted no child, said Capn John Smiley with coldness. A child was saved from the wreck of the Mermaid and the men at the station have adopted her. The fancy struck them andI certainly had no objection. Itsshesa girl, a little girl...
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Volcanoes of the United StatesVolcanoes of the United StatesFew natural forces are as spectacular and threatening, or have played such a dominant role in shaping the face of the Earth, as erupting volcanoes. Volcanism has built some of the worlds greatest mountain ranges, covered vast regions with lava...
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Lexington and Concord: A Camera ImpressionLexington and Concord: A Camera ImpressionEvery American, since his early school days, has been definitely conscious of the two tranquil New England towns which share the distinction of being the birthplace of the American Revolution. Their story has been told so well and so...
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