Public Domain
Warwick, the KingmakerWarwick, the KingmakerOf all the great men of action who since the Conquest have guided the course of English policy, it is probable that none is less known to the reader of history than Richard Neville Earl of Warwick and Salisbury. The only man...
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Kuoleman tarkoitusKuoleman tarkoitusEnnenkuin nm muistot himmenevt, tahtoisin kirjoittaa ne paperille. Tll sairaalassani Saint-Guillaume kadun varrella sota on sen muuttanut kenttlasaretiksi on minulla sangen vhn aikaa: neljkymment vuodetta, ja kaikki aina kytnnss. Ja millaisia haavoitettuja! Meit on kaksi lkri. Sanoinko kaksi! Kirurgimme ei tule muulloin kuin...
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A Narrative of the Melancholy Wreck of the "Dunbar," Merchant Ship, on the South Head of Port Jackson, August 20th, 1875A Narrative of the Melancholy Wreck of the "Dunbar," Merchant Ship, on the South Head of Port Jackson, August 20th, 1875In the preparation of our illustrations it will be at once seen that no expense or trouble has been spared. The drawings are by...
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Notes of a Gold Digger, and Gold Diggers' GuideNotes of a Gold Digger, and Gold Diggers' GuideGold Fields have a most bewitching influence upon fallen humanity. The very name begets a spasmodic affection of the limbs, which want to be off. Then man, as a mere lover of beauty, cannot help wishing...
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Dell'antico stato del lago di Pusiano nell'alto MilaneseDell'antico stato del lago di Pusiano nell'alto Milanese Pochi fra gli scrittori, che s'occuparono della storia antica del milanese ebbero cura d'investigarne la corografia parlando anzi di questa bene spesso solo per incidenza o con brevi parole, se eccettuiamo il Giulini ed il P....
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The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, Volume 05The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, Volume 05 - The Roman RepublicA comprehensive narrative of the rise and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great writers of all ages: edited, with the assistance of a distinguished...
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The Puppet Show of MemoryThe Puppet Show of MemoryTranscribers Note: A few obvious printers mistakes have been corrected (in particular in the Index, where entries often didnt match the spelling given in the main text, and have been changed to do so); any remaining errors are the authors...
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Heroines of French SocietyHeroines of French Society - in the Court, the Revolution, the Empire and the RestorationIN the histories of the four women whose lives are here related, I have tried, as far as is possible in the limited space, to give an idea of the...
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The Scarecrow or The Glass of Truth: A Tragedy of the LudicrousThe Scarecrow; or The Glass of Truth: A Tragedy of the LudicrousBut for a fantasy of Nathaniel Hawthorne, this play, of course, would never have been written. In Mosses from an Old Manse, the Moralized Legend Feathertop relates, in some twenty pages of its...
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Beethoven and His ForerunnersBeethoven and His ForerunnersThe modern view of history is vivified by a principle scarcely dreamed of before the middle of the last century; the conception which permeates all our interpretations of the story of the world, which illuminates our study of all its phases,...
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Girls of the Morning-Glory Camp FireGirls of the Morning-Glory Camp FireThe author expresses her indebtedness to Dr. Frank G. Speck of the University of Pennsylvania and to Dr. Jacob D. Sapir for permission to reprint the nonsense-syllables and music of the Leaf Dance, from their records made among the...
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Enchanted IndiaEnchanted IndiaThe air is heavy with indefinable perfume. We are already coasting the Indian shore, but it remains invisible, and gives no sign but by these gusts of warmer air laden with that inscrutable aroma of musk and pepper. A lighthouse to port, which...
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The Three Voyages of Captain Cook Round the World. Vol. II. Being the Second of the First VoyageThe Three Voyages of Captain Cook Round the World. Vol. II. Being the Second of the First VoyageAt four oclock in the afternoon of Friday the 9th of February, we tacked, and stood S. W. till eight oclock the next morning; when, being not...
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Salaperäinen vihollinen: Kertomus salapoliisi Asbjörn Kragin elämästäSalaperäinen vihollinen: Kertomus salapoliisi Asbjörn Kragin elämästäI. Ensiminen merkillinen piv. II. Shksanoma. III. Epluulo. IV. Lain nimess. V. Kuulustelu. VI. Hevosen selss. VII. Dagny. VIII. Jlki. IX. Ers tapaaminen. X. Huuto. XI. Syyllinen. XII. Tuleeko hn. XIII. Kuulustelu. XIV. Kumpi? XV. Asianajajan asunnossa. XVI....
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Serpent-Worship, and Other Essays, with a Chapter on TotemismSerpent-Worship, and Other Essays, with a Chapter on TotemismThe lines of development of the religious faiths of mankind have been aptly termed by Major-General Forlong Rivers of Life. The streams of faiths are marvellously depicted by this writer in a chart which shows the...
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The Camp Fire Girls at Driftwood HeightsThe Camp Fire Girls at Driftwood HeightsFor a brief instant following her spoken pledge, an eloquent silence reigned over the circle of picturesque figures seated about the brightly-blazing camp fire. Then a storm of acclamation rent the still night air, echoing and re-echoing among...
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Cigar-Box Dioramas: A "How-to-do-it" HandbookCigar-Box Dioramas: A "How-to-do-it" HandbookThe box is painted on the outside, either with any of the rubber-base (latex) paints, or with paint from a spray can. The inside of the box is given one or two coats of the black latex paint. (Other flat...
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Scott Burton and the Timber ThievesScott Burton and the Timber ThievesScott Burton sat on the porch of the little cabin on the edge of the forest and looked absently out across the wide beach at the restless waters of the Gulf of Mexico. No one ever would have guessed...
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Puhe runoilija Archiaan puolustukseksiPuhe runoilija Archiaan puolustukseksi Die Muse wagte es, in der Toga auf der rmischen Rednerbhne zu erscheinen, und den Vorhang ihres Heiligthums zu lften; die Art, wie sie eingefhrt wurde, giebt Aufschluss ber Cicero und sein Volk. Koska Blomstedtin kirjasen jlkiminenkin painos nykyjn lienee...
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GorgiasGorgiasLopulla Lokakuuta 1897 pantiin Seuran Taloustoimikunnassa vireille kysymys, eik Seuran tulisi jollakin erityisell tehtvll ilmaista kiitollisuuttaan kansalaisten sille osottamasta suuresta suosiosta ja luottamuksesta, jota yh karttuneet lahjat ja testamentit, yh lisntyv Seuran jsenten lukumr nyttivt todistavan, tehtvll semmoisella, joka kuten sihteeri lausui "tyttisi tuntuvan...
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