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The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 1)The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 1)At the present time, when interest is becoming more generally centered upon the Pacific Coast and the future which seems to be lying before it during the next century of our national life, any...
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Fun o' the Forge: StoriesFun o' the Forge: StoriesIn addition to many other blessings, God has given to us, Gaels of the Irish land, the priceless gift of humour, the saving grace of laughter. May we never lose them! They have been good friends to us in the...
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Indian Sketches, Taken During an Expedition to the Pawnee and Other Tribes of American Indians (Vol. 1 of 2)Indian Sketches, Taken During an Expedition to the Pawnee and Other Tribes of American Indians (Vol. 1 of 2) Having accompanied you throughout the whole of your bold and perilous expedition to the Pawnee Towns, permit me to congratulate you upon its success, and...
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The Red House on Rowan StreetThe Red House on Rowan StreetWhen Hugh Burton stepped from the train at High Ridge, he wondered (in his ignorance of the events that were about to engage him) whether he would be able to catch a return train that evening. He had no...
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The Midnight Guest: A Detective StoryThe Midnight Guest: A Detective StoryA hansom pulled up in front of 799, Park Lane, and a slim figure of a woman, dressed in deep mourning, ran up the broad flight of marble steps leading to the house. Her features were closely concealed by...
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The Fern Bulletin, October 1903The Fern Bulletin, October 1903 - A Quarterly Devoted to FernsTo insure subscribers against loss of one or more numbers between the expiration and renewal of their subscriptions the journal will be sent until ordered stopped. All arrearages must be paid. Personal Checks Must...
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L'umorismoL'umorismo Alessandro D'Ancona, in quel suo notissimo studio su Cecco Angiolieri da Siena,[1] dopo aver notato quanto vi sia di burlesco in questo nostro poeta del sec. XIII, osserva: Ma per noi l'Angiolieri non soltanto un burlesco: bens anche, e pi propriamente, un umorista....
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A history of the Irish poor law, in connexion with the condition of the peopleA history of the Irish poor law, in connexion with the condition of the peopleThe Irish Poor Law was in its origin no more than a branch or offshoot of the English law, but it is a measure of so much importance, and has...
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Great Poems of the World WarGreat Poems of the World War N a fateful day in 1914, without a warning flash or tremor, there fell upon the world such a blast of war as human reason could not have foreglimpsed, nor Apocalyptic vision raised, to appall the souls of...
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Catholic World, Vol. 24, October, 1876, to March, 1877Catholic World, Vol. 24, October, 1876, to March, 1877 - A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and ScienceThe condition of what is called the scientific mind in England to-day may be described as chaotic. Its researches begin nowhere and end nowhere. Its representative men...
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The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 3, January 1864)The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 3, January 1864)When we consider that the obligations of benevolence which are founded on the precepts and examples of the Author of Christianity, are not cancelled by the follies or crimes of our fellow-creatures;...
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 5, May, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 5, May, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to The District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
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Poèmes et dessins de la fille née sans mère: 18 dessins, 51 poèmesPoèmes et dessins de la fille née sans mère: 18 dessins, 51 poèmes Merveilles naturelles plage de sable isole sous forme colossale pleine de calme utile. Ce soir la crainte salutaire dguise la vrit en croisant les jambes la queue. Ma maladie squelette de...
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Battles of DestinyBattles of DestinyThis little volume will prove of interest to the general reader and of inestimable value to the student or teacher of history. It contains graphic descriptions of the seventeen great struggles of the historic pastMarathon, Arbela, Zama, Teutobergerwald, Adrianople, Chalons, Tours, Senlac-Hastings,...
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Uncle Wiggily's Squirt Gun; Or, Jack Frost Icicle MakerUncle Wiggily's Squirt Gun; Or, Jack Frost Icicle Maker - And, Uncle Wiggily's Queer Umbrellas, also, Uncle Wiggily's Lemonade Stand1. One day when Uncle Wiggily was out early to see the sun rise, he passed a rocky ledge from which hung many icicles. As...
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The Humour of AmericaThe Humour of America - Selected, with an Introduction and Index of American HumoristsWHEN the unfortunate man standing on the scaffold was asked by a spectator to make a speech, he said that, considering the interesting programme which had been prepared by their good...
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An Autumn SowingAn Autumn SowingMr Keeling had expected an edifying half-hour when Dr Inglis gave out as his text, There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and as the discourse proceeded, he felt that his anticipations were amply justified. Based on this unshakable foundation, and...
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Semiramide: Racconto babiloneseSemiramide: Racconto babilonese Non perch vai meritamente famoso tra i migliori ingegni d'Italia, non perch egli c' conforto di vanit a mostrarsi in dimestichezza coi sommi, ma perch nella tua grandezza sei buono, ma perch io t'amo come un fratello, intitolo a te questo...
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St Nicotine or, the Peace PipeSt Nicotine of the Peace PipeThe history and associations of tobacco carry the thoughts back to the jubilant days when Good Queen Bess was the idol of her people, to the stirring times when bounding gaiety and lusty banter found expression in unrestrained mirth...
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The Yellow TyphoonThe Yellow TyphoonA naval officer, trig in his white twill, strode along the Escolta, Manila's leading thoroughfare. There was something in his stride that suggested anger; and the settled grimness of his lips, visible between his mustache and short beard, and the hard brightness...
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