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Pikku Lallin maapalloPikku Lallin maapalloJouluaatto. Karttapallo. Lalli ja Villi hyppvt maailman avaruuteen. He ovat menehtymisilln napaseutujen yn pakkaseen. Uusi yritys. Kuinka Villi pelastaa Lallin jkarhujen kynsist. Auttavaiset mursut. Lalli joutuu tappeluun eskimopojan kanssa. Kummallinen maa. Kuinka Lalli on vhll menett henkens halveksiessaan eskimoitten vieraanvaraisuutta ja heidn...
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Le origini degli Stati Uniti d'AmericaLe origini degli Stati Uniti d'America 1. Il paese 2. I Mound-builders 3. I Normanni 4. Gli Indiani 5. Prime esplorazioni e ricognizioni europee 1 1. I pellegrini e la colonia di Nuova Plymouth 2. I Puritani e la colonia di Massachusetts 3. Roger...
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Ancient, Curious, and Famous WillsAncient, Curious, and Famous WillsThe history of wills and their study, as reflecting the character of the makers, and in throwing, as they do, a strong light on the customs and manners of the times in which they were written, are subjects profoundly interesting...
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Sárga rózsa A KráóSárga rózsa; A KráóMg akkoriban nem szelte keresztl a Hortobgyot a vasut; mg nem is volt az Alfldn semmifle vasut. A Hortobgy vize sem volt lecsapolva: a kt kerek malom vigan kelepelt a kis folyamon, a ndasban j dolga volt a vidrnak. A legels...
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Mycenae: a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and TirynsMycenæ: a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenæ and TirynsIt has been with much reluctance that, at the persevering request of Dr. Schliemann, I have undertaken to write a Preface to his Mycenean volume. I have managed perhaps, though with long intermissions of...
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Making Tin Can ToysMaking Tin Can ToysTin can toys were invented after a fruitless search of the toy shops for a large tin locomotive. I had a long can in my shop at home that I thought could be very easily worked up into a toy locomotive...
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Skärgårdens vårSkärgårdens vår Jag seglar en morgon bland skren i ekan, lagd p slr, mot ljusa, ondliga mren, som vidgas utanfr. Ett grgsdrev drog susande frbi i morgonskymlet. Vettarna vid stranden fr vgen krngde. Bleka vattenranden krp hop av kld en kld med vrdoft i....
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Christmas on the Briny, The Innocents AbroadChristmas on the Briny, The Innocents Abroad - Or, A Holiday Trip to the Abrolhos IslandsThe editor of the Geraldton Guardian has to acknowledge with thanks the authors courtesy in supplying him with the following interesting account of a trip to the Abrolhos Islands...
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KultahohdeKultahohdeLon Mc Fane oli hieman reissn hn oli kadottanut tupakkapussinsa muuten hn olisi kertonut minulle jotain Surprise Laken majasta ennen sinne saapumistamme. Koko pivn olimme matkanneet kulkien vuorotellen etunenss polkemassa tiet koirille. Se oli kovaa lumikenktyt eik se ollut omiaan saattamaan miest puheliaaksi, mutta...
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First Love: A Novel. Vol. 3 of 3First Love: A Novel. Vol. 3 of 3We left our party concluding breakfast on the morning after the masquerade. The ladies shortly after repaired to the great room, whither they were soon followed by some of the gentlemen, among others the Marquis of H....
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The Venus of Milo: an archeological study of the goddess of womanhoodThe Venus of Milo: an archeological study of the goddess of womanhoodMELOS (Italian Milo), one of the smallest Greek islands, would scarcely be known at all except to specialists in geography or ancient history, had not a happy accident brought to light on one...
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The Village ChampionThe Village ChampionIt was towards the end of a very hot summer, and all the human population of that crowded square of the great city had spent the first half of the night in the streets. Either that, or in leaning halfway out of...
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Peter Paragon: A Tale of YouthPeter Paragon: A Tale of YouthPeter might justly have complained that his birth was too calmly received. For Peter's mother accepted him without demur. Women who nurse themselves more thoroughly than they nurse their babies will incredulously hear that Mrs. Paragon made little difference...
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Suffrage Songs and VersesSuffrage Songs and VersesNOTEThe poems marked * are from In This Our World by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Copyright, 1898, by Small, Maynard and Co., and are reprinted by the kind permission of the publishers. Those marked are from the Womans Journal, and those marked...
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Meren takaa IIMeren takaa IIPietarilainen lukionopettaja Juhan Hallik kohoitti vastahakoisesti ja unisesti ptn hiekasta, johon oli sen vajoittanut. Hn oli luullut olevansa aivan rauhoitetussa paikassa, josta ei kukaan keksisi tulla hnt hakemaan. Hn oli tahallaan vlttnyt meren rantaa, ja annettuaan aamulla kolme tuntia serbialaiselle Georgevitshille, joka...
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Pictures of Hellas: Five Tales of Ancient GreecePictures of Hellas: Five Tales of Ancient GreeceNearly all the more recent romances and dramas, whose scene is laid in classic times, depict the period of the great rupture between Paganism and Christianity. This is true of Hypatia, Fabiola, The Last Days of Pompeii,...
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History of Frederick the Second, Called Frederick the GreatHistory of Frederick the Second, Called Frederick the Great.It is not surprising that many persons, not familiar with the wild and wondrous events of the past, should judge that many of the honest narratives of history must be fictionsmere romances. But it is difficult...
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The Spanish Armada, 1588The Spanish Armada, 1588 - The Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords Representing the Several Engagements Between the English and Spanish Fleets.THE Defeat of the Spanish Armada being the most glorious Victory that was ever obtained at Sea, and the most important to...
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Robin HoodRobin Hood - A collection of all the ancient poems, songs, and ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated English outlaw. To which are prefixed historical anecdotes of his life.HE singular circumstance that the name of an outlawed individual of the twelfth or thirteenth...
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Deadlock: Pilgrimage, Volume 6Deadlock: Pilgrimage, Volume 6 In the ordinary novel, the novelist stands on the banks of the river of life chronicling how and when people arise, and how it is that things happen to them. But Miriam (the central figure of Dorothy Richardsons work) pulls...
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