Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of AssisiThe Life and Legends of Saint Francis of AssisiA very common failing amongst men is to adopt one extreme in the endeavor to avoid another, and sometimes not to perceive that the extreme into which they fall is greater than that which they had...
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The Principles of AestheticsThe Principles of AestheticsThis book has grown out of lectures to students at the University of Michigan and embodies my effort to express to them the nature and meaning of art. In writing it, I have sought to maintain scientific accuracy, yet at the...
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The Gospel of Matthew for ReadersThe Gospel of Matthew for ReadersWhat is God's will for us? The answer can be found in the pages of the Gospel of Matthew, a rich source of information detailing the Son of God's instructions from Our Father to us. Here we learn, through...
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Kritik der reinen VernunftKritik der reinen Vernunft - Zweite hin und wieder verbesserte Auflage (1787)Zueignung Vorrede Einleitung I. Von dem Unterschiede der reinen und empirischen Erkenntnis II. Wir sind im Besitze gewisser Erkenntnisse a priori, und selbst der gemeine Verstand ist niemals ohne solche III. Die Philosophie...
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Kritik der reinen VernunftKritik der reinen Vernunft - (Erste Fassung 1781)Zueignung Vorrede Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung I. Idee der Transzendental-Philosophie Von dem Unterschiede analytischer und synthetischer Urteile II. Einteilung der Transzendental-Philosophie I. Transzendentale Elementarlehre Erster Teil. Die transzendentale sthetik 1. Abschnitt. Von dem Raume 2. Abschnitt. Von der Zeit...
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The Misuse of MindThe Misuse of Mind The immense popularity which Bergsons philosophy enjoys is sometimes cast up against him, by those who do not agree with him, as a reproach. It has been suggested that Berg-sons writings are welcomed simply because they offer a theoretical justification...
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God and My NeighbourGod and My Neighbour INFIDEL! I put the word in capitals, because it is my new name, and I want to get used to it. INFIDEL! The name has been bestowed on me by several Christian gentlemen as a reproach, but to my ears...
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Fletcher of MadeleyFletcher of MadeleyThere is a great difference between a red-hot man and a Red-hot Library book We have no desire at all to pander to the common idea of our day that it does not matter what you belong to, by any of these...
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Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885.In his address to the Diocesan Convention of 1881, Bishop Williams suggested the appointment of a committee to provide for the appropriate commemoration of the centenary of the election of the...
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When the Holy Ghost is ComeWhen the Holy Ghost is ComeIt is no small pleasure to me to commend this book to all who love God, and in particular to those who are labouring to serve Him in the ranks of The Salvation Army. I believe that it will...
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Das hohe Ziel der Erkenntnis: Aranada UpanishadDas hohe Ziel der Erkenntnis: Aranada Upanishadksha, Erscheinung. Grundbedeutung der Wurzel ksh (ks, k), Licht, Schein; in Ableitungen und Zusammensetzungen: erschauen, sichtbar werden, zutage treten, erscheinen. * Derselbe Laut in derselben Bedeutung ist auch in slawischen Sprachen erhalten (russisch: -). Hierzu wolle man die...
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The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth?The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth?The following work offers in book form the series of studies on the question of the historicity of Jesus, presented from time to time before the Independent Religious Society in Orchestra Hall. No effort has been...
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The Nature of GoodnessThe Nature of GoodnessThe substance of these chapters was delivered as a course of lectures at Harvard University, Dartmouth and Wellesley Colleges, Western Reserve University, the University of California, and the Twentieth Century Club of Boston. A part of the sixth chapter was used...
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The Fair HavenThe Fair HavenThe occasion of a Second Edition of The Fair Haven enables me to thank the public and my critics for the favourable reception which has been accorded to the First Edition. I had feared that the freedom with which I had exposed...
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Works of John Bunyan — CompleteWorks of John Bunyan — CompleteIt is sad to see how the most of men neglect their precious souls, turning their backs upon the glorious gospel, and little minding a crucified Jesus, when, in the meanwhile, their bodies are well provided for, their estates...
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Works of John Bunyan — Volume 03Works of John Bunyan — Volume 03It is sad to see how the most of men neglect their precious souls, turning their backs upon the glorious gospel, and little minding a crucified Jesus, when, in the meanwhile, their bodies are well provided for, their...
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Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02Though this be a small treatise, yet it doth present thee with things of the greatest and most weighty concernment, even with a discourse of life and death to eternity: opening, and clearing, by the scriptures of God,...
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Works of John Bunyan — Volume 01Works of John Bunyan — Volume 01 When the Philistine giant, Goliath, mocked the host of Israel, and challenged any of their stern warriors to single combat, what human being could have imagined that the gigantic heathen would be successfully met in the mortal...
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The Great Doctrines of the BibleThe Great Doctrines of the BibleThe demand for this book has come from the students in the class room who have listened to these lectures on the Great Doctrines of the Bible, and have desired and requested that they be put into permanent form...
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Religious Reality: A Book for MenReligious Reality: A Book for MenVital religion begins for a man when lie first discovers the reality of the living GOD. Most men indeed profess a belief in GOD, a vague acknowledgment of the existence of "One above": but the belief counts for little...
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