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Galileo and His JudgesGalileo and His JudgesThere is no name in the annals of science which has been the occasion of so long and fierce a controversy as that of Galileo. The historian, the astronomer, and the theologian have all had a share in it. Sometimes there...
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An epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveriesAn epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveries - including an account of the eídouraníon, or transparent orreryThis elaborate Machine is 20 feet diameter: it stands vertical before the spectators; and its globes are so large, that they are distinctly seen in the most...
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»Meine Brüder im stillen Busch, in Luft und Wasser«»Meine Brüder im stillen Busch, in Luft und Wasser«Das Leben auf unserer Erde kennt keine Schranke, kein Grenzstein ist ihm gesetzt. Und es sind nicht nur die niedrigsten Lebewesen, einzellige Algen, Pilze, Infusorien, die sich sozusagen berall einstellen, nein, wenigstens von der Tierwelt gilt...
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Museum pictorial (Denver Museum of Natural History) no. 8Colorado Wild FlowersThe original color films used for the plates on pages 15 and 26, were heretofore reproduced in different form in American Wild FlowersMoldenke, published in 1949 by D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, with whose permission they are again reproduced here. Flowers,...
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The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 10The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 10 - Or, Flower-Garden DisplayedThis species of Justicia, long since figured in the Hortus Malabaricus, and described in the Species Plantarum of Linnus, has been introduced to the Royal Garden at Kew, since the publication of the Hortus Kewensis, by...
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Geschichte der Mathematik im Altertum in Verbindung mit antiker KulturgeschichteGeschichte der Mathematik im Altertum in Verbindung mit antiker KulturgeschichteDiese Schrift ist im wesentlichen eine Drucklegung der Vorlesung, welche ich 1903 in Strassburg gehalten habe, nur der Abschnitt ber Babylon musste infolge der raschen Arbeit des Spatens in Mesopotamien stark erweitert werden. Die Vorlesung...
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The Geology of Mt. Mansfield State ForestThe Geology of Mt. Mansfield State ForestIncluded within Mount Mansfield State Forest are Mount Mansfield, Smugglers Notch and a number of the mountains of the Green Mountain range to the northeast and southwest of these famous landmarks. Because much of the area is easily...
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Billy and Hans, My Squirrel Friends: A True HistoryBilly and Hans, My Squirrel Friends: A True History In our judgments of the respective intellectual capacities of the animals which lend themselves to human companionship, any approach to scientific accuracy in our comparative psychology demands that we should compare our subjects in their...
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The Sea and Its Living WondersThe Sea and Its Living Wonders - A Popular Account of the Marvels of the Deep and of the Progress of Martime Discovery from the Earliest Ages to the Present TimeFor years my daily walks have been upon the beach, and I have learnt...
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Über den BildungstriebÜber den BildungstriebDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1789 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Die Rechtschreibung weicht teilweise stark von den heutigen Gewohnheiten ab; dennoch wurde die Original-Schreibweise beibehalten, solange der Text dadurch nicht missverstndlich wird....
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Peeps at Nature, Book VBritish ButterfliesReferences in the book to its illustrations are by Plate with Roman numerals. The illustrations themselves are labelled Plate with Arabic numerals. A plates number in Roman numerals is equal to a plates number in Arabic numerals. In several instances the author has...
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The New Science of Controlled Breathing, Vol. 1 (of 2)The New Science of Controlled Breathing, Vol. 1 (of 2) - The Secret of Strength, Energy and Beauty—Through Breath ControlAs a matter of fact, however, consciously controlled breathing is known to but very few people. These few fortunate individuals have been rewarded by Nature...
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The New Science of Controlled Breathing, Vol. 2 (of 2)The New Science of Controlled Breathing, Vol. 2 (of 2) - The Secret of Strength, Energy and Beauty—Through Breath ControlMany theories concerning the art of breathing have been exploited in recent years. Numerous books dealing with the subject have been offered to the public....
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Komet und WeltuntergangKomet und WeltuntergangEs besteht das Bedrfnis, in diesem Frhjahr den Weltuntergang infolge eines Zusammenstoes der Erde mit dem Halleyschen Kometen zu proklamieren. Mehrere Menschen empfinden daraufhin den Wunsch, durchaus ethisch zu werden; andere meinen, da nunmehr aller gute Wein, den die Menschheit auf Reserve...
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Warum und Weil. Physikalischer TeilWarum und Weil. Physikalischer Teil. - Fragen und Antworten aus den wichtigsten Gebieten der gesammten Naturlehre.Warum? Das ist die stehende Frage im Kindesmunde, die Eltern und Lehrern so viel Noth macht, und die man leider so hufig mit der Antwort zurckweist: Das verstehst Du...
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Riesen und Drachen der Vorzeit. Geschichte der Erde, Dritter TeilRiesen und Drachen der Vorzeit. Geschichte der Erde, Dritter TeilDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1921 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern...
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Tales About Birds, Illustrative of Their Nature, Habits, and InstinctsTales About Birds, Illustrative of Their Nature, Habits, and InstinctsBirds are such universal favourites, and the Stories connected with their Habits and Instincts so varied and interesting, as to make me feel confident that the Volume now offered to my young readers will meet...
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For the BirdsFor the BirdsAmong the fondest and most memorable moments of childhood are the discoveries of songbirds nesting in the backyard. The distinctive, mud-lined nests of robins and their beautiful blue eggs captivate people of all ages. Likewise, the nesting activities of house wrens, cardinals,...
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From an Easy ChairFrom an Easy ChairThis little book is a reproduction, with some emendations, of articles which appeared in the Daily Telegraph in the six months between the beginning of last October and the end of April. If it should meet with success, further collections of...
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The Pleistocene of North AmericaThe Pleistocene of North America - and its vertebrated animals from the states east of the Mississippi River and from the Canadian provinces east of longitude 95°The writer has been engaged for several years on an investigation of the Pleistocene geology of North America...
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