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The Figure In The MirageThe Figure In The Mirage - 1905 On a windy night of Spring I sat by a great fire that had been built by Moors on a plain of Morocco under the shadow of a white city, and talked with a fellow-countryman, stranger to...
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Halima And The ScorpionsHalima And The Scorpions - 1905 In travelling about the world one collects a number of those trifles of all sorts, usually named curiosities, many of them worthless if it were not for the memories they recall. The other day I was clearing out...
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The Princess And The Jewel DoctorThe Princess And The Jewel Doctor - 1905 In St. Petersburg society there may be met at the present time a certain Russian Princess, who is noted for her beauty, for an ugly defectshe has lost the forefinger of her left handand for her...
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The SpinsterThe Spinster - 1905 I had arrived at Inley Abbey that afternoon, and was sitting at dinner with Inley and his pretty wife, whom I had not seen for five years, since the day I was his best man, when we all heard faintly...
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Smaïn; and Safti's Summer DaySmaïn; and Safti's Summer Day - 1905 Far away in the desert I heard the sound of a flute, pure sound in the pure air, delicate, sometimes almost comic with the comicality of a child who bends women to kisses and to nonsense-words. We...
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Far from HomeFar from HomeThe harassed Controller had lived in an aura of Restricteds, Classifieds and Top Secrets for so long it had become a mental conditioning and automatically hedged over information that had been public property for years via the popular technical mags; but in...
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Sally of MissouriSally of MissouriIt was half a sob, half a laugh, and, half sobbing, half laughing, the young man stopped his horse on the crest of the Tigmore Hills, in the Ozark Uplift, raised in his stirrups, and looked the country through and through, as...
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The Lively Poll: A Tale of the North SeaThe Lively Poll: A Tale of the North SeaWith rough pilot coat and sou-wester, scarred and tarred hands, easy, rolling gait, and boots from heel to hip, with inch-thick soles, like those of a dramatic buccaneer, he bore as little resemblance to the popular...
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Mrs. Dud's SisterMrs. Dud's Sister They were having tea on the terrace. As Varian strolled up to the group he wished that Hunter could see the picture they madeHunter, who had not been in America for thirty years, and who had been so honestly surprised when...
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Julia The ApostateJulia The Apostate Young for youpar exemple! I should say not, her niece replied, perking the quivering aigrette still more obliquely upon her aunt's head. Carolyn used par exemple as a good cook uses oniona hint of it in everything. There were those who...
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The courting of Lady JaneThe courting of Lady Jane The colonel entered his sister's room abruptly, sat down on her bed, and scattered a drawerful of fluffy things laid out for packing. You don't seem to think about my side of the matter, he said gloomily. What am...
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In The Valley Of The ShadowIn The Valley Of The Shadow TO Belden, pacing the library doggedly, the waiting seemed interminable, the strain unnecessarily prolonged. A half-hour ago quick feet had echoed through the upper halls, windows had opened, doors all but slammed, vague whisperings and drawn breaths had...
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A PhilanthropistA Philanthropist I suspected him from the first, said Miss Gould, with some irritation, to her lodger. She spoke with irritation because of the amused smile of the lodger. He bowed with the grace that characterized all his lazy movements. He looked very much...
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A Reversion To TypeA Reversion To Type She had never felt so tired of it all, it seemed to her. The sun streamed hot across the backs of the shining seats into her eyes, but she was too tired to get the window-pole. She watched the incoming...
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A Midnight FantasyA Midnight Fantasy It was close upon eleven o'clock when I stepped out of the rear vestibule of the Boston Theatre, and, passing through the narrow court that leads to West Street, struck across the Common diagonally. Indeed, as I set foot on the...
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Quite SoQuite So Of course that was not his name. Even in the State of Maine, where it is still a custom to maim a child for life by christening him Arioch or Shadrach or Ephraim, nobody would dream of calling a boy Quite So....
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Mademoiselle Olympe ZabriskiMademoiselle Olympe Zabriski We are accustomed to speak with a certain light irony of the tendency which women have to gossip, as if the sin itself, if it is a sin, were of the gentler sex, and could by no chance be a masculine...
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Père Antoine's Date-PalmPère Antoine's Date-Palm Near the Leve, and not far from the old French Cathedral in the Place dArmes, at New Orleans, stands a fine date-palm, thirty feet in height, spreading its broad leaves in the alien air as hardily as if its sinuous roots...
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Miss Mehetabel's SonMiss Mehetabel's Son You will not find Greenton, or Bayley's Four-Corners, as it is more usually designated, on any map of New England that I know of. It is not a town; it is not even a village; it is merely an absurd hotel....
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Our New Neighbors At PonkapogOur New Neighbors At Ponkapog When I saw the little house building, an eighth of a mile beyond my own, on the Old Bay Road, I wondered who were to be the tenants. The modest structure was set well back from the road, among...
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