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The Peasant and the PrinceThe Peasant and the PrinceOne fine afternoon in April, 1770, there was a good deal of bustle in the neighbourhood of the village of Saint Menehould, in the province of Champagne, in France. The bride of the Dauphin of France,the lady who was to...
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Janet's Love and ServiceJanet's Love and ServiceThe longest day in all the year was slowly closing over the little village of Clayton. There were no loiterers now at the corners of the streets or on the village squareit was too late for that, though daylight still lingered....
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Oowikapun, or, How the Gospel reached the Nelson River IndiansOowikapun, or, How the Gospel reached the Nelson River IndiansThat Oowikapun was unhappy, strangely so, was evident to all in the Indian village. New thoughts deeply affecting him had in some way or other entered into his mind, and he could not but show...
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The King Of Beaver, and Beaver LightsThe King Of Beaver, and Beaver Lights - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 Success was the word most used by the King of Beaver. Though he stood before his people as a prophet assuming to speak revelations, executive power breathed from him. He...
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The Mothers Of HonoréThe Mothers Of Honoré - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 The sun was shining again after squalls, and the strait showed violet, green, red, and bronze lines, melting and intermingling each changing second. Metallic lustres shone as if some volcanic fountain on the...
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MariansonMarianson - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 When the British landed on the west side of Mackinac Island at three o'clock in the morning of July 17,1812, Canadians were ordered to transport the cannon. They had only a pair of six-pounders, but these...
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The Indian On The TrailThe Indian On The Trail - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 Maurice Barrett sat waiting in the old lime-kiln built by the British in the war of 1812a white ruin like much-scattered marble, which stands bowered in trees on a high part of...
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A British IslanderA British Islander - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 Well, I wish you could have been here in Mrs. Gunning's day. She was the oddest woman on Mackinac. Not that she exerted herself to attract attention. But she was such a character, and...
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The Cobbler In The Devil's KitchenThe Cobbler In The Devil's Kitchen - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 Early in the Mackinac summer Owen Cunning took his shoemaker's bench and all his belongings to that open cavern on the beach called the Devil's Kitchen, which was said to derive...
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The Blue ManThe Blue Man - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 The lake was like a meadow full of running streams. Far off indeed it seemed frozen with countless wind-paths traversing the ice, so level and motionless was the surface under a gray sky. But...
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The Black FeatherThe Black Feather - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 Over a hundred voyageurs were sorting furs in the American Fur Company's yard, under the supervision of the clerks. And though it was hard labor, lasting from five in the morning until sunset, they...
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The Skeleton On Round IslandThe Skeleton On Round Island - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 The old quarter-breed, son of a half breed Chippewa mother and French father, took with him into silence much wilderness lore of the Northwest. He was full of stories when warmed to...
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The Cursed PatoisThe Cursed Patois - From "Mackinac And Lake Stories", 1899 As his boat shot to the camp dock of beach stones, the camper thought he heard a child's voice behind the screen of brush. He leaped out and drew the boat to its landing...
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Mistress AnneMistress AnneThe second day of the New Year came on Saturday. The holiday atmosphere had thus been extended over the week-end. The Christmas wreaths still hung in the windows, and there had been an added day of feasting. Holidays always brought people from town...
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Mister Galgenstrick: und andere HumoreskenMister Galgenstrick: und andere HumoreskenWar ich, in meiner Ungeduld ber Walters Ausbleiben, zu grob gewesen? Ich wollte mein Unrecht wieder gut machen und leitete die Friedensverhandlungen durch einen jener Blicke ein, die Frulein Berta mit der lchelnden Drohung zu quittieren pflegt: Sie, das sag'...
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La copa de VerlaineLa copa de VerlainePABLO Verlaine tena una sed fatal, una sed monstruosa y suicida, y bebi hasta la muerte. Tal vez oa la voz de una sirena fabulosa en el fondo glauco del ajenjo. El ruiseor protervo iba al caf D'Harcourt y beba, beba......
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Rich EnoughRich Enough - a tale of the timesWelcome, said Mr. Draper, the rich merchant, to his brother, who entered his counting-room one fine spring morning. I am truly glad to see youbut what has brought you to the city, at this busy country season,...
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Good BloodGood Blood Is it possible that there are people quite free from curiosity? People who can pass on behind any one they see gazing earnestly and intently toward some unknown object without feeling an impulse to stop, to follow the direction of the others...
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The Fête At CoquevilleThe Fête At Coqueville - 1907 Coqueville is a little village planted in a cleft in the rocks, two leagues from Grandport. A fine sandy beach stretches in front of the huts lodged half-way up in the side of the cliff like shells left...
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The Story of the Little MamsellThe Story of the Little Mamsell "Have you got something good? Then put the basket down and go along home!" This was one usual greeting from old Mahlmann when we brought him provisions. He was very old, and rarely out of his bed, only...
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