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Il codice di PerelàIl codice di Perelà Io sono.... io sono.... molto leggero, io sono un uomo molto leggero; e voi siete una povera vecchia: come Pena, come Rete, come Lama, anche loro erano vecchie. Vorreste dirmi se quello che si vede laggi, in fondo a questa...
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Le Démon de l'AbsurdeLe Démon de l'AbsurdeJe ne voudrais pas dfinir autrement l'absurde. Entre l'avis d'un homme seul et l'opinion de la multitude, on ne saurait hsiter. On lit dans l'vangile de saint Luc[1] que les dmons qui s'appelaient Lgion prirent Jsus de leur permettre d'entrer dans...
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Punaiset ja valkoiset: Kuvaus Suomen luokkasodastaPunaiset ja valkoiset: Kuvaus Suomen luokkasodasta kalkkien muiden Suomen valkoisen hirmuvallan uhrien muistolle omistetaan tm runsain lainauksin suoritettu vaatimaton esitys, jonka tarkoituksena on osaltaan olla vastapainona sille valtaisalle lokarypylle, joka siivottoman valkoisen katukirjallisuuden muodossa tulvii ei ainoastaan jo koirahautain koskemattomuudessa silvottuina tai nlll, kuoliaaksi...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay)Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay)The main sources for this memoir of Frances or Fanny Burney,afterwards Madame DArblay,in addition to her novels, the literature of the period, and the works specified in the footnotes, are as follows: 1. Memoirs of Dr. Burney, arranged from his own...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Il Re belloIl Re bello Ludovico XII, Re di Birnia, alzatosi in piedi incominci a camminare assalito da una palese agitazione, da un tremito nervoso. Andava e veniva davanti alla specchiera della consolle, acciuffandosi gli enormi baffi orizzontali, neri e ferrigni, fulminando s stesso coi terribili...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Chap-books of the Eighteenth CenturyChap-books of the Eighteenth Century - With Facsimiles, Notes, and IntroductionAlthough these Chap-books are very curious, and on many accounts interesting, no attempt has yet been made to place them before the public in a collected form, accompanied by the characteristic engravings, without which...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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On a Chinese ScreenOn a Chinese Screen You come to the row of hovels that leads to the gate of the city. They are built of dried mud and so dilapidated that you feel a breath of wind will lay them flat upon the dusty earth from...
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Histoires insolitesHistoires insolitesEn ces temps-l s'tendait magnifiquement, au sein d'idals ocans, une le d'aspect enchant. C'tait une prodigieuse fort fleurie qu'un Pacifique ventait de ses salines et vivifiantes brises,et, dominant la clairire centrale, sur des couches rocheuses aux puissants chos, s'y dressait un colossal eucalyptus....
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Social England under the Regency, Vol. 2 (of 2)Social England under the Regency, Vol. 2 (of 2)Anti-Corn Bill riots Riots in the north Ratification of the Treaty of Peace with America Attempt to steal the Crown Epithets applied to Napoleon The Prince of Wales' debts 1 News of the Battle of Waterloo...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Calvary: A NovelCalvary: A NovelI was born one evening in October at Saint-Michel-les-Htres, a small town in the department of Orne, and I was immediately christened by the name of Jean-Franois-Marie-Minti. To celebrate in a fitting manner my coming into this world, my godfather, who was...
- Dhs. 23.69 AED
Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Le ore inutili: novelleLe ore inutili: novelle Hai ragione. Oggi io sono diverso, oggi io ti devo confessare qualche cosa di abbastanza grave e mi mancato fino ad ora il coraggio di farlo. Devi darmelo tu questo coraggio, tu che sei una piccola donna forte, capace di...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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The Brothers DalzielThe Brothers Dalziel - A Record of Fifty Years Work in Conjunction with many of the Most Distinguished Artists of the Period 1840-1890Thomas Bewick, who revived the art of wood engraving in England, was apprenticed to Ralph Beilby, as a copperplate engraver, in 1767....
- Dhs. 23.69 AED
Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Gentlemen of the Jury: A FarceGentlemen of the Jury: A FarcePrecise. We have been instructed to bring a verdict, Guilty or not guilty. Please write your verdict. Here are slips of paper. (Passes them round. All write, some on the table, some on chairs; Snowball writes his against the...
- Dhs. 23.69 AED
Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Anglo-Dutch Rivalry During the First Half of the Seventeenth CenturyAnglo-Dutch Rivalry During the First Half of the Seventeenth Century - being the Ford lectures delivered at Oxford in 1910The varying fortunes of the obstinate and fiercely contested struggles with the Dutch for maritime and commercial supremacy in the days of the Commonwealth and...
- Dhs. 23.69 AED
Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Valentine and Orson: A Romantic Melo-DrameValentine and Orson: A Romantic Melo-Drame - As Performed at the Theatre-Royal Covent-GardenTHE JEW and DOCTOR, BIRTH-DAY, WILL for the DEED, CABINET, ENGLISH FLEET, FAMILY QUARRELS, IL BONDOCANI, SCHOOL for PREJUDICE, FIVE THOUSAND a YEAR, SAINT DAVID's DAY, NAVAL PILLAR, MOUTH of the NILE,...
- Dhs. 23.69 AED
Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Risti ja noitarumpu: Olaus Sirman tarinaRisti ja noitarumpu: Olaus Sirman tarinaOlaus Mathiae Sirma, syntyisin Kemin Lapista, oli syntyperinen lappalainen. Hn tuli ylioppilaaksi Upsalassa v. 1672, vihittiin papiksi siell ja mrttiin Enontekin lapinseurakunnan ensimmiseksi kappalaiseksi. Tss virassa hn oli vv. 1675-1719, jona viimeksimainittuna vuonna hn kuoli. Tm riidanhaluinen, juoppouteen taipuvainen,...
- Dhs. 23.69 AED
Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Carmen: Espanjalaisen mustalaistytön elämäntarinaCarmen: Espanjalaisen mustalaistytön elämäntarinaJo heinkuun vallankumouksen jlkeen 1830 oli hnet nimitetty Ranskan historiallisten muistomerkkien tarkastajaksi eli valtioarkeoloogiksi, jona hn pysyi parikymment vuotta. Tm toimi pakotti hnet matkustelemaan ympri valtakuntaa; niden virkamatkojensa tulokset julkaisi hn jo 1830-luvulla, nim. Matka keski-Ranskassa 1835, lnsi-Ranskassa 1836, Auvergnessa ja...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Kirkonlämmittäjä: RomaaniKirkonlämmittäjä: RomaaniOikeastaan ei Janne Flykt ollut sen jumalisempi kuin muutkaan laitakaupungin pojat, mutta siit huolimatta kutsuttiin hnt aivan yleisesti "Kirkko-Janneksi". Hn istui tosin joka sunnuntai isoitins kanssa tuomiokirkossa jumalanpalveluksessa, mutta sen ei olisi luullut yksistn tuota liikanime aiheuttaneen: siellhn kvi monta muutakin naapurin poikaa....
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Nuoruuteni muistelmiaNuoruuteni muistelmiaTutkijaa, joka koettaa pst luonnon pienimmn alkuhitusen perille ja ymmrt sen rimmisen, jakamattoman atoomin, kohtaa aina sama voittamaton este. Mit tarkemmat hnen suurennuslasinsa ovat sit selvemmksi ne suurentavat tuon hitusen, ja sit ilmeisemmksi ky, ett rimmisen pieneksi luultu tomuhiukkanen on kokonainen maailma ihmeellisint...
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Dhs. 212.89 AED- Dhs. 23.69 AED
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Les cavaliers de la nuit, 1er partie (t. 2/4)Les cavaliers de la nuit, 1er partie (t. 2/4)Jamais peut-tre, dans aucune de ses uvres, la supriorit de Balzac ne sest manifeste avec autant dclat que dans le Dput dArcis; jamais il na prouv si hautement quil nest point de sujet si aride, ni...
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