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Nein und Ja: RomanNein und Ja: Roman Er ertappte sich dabei, wie er gleich einem Zeitungsberichterstatter in fremdem Land, der seinen Artikel vorbereitet, kleinste Dinge notierte: Strae gefllt mit jungen Mnnern, Strae gefllt mit Auslagen entbehrter Dinge, Strae, in der Frhlingsbume legitim blhten, denn Mensch darunter war...
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Main Currents in 19th Century Literature - 3. The Reaction in FranceMain Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature - 3. The Reaction in FranceA certain aggregation of personages, actions, emotions and moods, ideas and works, which make their appearance in France, find expression in the French language, and influence French society at the beginning of the...
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The Works of William CowperThe Works of William Cowper - His life, letters, and poems, now first completed by the introduction of Cowper's private correspondenceWhen an author, by appearing in print, requests an audience of the public, and is upon the point of speaking for himself, whoever presumes...
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Sí sé por qué: NovelaSí sé por qué: NovelaEn el expreso, con un recelo casi de terror, conoc ayer estos que habrn de ser mis compaeros de buque: Albert, cnsul; Carlos Victoria, el famoso dramaturgo, y Alejo Hugo Martn, attach militar en la Argentina. Oh, mi forzosa intimidad...
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Main Currents in 19th Century Literature - 2. The Romantic School in GermanyMain Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature - 2. The Romantic School in GermanyThe task of giving a connected account of the German Romantic School is, for a Dane, an arduous and disheartening one. In the first place, the subject is overwhelmingly vast; in the...
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The Saturday Magazine, No. 65, July 6th, 1833The Saturday Magazine, No. 65, July 6th, 1833The culture and manufacture of Silk, appears originally to have been confined to the Empire of China, and even at the present time, no country produces this useful material in such large quantities, or of so fine...
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La Gente Cursi: Novela de Costumbres RidículasLa Gente Cursi: Novela de Costumbres RidículasNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico...
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Dhs. 212.48 AED- Dhs. 23.64 AED
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 4, October 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 4, October 1852[The sad story of the Earl of Derwentwater, executed in 1716 for participation in the rebellion of the previous year, is well known. The beautiful lake from which he derives his title is surrounded by some of...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 3, September 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 3, September 1852Only imagine yourself, says a writer in the Journal of Commerce, in a little row-boat, passing around the northern coast of Ireland. In the distance, you seem to look upon an immense castle, flanked by double rows...
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Les origines de la Renaissance en ItalieLes origines de la Renaissance en ItalieVII La Renaissance italienne commence, en ralit, antrieurement Ptrarque, car dj, dans les ouvrages des sculpteurs pisans et de Giotto, de mme que dans l'architecture du XIIe et du XIIIe sicle, les arts sont renouvels. Dante lui-mme, qui...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 2, August 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 2, August 1852The word widowhood, from whatever angle of observation it maybe viewed, has about it a dull, bleak, uncomfortable aspect. Clouds encompass it. Wo englooms it. Loneliness isolates it from social comfort, and befogs it amidst lowering disquiet....
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 1, July 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 1, July 1852Summer is here, and her whole world of wealth is spread out before us in prodigal array. The woods and groves have darkened and thickened into one impervious mass of sober, uniform green; and having, for a...
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Journal in France in 1845 and 1848 with Letters from Italy in 1847Journal in France in 1845 and 1848 with Letters from Italy in 1847 - Of Things and Persons Concerning the Church and EducationOf the vast number of English men and English women who have travelled on the Continent in late years, comparatively few, I...
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Carnet d'une femmeCarnet d'une femmeQuoique je ne sois que l'introducteur de ce livre, auprs du public, je te le ddie. Nul mieux que toi, le pote et le prosateur, aussi, des Parisiennes lgantes, aimantes et aimes, n'apprciera, en effet, le charme subtil qui s'en dgage. Une...
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Masters in Art, Part 79, Volume 7, July, 1906: IngresMasters in Art, Part 79, Volume 7, July, 1906: Ingres - A Series of Illustrated MonographsPhoto-engravings by C. J. Peters & Son: Boston. Press-work by the Everett Press: Boston A complete index for previous numbers will be found in the Reader's Guide to Periodical...
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Dryden's Works Vol. 08 (of 18)Dryden's Works Vol. 08 (of 18)It is now seven or eight years since I designed to write this play of "Cleomenes;" and my Lord Falkland[36], (whose name I cannot mention without honour, for the many favours I have received from him) is pleased to...
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Main Currents in 19th Century Literature - 1. The Emigrant LiteratureMain Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature - 1. The Emigrant LiteratureIt is my intention in the present work to trace the outlines of a psychology of the first half of the nineteenth century by means of the study of certain main groups and movements...
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Dhs. 560.99 AED- Dhs. 23.64 AED
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Emmalan ElliEmmalan ElliOli sit moni alussa oudostellut ja kyytipojaltakin kysssyt, kuka sen tuon Tuuteron Antin mkin nyt oli ostanut ja tuolla lailla komistanut. Vaan kun kyytipoikakaan ei muuta tiennyt, kuin ett olipahan muudan lapsen-saanut vaimonpuoli tuolta "alhaalta pin" ja ett Emmaksi nuo on tuota hokeneet,...
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 6 (of 8)The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 6 (of 8)The Excursionto which the fifth volume of this edition is devotedhas been assigned to the year 1814; since it was finished, and first published, in that year,although commenced in 1795. During the earlier stages...
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Mary LambMary LambI am indebted to Mrs. Henry Watson, a granddaughter of Mr. Gillman, for one or two interesting reminiscences, and for a hitherto unpublished "notelet" by Lamb (p. 248), together with an omitted paragraph from a published letter (p. 84), which confirms what other...
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