Public Domain
Alcibiade, la critica e il secolo di PericleAlcibiade, la critica e il secolo di Pericle - lettera di Felice Cavallotti a Yorick figlio di Yorick E poich sono venuto nella idea di rispondere alle critiche da varie parti piovute sul mio povero Alcibiade; e bisognava pur trovare qualcuno a cui parlare...
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A Biblia Sagrada, Contendo o Velho e o Novo TestamentoA Biblia Sagrada, Contendo o Velho e o Novo Testamento14 E disse Deus: [11] Haja luminares na expanso dos cus, para haver separao entre o dia e a noite; [12] e sejam elles para signaes e para [A] tempos determinados e para dias e...
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Thralls of the Endless NightThralls of the Endless NightThe Ship held an ancient secret that meant life to the dying cast-aways of the void. Then Wes Kirk revealed the secret to his people's enemiesand found that his betrayal meant the death of the girl he loved. Wes Kirk...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Kelet tündér világa, vagy Szaif Züliázán szultán. (2. kötet)Kelet tündér világa, vagy Szaif Züliázán szultán. (2. kötet) - Aráb regeMidn Szaif, oly hirtelen, miknt leesett, talpra ugrott, visszatekintett, ha az valjban a szultnn keze volt-, a mi vllait rint; de az nem volt ms, mint egy nagy s szp virg, mely egy...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 75.42 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Stromaufwärts: Aus einem FrauenlebenStromaufwärts: Aus einem Frauenleben Meine Eltern hatten einen kleinen Laden und eine ganz kleine Wohnung dabei. In dem Laden lagen viele Sachen, wie Kerzen, Seifen, Brsten und noch anderes, das mir ungeheure Achtung einflte. Wenn Weihnachten herannahte, erhielt mein Vater jedesmal eine gewaltige Kiste,...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Kelet tündér világa, vagy Szaif Züliázán szultán. (1. kötet)Kelet tündér világa, vagy Szaif Züliázán szultán. (1. kötet) - Aráb regeAz let els szakban, midn blcsnkbl kilpve, az sztehetsg megkezdi mkdst, legelbb a dajkink elbeszlte mesk, tndrregk azok, melyek figyelmnket megragadjk, melyek a gyerek els sejtelmeinek kedvencz trgyai; s ki nem emlkszik vissza...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 75.42 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Heart of Oak: A Three-Stranded Yarn, vol. 2Heart of Oak: A Three-Stranded Yarn, vol. 2.The sail shone like a peak of ice against a belly of soft snow-cloud right aheadthat is, ahead as the hull's bows lay. I should have supposed it ice, but for the captain, who stood close beside...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Alcatraz of the StarwaysAlcatraz of the StarwaysVenus was a world enslaved. And then, like an avenging angel, fanning the flames of raging revolt, came a warrior-princess in whose mind lay dread knowledgethe knowledge of a weapon so terrible it had been used but once in the history...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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The History of PedagogyThe History of Pedagogy[xxiii] THE HISTORY OF PEDAGOGY. [Pg 1] THE HISTORY OF PEDAGOGY. 1. Preliminary Considerations.A German historian of philosophy begins his work by asking this question: Was Adam a philosopher? In the same way certain historians of pedagogy begin by learned researches...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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My Shipmate Louise: The Romance of a Wreck, Volume 3 (of 3)My Shipmate Louise: The Romance of a Wreck, Volume 3 (of 3)For a couple of days nothing that need find a place in this narrative happened. On the afternoon of the third day of our being aboard the barque we sighted a sail, hull...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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The Story of the AlphabetThe Story of the AlphabetOur transition from barbarism to civilization can be attributed to the alphabet. Those great prehistoric discoveries and inventions such as the making of a fire, the use of tools, the wheel and the axle, and even our modern marvelous applications...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Ylioppilaan kosinta: 1-näytöksinen laulunsekainen kansannäytyelmäYlioppilaan kosinta: 1-näytöksinen laulunsekainen kansannäytyelmä Tuolta hn tulee, josta pivkin koittaa, armaani soma, joka sydmeni voittaa, tule, tule armas, ja lienn kaiho karmas, kuin piv kukalta multa kuivaa kyyneleet Tuolta hn tulee, josta aalto ky rantaan kultani soma, jonka kuvaa symein kantaa, tule, tule...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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The History of Lynn, Vol. 2 [of 2]The History of Lynn, Vol. 2 [of 2]FROM THE EARLIEST ACCOUNTS TO THE PRESENT TIME, INTERSPERSED With occasional remarks on such national occurrences as may serve to elucidate the real state of the town, or the manners, character, and condition of the inhabitants at...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Pemrose Lorry, Radio AmateurPemrose Lorry, Radio AmateurGood morning, Daytime! A girl stood upon the gray stone steps of a Lenox mansion and, looking up, answered the first lovely smile that young day flung down to her as, robed in pale pink and bluish bloom, it slowly climbed...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Folk-Speech of Cumberland and Some Districts AdjacentFolk-Speech of Cumberland and Some Districts Adjacent - Being Short Stories and Rhymes in the Dialects of the West Border CountiesOne or two of the Cumberland stories included in this volume, as well as some of the pieces in rhyme, have already been circulated...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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The Cumulative Book Review Digest, Volume 3, 1907The Cumulative Book Review Digest, Volume 3, 1907 - Complete in a single alphabetThis volume is the third annual cumulation of the Book Review Digest. It includes principally the books of 1907 that have been reviewed by the best book critics in England and...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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WertherWertherC'est une chose infiniment prcieuse que le livre d'un homme de gnie traduit dans une autre langue par un autre homme de gnie. Que ne donnerait-on pas pour lire tous les chefs-d'uvre trangers traduits ainsi! C'est lorsque de grands crivains ne ddaigneront pas une...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Il Cavalier MostardoIl Cavalier Mostardo A Giuseppe Fabbri, amico fedele dai lontani anni della vita mia; tanto pi vicino a me quanto pi triste fu la vicenda della mia lotta assidua, voglio consacrato questo libro di passione nel quale ride e sorride, dalla malinconia alla violenza,...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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Life Stories for Young PeopleChristopher ColumbusThere are five representatives of the Columbus family more or less famous in the history of exploration, viz., Christopher, the discoverer of America; Bartolomeo, brother of Christopher, governor of Isabella and founder of San Domingo; Diego, brother of Christopher, who accompanied him on...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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The History of Lynn, Vol. 1 [of 2]The History of Lynn, Vol. 1 [of 2]Site of LynnAccount of its harbour, and that of WisbeachAncient and present state of its riversInland NavigationDrainageProjects of improvementState of its shipping, commerce, and population, at different periods. Situation of the townits distance from the sea, &c.its...
- Dhs. 23.56 AED
Dhs. 47.14 AED- Dhs. 23.56 AED
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