Public Domain
The Origin of TyrannyThe Origin of TyrannyThe seventh and sixth centuries B.C. constitute from many points of view one of the most momentous periods in the whole of the worlds history. No doubt the greatest final achievements of the Greek race belong to the two centuries that...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Love in Idleness: A Bar Harbour TaleLove in Idleness: A Bar Harbour Tale "I'm going to stay with the three Miss Miners at the Trehearnes' place," said Louis Lawrence, looking down into the blue water as he leaned over the rail of the Sappho, on the sunny side of the...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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An epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveriesAn epitome of astronomy, with the new discoveries - including an account of the eídouraníon, or transparent orreryThis elaborate Machine is 20 feet diameter: it stands vertical before the spectators; and its globes are so large, that they are distinctly seen in the most...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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El Señor y los demás son CuentosEl Señor y los demás son Cuentos El criterio utilizado para llevar a cabo esta transcripcin ha sido el de respetar las reglas de la Real Academia Espaola vigentes en ese entonces. El lector interesado puede consultar el Mapa de Diccionarios Acadmicos de la...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Adele Doring at Boarding SchoolAdele Doring at Boarding SchoolDedicated to the many girls in the Sunnyside Club of California, who have so often written the author telling her how dearly they love Adele Doring, and how they do wish that they could be like her Are you glad...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 75.30 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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El anacronópete Viaje a China MetempsicosisEl anacronópete; Viaje a China; MetempsicosisPars, foco de la animacin, centro del movimiento, ncleo del bullicio, presentaba aquel da un aspecto inslito. No era el ordenado desfile de nacionales y extranjeros dirigindose a la exposicin del Campo de Marte ya para satisfacer la profana...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Neue NovellenNeue NovellenEuer Stck, Lustspiel benannt, scheint mir in der That nicht bel, junger Freund, lie sich der hochberhmte und vielgelehrte Professor der Philosophie und Dichtkunst, Logik und Metaphysik, Johann Christoph Gottsched zu Leipzig, vernehmen, und wandte sich zu einem jungen Studenten, der an seinen...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Message From MarsMessage From MarsFifty-five pioneers had died on the "bridge of bones" that spanned the Void to the rusty plains of Mars. Now the fifty-sixth stood on the red planet, his only ship a total wreckand knew that Earth was doomed unless he could send...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Defensa obligada contra acusaciones gratuitasDefensa obligada contra acusaciones gratuitas[Pg. 3]Conocida es del pblico la campaa de difamacin iniciada contra mi humilde persona por el peridico El Pas de 24 de Diciembre ltimo, y proseguida despus, da tras da, con tenacidad digna de mejor causa, por casi toda la...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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A Voyage Round the WorldA Voyage Round the World - Being an account of a remarkable enterprize, begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the great South ocean. Relating the true historical facts of that whole affair: testifyd by many imployd therein; and...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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The Pleasures of the TableThe Pleasures of the Table - An Account of Gastronomy from Ancient Days to Present Times. With a History of Its Literature, Schools, and Most Distinguished Artists; Together With Some Special Recipes, and Views Concerning the Aesthetics of Dinners and Dinner-giving"The History of Gastronomy...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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An Essay Towards Regulating the Trade, and Employing the Poor of This KingdomAn Essay Towards Regulating the Trade, and Employing the Poor of This Kingdom - Whereunto is Added, an Essay Towards Paying Off the Publick DebtsPag. 22. line 28. between the Words (Stuffs) and the word (which) add the Word (Imported.) p. 31. i. l....
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Julião e a BibliaJulião e a BibliaAo cair duma tarde de primavera, entramos no pateo duma casa situada na rua dos Embaixadores, em Madrid, onde nos chamaram, desde logo, a ateno duas janelas que, a julgar pelo ruido que delas sahia, uma devia ser a da oficina...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Revenge of the VeraRevenge of the VeraThe man seemed too big for the single, cushioned seat of the tiny space cruiser. But he did not remain in the seat long, and when he moved it was with a swift surety that belied his bulk. He stepped over...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Mutiny in the VoidMutiny in the VoidThe tank-room of the rocket-ship Berenice, where the big tanks of water-weed were kept, was so spick and span that a man needed little psychology to realize that its manager was a dapper, finicky, careful little man. The room's lights were...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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The Blue BehemothThe Blue BehemothShannon's Imperial Circus was a jinxed space-carny leased for a mysterious tour of the inner worlds. It made a one-night pitch on a Venusian swamp-townto find that death stalked it from the jungle in a tiny ball of flame. Bucky Shannon leaned...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Assignment on VenusAssignment on VenusSimms rested his paddle across the thwart and let the clumsy jagua drift. Ahead, where the indigo swamp growth thinned, an abuttment of white metal projected from the water, its near end forming a wafer-like conning tower. Half-way Jetty at last! Two...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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23 Stories by Twenty and Three AuthorsTwenty-Three Stories by Twenty and Three AuthorsYou ought to buy it, said my host; its just the place for a solitary-minded devil like you. And it would be rather worth while to own the most romantic house in Brittany. The present people are dead...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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The writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling, volume IVIn Black and WhiteIn Northern India stood a monastery called The Chubra of Dhunni Bhagat. No one remembered who or what Dhunni Bhagat had been. He had lived his life, made a little money and spent it all, as every good Hindu should do,...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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Collectors' Items: 50 Superb Recipes from Spice IslandsCollectors' Items: Fifty Superb Recipes from Spice IslandsFrom appetizers to dessertsit is our pleasure to share these choice recipes with you. We hope that you will make them as they were developed and testedwith the spices, herbs and seasonings of Spice Islands. You will...
- Dhs. 23.52 AED
Dhs. 47.07 AED- Dhs. 23.52 AED
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