Public Domain
Beautiful BritainThe TrossachsThe charm that lies in a mysterious name has been amply exemplified in that of the Trossachs, which is said to mean bristled territory. Something in the shaggy uncouthness of the word fits so well with the land of romance and mountain scenery...
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The Intimate Letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821The Intimate Letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821The letters included in this volume have been printed without alteration, except that some of Mrs. Piozzi's redundant initial capitals have been suppressed, and that her somewhat erratic punctuation has been, to a certain extent,...
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The ChallonersThe ChallonersThe hot stress of a real midsummer day towards the end of June had given place to the exquisite tempered warmth of evening, and a little breeze born of the hour before sunset, and made fragrant among the glowing flower-beds of the vicarage...
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Papeis AvulsosPapeis AvulsosEste titulo de Papeis avulsos parece negar ao livro uma certa unidade; faz crer que o autor colligiu varios escriptos de ordem diversa para o fim de os no perder. A verdade essa, sem ser bem essa. Avulsos so elles, mas no vieram...
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Dhs. 212.74 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Aeroplane Boys Series, no. 4The Boy Aeronauts' Club; or, Flying for FunThe lower end of Palafox Street in Pensacola, Florida, ends in a busy shipping and fish wharf. On each side of this are to be found, always, scores of sailing vessels and a jam of oyster and...
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Dhs. 212.74 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Jack Chanty: A Story of AthabascaJack Chanty: A Story of Athabasca I. The Hair-cut II. The Company From "Outside" III. Talk by the Fire IV. The Conjuror V. Jack Hears About Himself VI. The Price of Sleep VII. An Emotional Crisis VIII. The Feminine Equation IX. Yellow Metal X....
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A Second Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, M.AA Second Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, M.A. - Some thoughts on the position of the Church of England, as to her dogmatic teachingp. 2Is, then, the Church of England so isolated from the Universal, that the faith of the Church Universal has...
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Dhs. 212.74 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Le Secret professionnelLe Secret professionnelPote franais, n Maisons-Lafitte. Publie ses premiers vers dix-sept et dix-huit ans. (Prince Frivole, Danse de Sophocle). Le Potomak, interrompu par la guerre, est amplifi pendant la guerre et ne parat qu'en 1919. L'auteur l'annonce comme la prface de ses ouvrages venir....
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Ipolyi Arnold népmesegyüjteménye Magyar népköltési gyüjtemény 13. kötetIpolyi Arnold népmesegyüjteménye; Magyar népköltési gyüjtemény 13. kötetIpolyi Arnoldot, Nagyvrad nhai tuds pspkt a Kisfaludy-Trsasg avatta mesegyjtv. Midn a Trsasg a magyar npklts gazdtlan kincseinek megmentsre 1844-ben mozgalmat indtott, a fiatal alig 20 ves Ipolyi mg nem fejezte be Nagyszombatban megkezdett, Bcsben s Esztergomban...
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Dhs. 212.74 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Campaign of Waterloo: A Military HistoryThe Campaign of Waterloo: A Military History - Third EditionThe need of another narrative of the campaign of Waterloo may not be at first sight apparent. There has been a great deal written on this subject, and much of it has been written by...
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Pimeänpirtin hävitysPimeänpirtin hävitysMaantie, joka niill seuduin kulki, ei ollut mikn valtatie. Vhinen oli siin liike eik siit talvisin ajettu lumireke. Se oli rakennettu kyhin vuosina, jotta ihmiset saisivat leip. Se johti kirkolta sydnmaan kyliin. Mutta siit oli viel hyvn matkaa Kalle Aukustinpojan torpalle Pimenpirtin kankaalla....
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Sermons for the DaySermons for the DayWe live in very anxious times. Different phases of error are following each other with great rapidity, like waves before the gale on a stormy sea. A very short time ago we were deeply distressed by the sceptical tendencies of certain...
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Stephen H. Branch's Alligator, Vol. 1 no. 14, July 24, 1858Stephen H. Branch's Alligator, Vol. 1 no. 14, July 24, 1858JackOur stock in the Courier and Enquirer dont pay. We have had the best place and the largest type in the columns of that Journal for 20 years, and I tell you, brothers, it...
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Mene tekel! Eine Entdeckungsreise nach EuropaMene tekel! Eine Entdeckungsreise nach Europa Das Buch des genialen Amerikaners Bellamy, welches den socialistischen Zukunftsstaat im gnstigsten Lichte schildert, hat zahlreiche Schriften zu Tage gefrdert, die den entgegengesetzten Zweck verfolgen, nmlich den Socialstaat mit den dstersten Farben auszumalen und auf diese Weise Stimmung...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.74 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Un grand français du XVIIme siècle : Pierre Paul Riquet et le canal du MidiUn grand français du XVIIme siècle : Pierre Paul Riquet et le canal du MidiUn matin de juillet 1604, la ville de Bziers s'veillait peine, dj toute dore par le soleil levant; cinq heures n'avaient pas encore sonn aux horloges de l'antique petite cit;...
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Ornithological Biography, Volume 1 (of 5)Ornithological Biography, Volume 1 (of 5) - An Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America FELLOW OF THE LINNEAN AND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON; MEMBER OF THE LYCEUM AND LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, OF THE NATURAL HISTORY...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.74 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Franciscus ColumnaFranciscus Columna - The Last Novella of Charles NodierPerhaps you remember our friend Abbot Lowrich whom we met in Ragusa, in Spalato, in Vienna, in Munich, in Pisa, in Bologna, and in Lausanne. He is an excellent fellow, who is most knowledgeable, but who...
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Money (L'Argent)Money (L'Argent)The present version of M. Zola's novel 'L'Argent' supplies one of the missing links in the English translations of the Rougon-Macquart series which the author initiated some five and twenty years ago, and brought to a close last summer by the publication of...
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The Babe, B.AThe Babe, B.A. - Being the Uneventful History of a Young Gentleman at Cambridge UniversityIt is fitting, and I hope you will not feel it otherwise, that your name should appear on the forefront of this little book, for you know best how much...
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The Boy Travellers in the Far East [Part First]The Boy Travellers in the Far East [Part First] - Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Japan and ChinaTo my Young Friends: Not many years ago, China and Japan were regarded as among the barbarous nations. The rest of the world knew...
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