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Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, NebraskaAgate Fossil Beds National Monument, NebraskaNational Park Handbooks, compact introductions to the great natural and historic places administered by the National Park Service, are designed to promote understanding and enjoyment of the parks. Each is intended to be informative reading and a useful guide...
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The Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the UniverseThe Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the UniverseThis work is not presented to the reader as a treatise on astronomy, although the different phenomena pertaining to that splendid science are reviewed with some detail, and the established facts bearing upon the subjects...
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Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Hacia una Moral sin Dogmas: Lecciones sobre Emerson y el EticismoHacia una Moral sin Dogmas: Lecciones sobre Emerson y el EticismoEl "Centro de Estudiantes de Filosofa y Letras", ha tenido la gentileza de presentarme una versin taquigrfica, exponindome el deseo de editarlas; tan feliz circunstancia me permite salvar esta partcula de ese trabajo invisible...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Low Tide on Grand Pré: A Book of LyricsLow Tide on Grand Pré: A Book of LyricsvThe poems in this volume have been collected with reference to their similarity of tone. They are variations on a single theme, more or less aptly suggested by the title, Low Tide on Grand Pr. It...
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Dhs. 354.38 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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From Convent to Conflict Or, A Nun's Account of the Invasion of BelgiumFrom Convent to Conflict; Or, A Nun's Account of the Invasion of BelgiumLa Suprieure du Couvent des Filles de Marie a Willebroeck, Province dAnvers, en Belgique dclare par la prsente que ses soeurs Marie Antoine et Marie Cecile sont envoyes aux Extats Unis, a...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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The Four RoadsThe Four RoadsFOUR roads in Sussex mark out a patch of country that from the wooded, sea-viewing hills behind Dallington slips down over fields and ponds and spinneys to the marshes of Hailsham and Horse Eye. The North Road, slatting the heights with its...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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A Boy of Old JapanA Boy of Old JapanI am under deep obligations to the publishers, for giving me an opportunity to tell the story of the rejuvenation of Japan. I was a witness, although at that time I did not comprehend the movement, but I, and those...
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Dhs. 584.74 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Török világ Magyarországon (2. rész)Török világ Magyarországon (2. rész) - Történeti regényA part hosszban s a vrfokon kigyuladtak mr a vsztzek, hirdetve a szkevnyek futst. Ks volt mr. Azok gyors arab paripkon versenyt futottak a szllel. Pedig a szl sem volt rest, gy megindult, gy fellzadt, hogy a...
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Dhs. 354.38 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Török világ Magyarországon (1. rész)Török világ Magyarországon (1. rész) - Történeti regényOlvas kznsgem irnti ktelessget remnylek teljesteni, a midn jelen mvemben ugyanazon idszak kpeit adom vissza, melybl Erdly aranykort vettem. E kt regny kztt nem kivnok mvszi sszefggst kerestetni, ha volna, az mindkettnek hibja lenne; csupn a kor...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 354.38 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Historical Record of the Twelfth, or the Prince of Wales's Royal Regiment of LancersHistorical Record of the Twelfth, or the Prince of Wales's Royal Regiment of Lancers - Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1715, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1848.The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Historical Record of the Tenth, or the North Lincolnshire, Regiment of FootHistorical Record of the Tenth, or the North Lincolnshire, Regiment of Foot, - Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1685, and of its Subsequent Services to 1847The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Kultur in CartoonsKultur in Cartoons - With accompanying notes by well-known English writersPurchasers of Kultur in Cartoons may be interested to know that this present work is a companion volume to Raemaekers Cartoons, issued in 1916. Raemaekers Cartoons includes many of the artists earlier work, dealing...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Lao can you ji xu pian老殘遊記續集 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Men and MeasuresMen and MeasuresThis history is the development of a short story of the Imperial System of Weights and Measures published eleven years ago, but withdrawn when this fuller work took shape. To have made it at all complete would have required a long lifetime...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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The Study of Astronomy, adapted to the capacities of youthThe Study of Astronomy, adapted to the capacities of youth - In twelve familiar dialogues, between a tutor and his pupil: explaining the general phænomena of the heavenly bodies, the theory of the tides, &c.It has long been a matter of surprize to those...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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North American Wild FlowersNorth American Wild Flowershe first and second edition of our Book of Wild Flowers was published last year under the title of CANADIAN WILD FLOWERS; but it has been suggested by some American friends that we ought not to have limited the title to...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Simplex Munditiis, GentlemenSimplex Munditiis, GentlemenDress is the embodiment of taste and refinement. A man looks, and is, distinguished, when he shows simple elegance in his dress. It is not necessary to have wealth in order to dress well. With judgment and economy, one can be something...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 354.38 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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Tudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis VivesTudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis VivesErasmus was born in 1466, Bud (Budaeus) in 1468, and Vives in 1492. These great men were regarded by their contemporaries as a triumvirate of leaders of the Renascence movement, at any rate outside of Italy....
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 354.38 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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The Oyster: Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat ItThe Oyster: Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat It OF the Millions who live to eat and eat to live in this wide world of ours, how few are there who do not, at proper times and seasons, enjoy a...
- Dhs. 23.90 AED
Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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The Legend of Kupirri, or, The Red KangarooThe Legend of Kupirri, or, The Red Kangaroo - An Aboriginal Tradition of the Port Lincoln TribeThe Natives of a certain district of Port Lincoln, when questioned as to the cause of the non-existence of that species of Kangaroo known to the Colonists as...
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Dhs. 214.78 AED- Dhs. 23.90 AED
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