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How to Be a ManHow to Be a Man - A Book for Boys, Containing Useful Hints on the Formation of CharacterWho reads a preface? Many do not; but jump at once into the middle of a book. But it is well to know something about a book,...
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When We Were Strolling Players in the EastWhen We Were Strolling Players in the EastMy first and best thanks are due to the editors of the Pall Mall Gazette and of the Pall Mall Budget. Their kindness has enabled me to reprint here several articles that have previously appeared in one...
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Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. I)The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. I)The American-Irish Historical Society was founded, as its constitution declares, for the study of American history generally; to investigate specially the immigration of the people of Ireland to this country, determine its numbers, examine the sources,...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 354.31 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Through Spain to the SaharaThrough Spain to the SaharaN a golden autumn afternoon we found ourselves in the old city of Tours, bound for Spain and the enchanted lands lying north of the Great Sahara. Pleasant it was to look backward and forward; backward to the busy life...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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In the LineIn the LineIn the Line is a story of school life and football rather than of football and school life. In its football it is meant to supplement Following the Ball, as With Mask and Mit in its baseball will supplement Making the Nine,...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Hans Nielsen HaugeHans Nielsen HaugeTuolla tuli kaksi poikaa, toinen kuusitoista ja toinen noin neljtoista vuotias, hiljaisina ulos avoimesta tuvan ovesta. He seisahtuivat hetkiseksi porraskivelle; sitten menivt he hiljalleen renkipojan luo, joka istui rattaiden vliaisalla, ja istuutuivat siihen. Ne olivat Niels Mikkelsenin kaksi poikaa, Mikkel ja Ole....
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Geschiedenis van SurinameGeschiedenis van SurinameToen ik, gedurende den winter van 1857/8, voor een kleinen kring, in een achttal lezingen, een kort overzigt van de Geschiedenis van Suriname trachtte te geven, met het doel, om belangstelling in die kolonie en hare blanke, gekleurde en zwarte bevolking op...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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A Probable Italian Source of Shakespeare's "Julius Cæsar"A Probable Italian Source of Shakespeare's "Julius Cæsar"I intend in this monograph to demonstrate the probability of Shakespeares indebtedness in the composition of the first three acts of his Julius Caesar, to the Cesare of Orlando Pescetti, an Italian tragedy on the same theme,...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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All But Lost: A Novel. Vol. 2 of 3All But Lost: A Novel. Vol. 2 of 3Teddy Drake' s answer to Frank's letter came by return of post, and Frank at once went up to Prescott's rooms in a state of some excitement to read him its contents. They were as follows:...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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The flowers and gardens of JapanThe flowers and gardens of JapanAn apology is due to the reader for adding this volume to the long list of books already written on Japan; but, being a lover of flowers myself, I found there was no book giving a short account of...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Vihdoinkin kotonaVihdoinkin kotonaNiinkuin usein lauantaisin oli nytkin noin kello kolmen aikana lukuisa vkijoukko kokoontunut ajopeleineeu Pariisin Bercy portin eteen. Rantakaduilla oli vaunuja ahdinkoon asti neljss epsnnllisess riviss retelej lastattuina viinitynnyreill, kuormavankkureita hiilill tahi jollakin muulla polttoaineella, sit paitsi hein- ja olkikuormia, jotka kaikki seisoivat siin...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Elias LönnrotElias LönnrotTm Lnnrotin elmkerta perustuu pasiallisesti seuraaviin lhteihin: A.R. Niemi, Elias Lnnrotin lapsuus (Valvoja 1895), Elias Lnnrot Kajaanissa (Virittj 1897), Kalevalan kokoonpano I (1898); E. Nervander, Elias Lnnrotin nuoruuden ajoilta Laukon kartanossa (1893); Aug. Ahlqvist, Elias Lnnrot, elmkerrallisia piirteit (1884); J. Krohn, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Compendio de la historia general de América. Tomo ICompendio de la historia general de América. Tomo INota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Santa Claus' Message: A Christmas StorySanta Claus' Message: A Christmas StoryTwenty-foot was an almost deserted mining camp, and presented the desolate appearance of such localities: A wide valley, honeycombed by old workings, and strewn with debris. On one side stretched miles of barren ranges, denuded of heavy trees, which...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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The Problem of ManflightThe Problem of ManflightAs the century draws to its close the interest in the subject of aeronautics steadily increases. There already exists a keen curiosity to know what the aerial machine of the future is likely to resemble, and also to know whether the...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Persian Literature, Ancient and ModernPersian Literature, Ancient and ModernThere is a growing interest in the literatures of the Orient, but the difficulties in this field of investigation have been so great that few students have taken time to recover the gems from the worthless matter surrounding them. The...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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Catty AtkinsCatty AtkinsAll of a sudden he jumped at Skoodles and quicker than a cat he hit him twice, once on the nose and once on the stummick, and Skoodles sat down to think it over I put a bottle on a box against the...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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VehnäprinsessaVehnäprinsessaJos lhdet kaupungista Porta Maggioren luona ja kuljet Sabine-vuoristoon viev Via Praenestinaa, j vasemmalle puolellesi noin kolmenkymmenenkuuden kilometrin pss Roomasta harmaarakennuksinen kyl kukkulan rinteell. Se on Palestrina, jota vanhan Rooman aikoina sanottiin Praenestiksi; hiukan edempn samoin vasemmalla poikkeaa suorasta Rooman valtatiest kkijyrkk vuoristotie, joka...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 214.74 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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India and Indian EngineeringIndia and Indian Engineering. - Three lectures delivered at the Royal Engineer Institute, Chatham, in July 1872Indiaits areaphysical featuresclimatescenery. The PeopleBengaleeslanguagesHindooismcasteconservatism of the Eastthe MahomedansSikhsParsees. The English in Indiatheir difficultiesthe Anglo-Indian careerthe mutinyChristianity in Indiaarts and manufacturesgeneral character of the people. Anglo-Indian lifein the...
- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 354.31 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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- Dhs. 23.89 AED
Dhs. 354.31 AED- Dhs. 23.89 AED
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