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Lloyd's Treatise on Hats, with Twenty-Four EngravingsLloyd's Treatise on Hats, with Twenty-Four Engravings - Containing Novel Delineations of His Various Shapes, Shewing the Manner in Which They Should Be Worn... To what trifles do some men owe a perpetuation of their "famous memory." There is Nimrod, for instance, not but...
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The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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Dhs. 582.45 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Sweet RocketSweet RocketThe woman driving turned the phaeton from the highway into a narrow road. Almost immediately the forest through which they had been passing for a mile or more deepened. It was now a rich woodland, little cut, seldom touched by fire. Apparently the...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Ten years of missionary work among the Indians at Skokomish, Washington Territory, 1874-1884Ten years of missionary work among the Indians at Skokomish, Washington Territory, 1874-1884THE Indians are in our midst. Different solutions of the problem have been proposed. It is evident that we must either kill them, move them away, or let them remain with us....
- Dhs. 23.80 AED
Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1911The Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1911These are the months that count. This issue of the Review brings notice of many bills introduced in various states for the betterment of prison conditions and for the welfare of the prisoner. Let prisoners aid societies...
- Dhs. 23.80 AED
Dhs. 352.99 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Drei Erzählungen für junge MädchenDrei Erzählungen für junge MädchenWie gesagt, Herr Pastor, darin kann ich Ihnen nicht Recht geben, das ist keine Erziehung fr ein Mdchen! Einen Jungen mgen Sie alle diese Dinge lernen lassen, meinetwegen; aber ein Mdchen kann in ihrem ganzen Leben nichts damit anfangen. Das...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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- Dhs. 23.80 AED
Dhs. 342.32 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 7 (of 7)The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 7 (of 7)Engraved by J. Posselwhite.GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS.From a Print by Paul Pontius, after a Picture by Van Dyck.Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.London, Published by Charles Knight & Co. Ludgate Street....
- Dhs. 23.80 AED
Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Janus in Modern LifeJanus in Modern LifeThese papers essay an understanding of some of the various principles which underlie the course of political movements in the present age. There is no attempt at introducing any considerations which are not familiar to every intelligent person, nor any comparisons...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Allegheny EpisodesAllegheny Episodes - Folk Lore and Legends Collected in Northern and Western PennsylvaniaIt is a good thing to make resolves, but a better thing, once having made them, to keep them. On two previous occasions the compiler of the present volume has stated his...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 3: KylänluvutKuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 3: Kylänluvut Nousevalla viikolla tiistaina, vastasi lautamies. Ja niin kuin viime vuonna mrttiin, se tulee nyt pidettvksi meill. Siksi pit naisten tll viikolla kutoa kankaansa loppuun, ja mit ei kerki lopettaa, sen saa kri syrjlle ja vied tupaseen. Lauantaina pit...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 2: MaahanpanijaisetKuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 2: Maahanpanijaiset Ei taida minusta en kauaksi olla tlle elmlle, sanoi Niemeln vanha emnt ern aamuna vuoteelta noustessaan. Koko ruumistani hervottaa, ptni leiluttaa ja vilunvreet kyvt lpi ruumiini juuri kuin kylm vett kaadettaisiin plleni, niin pintani viereksii. Kahdeksankahdeksatta vuotta olenkin...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 1: Joulun viettoKuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 1: Joulun viettoOlen syntynyt 17 pivn keskuuta vuonna 1839 Hyhn kylss, Rautjrven pitjss ja Viipurin lniss. Isni nimi oli Juhana. Hn oli vanhin poika kuudesta lapsesta, itini talollisen tytr Maria Matintytr Pajari oli kotoisin saman pitjn Miettiln Pajarista. Kun itini...
- Dhs. 23.80 AED
Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Woman's Profession as Mother and Educator, with Views in Opposition to Woman SuffrageWoman's Profession as Mother and Educator, with Views in Opposition to Woman SuffrageThe object of the following pages is to present the subject of woman's profession as mother and chief educator of our race in connection with the present demand that she shall also...
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Dhs. 352.99 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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An American Diplomat in ChinaAn American Diplomat in ChinaThrough recent developments China has been put in the forefront of international interest. The world is beginning to have an idea of its importance. Those who have long known it, who have given attention to its traditions and the sources...
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Dhs. 352.99 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Riverside Biographical Series, number 7John MarshallThe writer has drawn with entire freedom from an address delivered by him at Cambridge on February 4, 1901, before the Harvard Law School and the Bar Association of the City of Boston, and from an article on John Marshall in the Atlantic...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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In Queer StreetIn Queer Street Transcriber's Notes: 1. Page scan source: Haithi Trust Org. images digitized by Google (original from University of Wisconsin) "Here," explained the landlady, "we are not wildly gay, as the serious aspect of life prevents our indulging in unrestrained mirth. Each one...
- Dhs. 23.80 AED
Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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TunisiasTunisias - Johann Ladislav Pyrker's sämmtliche Werke (1/3) Eingang. Ein Eilbothe meldet dem Kaiser, die Schiffsmacht der Feinde sey gegen Barcellona im Anzug. Zugleich kommt Muley Hassan, der vertriebene Knig von Tunis, von ihm Schutz zu erflehen. Des Kaisers Abendgebeth im Dom zu Madrid....
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Dhs. 352.99 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Silver Princess in OzThe Silver Princess in OzThis book will tell you all that happened when Randy and Kabumpo traveled off to the Castle of the Red Jinn. Halfway there they met a Princess from Anuther Planet and her Thunder Colt; later, a villain named Gludwig. With...
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Dhs. 213.94 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Catharine de Bora: Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of LutherCatharine de Bora: Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of LutherThere are many interesting and characteristic incidents in the domestic life of Luther which are not found in biographies of the great Reformer. The character of his wife has not been portrayed in...
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Dhs. 582.45 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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