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Oxford Mountaineering EssaysOxford Mountaineering EssaysOxford, they tell us, is the home of movements; Cambridge the home of men. Certainly the miniature movement that took shape in this little book was inspired by a Cambridge man. It was at an Oxford tea-party, where the talk had been...
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From Zone to ZoneFrom Zone to Zone - Or, The Wonderful Trip of Frank Reade, Jr., with His Latest Air-ShipMr. Reade is the foremost inventor of the day. He is the creator of the Submarine Boat and many other wonderful things. He has now come to the...
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In Tamal LandIn Tamal Land To the average tourist there are few states in the Union which offer more attractions than California. Though its mild climate, fertile valleys, and scenic beauties are counted among its chief assets, still they are not its sole possessions, for, linked...
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Presidential ProblemsPresidential ProblemsIn considering the propriety of publishing this book, the fact has not been overlooked that the push and activity of our peoples life lead them more often to the anticipation of new happenings than to a review of events which have already become...
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Old Crosses and LychgatesOld Crosses and Lychgates IN pursuance of the Christian policy of instituting an innocent practice to take the place of each of the old, vicious customs of heathendomthe substitution of the festival of Christmas for the former orgies of the Saturnalia is perhaps the...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Lost in the Atlantic Valley Or, Frank Reade, Jr., and His Wonder, the "Dart"Lost in the Atlantic Valley; Or, Frank Reade, Jr., and His Wonder, the "Dart"Readestown, U. S. A., is a smart, flourishing little city upon a certain river which runs down to the sea, and it owes its founding and success to a family of...
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Dhs. 352.87 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Hétfalusi csángó népmesék Magyar népköltési gyüjtemény 10. kötetHétfalusi csángó népmesék; Magyar népköltési gyüjtemény 10. kötetTvolrl sem lltom, hogy a mit egy-egy uj ktetnk nyujt, az mind merben uj. Sok darab csak vltozata az ismert rginek. Kivlt a npmesknl tallkozunk lpten-nyomon ismers inditkokkal, jl ismert helyzetekkel. Ezen nincs mit csodlkozni. Maga a...
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Dhs. 213.86 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Young Circus Rider or, the Mystery of Robert RuddThe Young Circus Rider; or, the Mystery of Robert RuddAs the Pacific Series, just completed, is devoted to stories of life and adventure on the Pacific coast, the Atlantic Series, of which the Young Circus Rider is the initial volume, will comprise stories located...
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Neitsyt Maarian lahja: ynnä muita legendojaNeitsyt Maarian lahja: ynnä muita legendojaTm tapahtui ristiretkien aikaan ritari Bertrandin linnassa, Auvergnen maakunnassa. Turhaan oli nuori linnanrouva jo pitkt ajat odotellut ritari Bertrandia kotiin palaavaksi. Maine oli jo tiennyt kertoa pyhn yrityksen eponnistumisesta. Oli saapunut naapurilinnoihin joitakin mukana olleita asemiehi. Oli samonnut ohi...
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Dhs. 352.87 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 1 (of 2)Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 1 (of 2)Se souvient-on encore, dans le monde o tu es, des choses de notre monde, ou cette seconde vie, ternelle, nexiste-t-elle que dans notre imagination, enfante, au milieu de nos reproches lexistence, par notre terreur de ne plus tre?...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
Dhs. 213.86 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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The Day of Doom Or, a Poetical Description of the Great and Last JudgementThe Day of Doom; Or, a Poetical Description of the Great and Last JudgementTranscribers Note: Biblical references were originally present as side notes rather than footnotes. The references for each stanza were collected into a single footnote, as the references are mostly generic to...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
Dhs. 352.87 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Jääkärien jäljiltä: Kymmenen kertomustaJääkärien jäljiltä: Kymmenen kertomustaOnhan toki Suomessa vielkin romantiikkaa, huolimatta rautatieverkon ja savupiippujen tihenemisest. Tmkin kartano, kuin linna, jyrkkkallioisen metslammen rannalla, yhtll synkk kuusikko, toisaalla lauhkeat lehtimetst, ja etmp vilahteli sielt tlt kyln talojen ptyj. Jo vuosikymmeni olivat siell viettneet kesns jalot rouvat ja ritarit,...
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Dhs. 352.87 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 1, Isla de CubaColección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 1, Isla de CubaEn las cifras en nmeros romanos impresas en versalita en el original, el tamao de la letra U (1000) es mayor al del...
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Dhs. 213.86 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Castillo de San MarcosCastillo de San Marcos - A Guide to Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, FloridaCastillo de San Marcos National Monument is located in the longest continuously inhabited community founded by Europeans in the United States. This handbook tells the intercultural story of the long...
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Cleopatra: A StudyCleopatra: A StudyNous venons de recevoir votre chque, et nous vous envoyons en change, par la prsente lettre, tant en notre nom quau nom de lauteur, lautorisation exclusive de publier aux Etats-Unis, une traduction de ltude de Mr. Henry Houssaye sur Cloptre. Nous saisissons...
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Dhs. 213.86 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Jewish PortraitsJewish PortraitsThe papers which form this volume have already appeared in the pages of Good Words, Macmillans Magazine, The National Review, and The Spectator, and are reprinted with the very kindly given permission of the editors. The Frontispiece is reproduced through the kindness of...
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Dhs. 213.86 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Cabezas: Pensadores y Artistas, PolíticosCabezas: Pensadores y Artistas, Políticos - Obras Completas Vol. XXIINota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se...
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- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Erzgebirgische Geschichten. Erster BandErzgebirgische Geschichten. Erster BandHoch auf dem Plateau des Erzgebirges, in der nordstlichen Nachbarschaft des Keilberges, erhebt sich, weit nach Mitternacht und Morgen sichtbar, die rautenfrmige Basaltkegelgruppe des Brenstein, Scheibenberg, Phlberg und Haberg. Es ist ein Raum von wenig Geviertstunden, den sie umschliet, aber ein...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
Dhs. 352.87 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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Dulce DueñoDulce DueñoFuera, llueve:lluvia blanda, primaveral. No es tristeza lo que fluye del cielo; antes bien, la hilaridad de un juego de aguas pulverizndose con refrescante goteo menudo. Dentro, en la paz de una velada de pueblo tranquilo, se intensifica la sensacin de calmoso bienestar,...
- Dhs. 23.79 AED
Dhs. 352.87 AED- Dhs. 23.79 AED
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