Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
Rachel Vitale's Christmas Cookbook: Entertain Your Loved Ones at Christmas with Rachel's Christmas-Inspired RecipesIs Christmas your favorite holiday?The holidays are coming, so it's time to start thinking about what you will make.This Christmas Cookbook is the perfect gift for anyone who loves food and, of course, Christmas, as well.With 50 recipes that will get you into the...
- CHF 38.18
- CHF 38.18
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Indian Masala Chutney and Pickle: The Real Flavor of Indian FoodMasale/spices are an integral part of Indian cooking. These spices have medicinal and therapeutic effects. They help in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Spices contain flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that helps prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer....
- CHF 75.18
- CHF 75.18
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The Ultimate Burger Cookbook: Recipes to Introduce You to the Wonderful World of BurgersHello, and welcome to the wonderful world of burgers! Close your eyes and picture this scene. It is a hot summer's day, the sun is about to set, and you are sitting at a table full of family and friends. In front of you...
- CHF 20.97
- CHF 20.97
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СТРАХОТНАТА ПИЦАПицата е плосък, отворен пай от италиански произход, състоящ се от подобна на хляб кора, покрита с подправен доматен сос и сирене, често гарнирана със солени меса и зеленчуци. Традиционно пицата се класифицира по дебелина, форма и платформа за сглобяване. Категоризиране на пици A....
- CHF 70.60
- CHF 70.60
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Den Underbara PizzanPizza är en platt paj med öppet ansikte av italienskt ursprung, bestående av en brödliknande skorpa toppad med kryddad tomatsås och ost, ofta garnerad med salta kött och grönsaker. Traditionellt har pizza klassificerats efter tjocklek, form och monteringsplattform. Kategorisering av pizzor A. Skorpans tjocklek...
- CHF 68.67
- CHF 68.67
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KOMPLETT LÅGKARBOKOKBOK FÖR NYbörjareFörutom rent socker är alltför många kolhydrater ansvariga för oönskad viktökning med växande kärlekshandtag. En anledning till att lågkolhydrat är en pågående trend. Lågkolhydratdieten (översatt: få kolhydrater) handlar om en drastisk minskning av kolhydrater i kosten. För först när intaget av socker och kolhydrater...
- CHF 51.83
- CHF 51.83
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Intermittent Fasting for Women: A Complete Beginner's Guide to Reset Your Metabolism, Delay Aging and Lose WeightAre you sick and tired of fad diets that don't work, and ultimately leave you feeling demotivated and out of pocket?Maybe you feel as though you have exhausted every option available to you when it comes to trying to lose weight.Perhaps you have tried...
- CHF 32.39
- CHF 32.39
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Yang Tulen Rasa Caribbean Buku MasakMakanan Caribbean mewakili gabungan budaya yang menarik. Pulau-pulau itu mempunyai pengaruh dari Afrika, India Timur, China, Amerika Selatan, Eropah, Asia Tenggara, Syria dan Lubnan. Setiap satu daripada budaya ini telah meninggalkan tanda uniknya pada makanan di rantau ini yang berkembang dengan cara mereka sendiri...
- CHF 59.60
- CHF 59.60
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ΤΟ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΌ ΓΕΎΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΡΑΪΒ	Το φαγητό της Καραϊβικής αντιπροσωπεύει μια συναρπαστική συγχώνευση πολιτισμών. Τα νησιά διαθέτουν επιρροές από την Αφρική, την Ανατολική Ινδία, την Κίνα, τη Νότια Αμερική, την Ευρώπη, τη Νοτιοανατολική Ασία, τη Συρία και τον Λίβανο. Καθένας από αυτούς τους πολιτισμούς έχει αφήσει το δικό του...
- CHF 60.23
- CHF 60.23
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Banan appétitHave you ever had extra bananas lying around your kitchen? Banan Appétit is the perfect cookbook to turn extra bananas into delicious easy to follow recipes.Author: Ammar MasoudPublisher: Lulu.comPublished: 11/18/2022Pages: 34Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.22lbsSize: 8.50h x 8.50w x 0.09dISBN: 9781470985820This title is not returnable
- CHF 28.06
- CHF 28.06
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Intermittent Fasting: How You Can Effectively Achieve Your Desired Weight Using The Feast And Famine Method (A Stress-Free Method To Heal YoYou have certainly heard of intermittent fasting and the benefits it has brought to so many people. You may not know, however, that the secret to the success of intermittent fasting is in the strengthening of Autophagy. Every day, our cells undergo a natural...
- CHF 15.54
- CHF 15.54
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Atkins Thyroid Cure: Heal Your Metabolism Gland And Lose 45 lbs This MonthDo you have thyroid problems and need help? Would you like to lose weight without additional drugs? Do you need a break from food that is making your problem worse? Do you feel stagnant, stuck in a rut, and ready for a change? Are...
- CHF 19.43
- CHF 19.43
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Italian Wines 2023Author: Gambero RossoPublisher: Gambero RossoPublished: 03/21/2023Pages: 1072Binding Type: PaperbackISBN: 9788866412632
- CHF 46.66
- CHF 46.66
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The Delicious Chip Dip Cookbook: Recipes for Your Next PartyDelicious Chip Dip Recipes in This Cookbook! Who doesn't love chips and dips! You can't have a party without it! But why serve the same old boring stuff when there are so many options available out there. This cookbook contains so many delicious mouth-watering...
- CHF 11.32
- CHF 11.32
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ПЪЛНОТО РЪКОВОДСТВО ЗА ДПрез Средновековието хората в Европа са изграждали стаи като разширение на дестилерии, които са били специално проектирани да дехидратират храната от топлината на вътрешния огън. Храната беше нанизана в стаята, опушена и изсушена. Липсата на слънчева светлина и сухите дни направиха невъзможно сушенето на...
- CHF 60.88
- CHF 60.88
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Sous Vide voor iedereen 2023: De gemakkelijke, onfeilbare kooktechniek die de wereld overspoeltOorspronkelijk uit het Frans voor "onder vacuüm" omdat het vaak gaat om het verzegelen van voedsel in plastic, stelt sous vide je in staat om voedsel voorzichtig te koken in een automatisch waterbad tot de perfecte temperatuur.Dat klinkt misschien intimiderend, maar de techniek is...
- CHF 59.33
- CHF 59.33
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My Mother's KitchenMy Mother's Kitchen is a funny, moving memoir about a son's discovery that his mother has a genius for understanding the intimate connections between cooking, people and love Peter Gethers wants to give his aging mother a very personal and perhaps final gift: a...
- CHF 23.32
- CHF 23.32
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Real Life Dinners: Fun, Fresh, Fast Dinners from the Creator of the Chic SiteFun, fresh, and fast recipes for family dinners from the founder of The Chic Site, a lifestyle website, and the author of Upscale Downhome and New York Times bestseller Girl, Wash Your Face. Rachel Hollis's Real Life Dinners is a cookbook that fits into...
- CHF 33.25
- CHF 33.25
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The Gefilte Manifesto: New Recipes for Old World Jewish FoodsThe founders of the world-famous Gefilteria revitalize beloved old-world foods with ingenious new approaches in their debut cookbook, The Gefilte Manifesto. Liz Alpern and Jeffrey Yoskowitz are on a mission to reclaim and revolutionize Ashkenazi cuisine. Combining the inventive spirit of a new generation...
- CHF 56.71
- CHF 56.71
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Rao's Classics: More Than 140 Italian Favorites from the Legendary New York RestaurantRao's is the legendary, tiny corner restaurant in East Harlem where it's impossible to book a table: each of the red-checked, cloth-covered four-, six-, and two-tops is reserved for a titan of New York industry, a celebrity, or a major politician. Permanently. Now Frank...
- CHF 52.93
- CHF 52.93
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