Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
On the Edge of the Primeval ForestOn the Edge of the Primeval Forest - Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa With regard to the English Edition of this book I owe a debt of thanks to two friends. Mr. C. T. Campion, M.A., had the goodness to...
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Dao De Jing: A Minimalist TranslationDao De Jing: A Minimalist TranslationWelcome to yet another translation of the Dao De Jing (DDJ), or Tao Te Ching in the old-fashioned spelling. Why should you want to read this translation? This version attempts to include an exact translation of every Chinese symbol...
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Paul Nicolay: ElämänkuvausPaul Nicolay: ElämänkuvausParoni Nicolay sai elissn monta pysyv ystv meidn maassamme. Hnen kaksi vuotta sitten sattunut kuolemansa oli heille kaikille tuntuva tappio hn jtti jlkeens vaikeasti tytettvn tyhjn sijan. Monet niist, joille hnen muistonsa oli rakas, lausuivat heti hnen kuoltuaan toivovansa, ett kohdakkoin laadittaisiin...
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Unitarianism DefendedUnitarianism Defended - A Series of Lectures by Three Protestant Dissenting Ministers of LiverpoolIn preparing this Lecture for the press, after an examination in its printed form of that to which it is a Reply, I do not find that the Trinitarian argument has...
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St John Damascene on Holy Images (πρὸς τοὺς διαβάλλοντας τᾶς ἁγίας εἰκόνας). Followed by Three Sermons on the Assumption (κοίμησις)St John Damascene on Holy Images (πρὸς τοὺς διαβάλλοντας τᾶς ἁγίας εἰκόνας). Followed by Three Sermons on the Assumption (κοίμησις)A Treatise on Images will not be out of place in a public, which is confusing the making of images with the making of idols....
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Le sabbat des sorciersLe sabbat des sorciersLes Sorcieres se rendent au Sabbat de differentes manieres. Les vnes se mettent vn baston blanc entre les iambes, & puis prononcent certains mots, & dehors sont portees par l'ar iusques en l'assemblee des Sorciers. Ou bien elles y vont sus...
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Johannes KalvinJohannes KalvinOli elokuu vuonna 1536 Geneven kaupungissa, kauniin Sveitsin alppijrven lounaiskolkassa. Sinne oli saapunut matkustaja, joka aikoi Baseliin ja poikkesi majataloon yksi. Hnen tarkotuksensa oli jo seuraavana aamuna jatkaa matkaansa, Vaikka vasta 27-vuotias, oli hn jo kuuluisa kirjailija ja hnen nimens senthden laajalti tunnettu...
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Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla IV. 1853-1900Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla IV. 1853-1900 Ps. 25: 8-9. I. Pohjanmaan hernnisyys 1853-60. II. Kuolemansanomia Pohjanmaan hernnisyyden merkkimiesten rivist 1850-luvun loppuvuosina ja seuraavan vuosikymmenen alussa. III. Savon hernnisyyden vaiheita Paavo Ruotsalaisen kuoleman jlkeen vuoteen 1860. IV. Henrik Renqvist 1853-1866. V. Hernnisyys Matth. Akianderin...
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Treasures in HeavenTreasures in Heaven - Fifteenth Book of the Faith Promoting Series, Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsNo lesson taught by the Savior during his ministry in mortality was more frequently and thoroughly impressed than that of unselfish service. Of those...
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Animal Life and IntelligenceAnimal Life and Intelligence There are many books in our language which deal with Animal Intelligence in an anecdotal and conventionally popular manner. There are a few, notably those by Mr. Romanes and Mr. Mivart, which bring adequate knowledge and training to bear on...
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Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla III. 1845-1852Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla III. 1845-1852 Ilm. k. 2: 4. I. Sanomalehtikiistojen ja oppiriitojen jlkikaikuja v. 1845-1846. II. Jul. Imm. Berghin vaikutus Kuopiossa 1840-luvun keskivlill. III. Pohjanmaan hernnisyyden vaiheita 1840-luvun loppuaikoina. IV. Hernnisyyden oppi. V. Hernneitten sielunhoito. VI. Karjalan hernnisyyden huomattavimmat vaiheet 1840-luvun...
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Spiritismo?Spiritismo? Abbiamo tante e tante volte ragionato insieme di Spiritismo, tu da credente, con molte riserbe e cautele, attirato pi dal misticismo della dottrina spiritica che dal meraviglioso delle communicazioni o delle apparizioni, io da curioso, da dilettante che ha tentato e provato e...
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Gems of ReminiscenceGems of Reminiscence - Seventeenth Book of the Faith Promoting Series, Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day Saints"Gems of Reminiscence," the title selected for this volume, is sufficiently comprehensive to include incidents from real life on a wide variety of subjects,...
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Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla II. 1836-1844Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla II. 1836-1844I. "Tidningar i andliga mnen" ja "Hengellisi Sanomia". II. Vanhan puutarhurin kirjeet. III. Kalajoen hernnisyys 1836-1837. IV. Kalajoen krjt (1838-1839). V. Suupohjan hernnisyysliikkeen alku. VI. Fredrik string ja hnen sanankuulijansa oikeuden edess. VII. Turun tuomiokapitulin pts stringin ja...
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The Garden of Eden: Stories from the first nine books of the Old TestamentThe Garden of Eden: Stories from the first nine books of the Old TestamentSTORIES FROM THE FIRST NINE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT BY GEORGE HODGES ILLUSTRATED BY WALTER H. EVERETT BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY The Riverside Press Cambridge COPYRIGHT, 1908...
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Dissertationem de hominibus post mortem sanguisugis, vulgo sic dictis VampyrenDissertationem de hominibvs post mortem sangvisvgis, vvlgo sic dictis VampyrenQuo praeclarior atque utilior censetur res, eo maiori in pretio non solum habenda, sed et omni modo promovenda est. An vero quaedam inveniri possit veritate praestantior, quae in nostrarum cogitationum convenientia cum externa sensione consistit,...
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Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla I. 1796-1835Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla I. 1796-1835Lukijalle. I. Savon hernnisyyden alku. II. Paavo Ruotsalaisen nuoruudenaika. Hnen ensimminen kyntins Jaakko Hgmanin luona. III. Paavo Ruotsalaisen toinen kynti Hgmanin luona. IV. Paimenni Lounais-Suomessa 19 vuosisadan vaiheessa. V. Henrik Renqvistin koulu- ja ylioppilasaika. VI. Hernnisyyden leviminen Pohjois-Savossa...
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"Father Clark," or The Pioneer Preacher"Father Clark," or The Pioneer PreacherThe incidents, manners and customs of frontier life in the country once called the Far West,now the valley of the Mississippi, are interesting to all classes. The religious events and labors of good men in works of faith and...
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"Born of the Spirit" or, Gems from the Book of Life"Born of the Spirit;" or, Gems from the Book of Life My reasons for writing and publishing this book are: 1Ibelieve that the Lord wanted me to. The burden has been on my heart for years to do this very thing. 2Ihave a great...
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The Boyhood of JesusThe Boyhood of JesusTHERE was once a time when there was no Christmas at all. There were no beautiful Christmas trees and happy songs and stockings filled with presents. No one shouted Merry Christmas! or Christmas Gift! No one told the sweet story of...
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