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AikakoneAikakoneAikakulkija (sit nime sopii meidn hnest kytt) selitteli meille paraikaa erst syvllist kysymyst. Hnen harmaat silmns loistivat ja vlkehtivt, ja hnen muuten kalpeat kasvonsa punottivat ja nyttivt eloisilta. Valkea paloi iloisesti, ja hopealilja-lampuista sdehtiv pehme valo tavoitteli meidn laseissamme tavantakaa esiin vilahtelevia kuplia. Tuolimme,...
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Alice Wilde: The Raftsman's Daughter. A Forest RomanceAlice Wilde: The Raftsman's Daughter. A Forest Romance Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1860, by IRWIN P. BEADLE & CO., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CHAPTER...
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Clutterbuck's TreasureClutterbuck's TreasureWhen my father died and left me unexpectedly penniless, all those kind friends whom I consulted upon my obvious failure to find anything to do were quite agreed as to this fact: that when a young man is desirous of finding employment in...
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Thekla, oder die Flucht nach der TürkeiThekla, oder die Flucht nach der Türkei. - Epilog zum Staatsgefängniß. Nebst zwei andern Novellen.In einer der lebhaftesten Straen Semlin's prangte an einem freundlichen einstckigen Wohnhause ein blaues Schild, auf welchem mit groen goldenen Buchstaben die Worte standen Lwen-Apotheke. Neben der groen Glasthr, die...
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Kauhun saariKauhun saariI. "Lady Vain'in" pelastusveneess. II. Mies, joka ei ollut matkalla minnekn. III. Kummalliset kasvot. IV. Kuunarin kaidepuilla. V. Mies, jolla ei ollut paikkaa minne menn. VI. Rumat soutajat. VII. Lukittu ovi. VIII. Puman kiljunta. IX. Metsn olento. X. Ihmisen huuto. XI. Ihmisajo. XII....
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The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 1 (of 4)The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 1 (of 4)The cover image was produced by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. No table of contents existed in the original book. A simple table of contents was created by the transcriber. Additional transcriber's notes at...
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The Crime ClubThe Crime ClubAs he did so, the captain experienced a painful sensation. He felt a little cold ring of steel pressed against his right temple, and from past experience, both objective and subjective, he knew that a Colt cartridge was held, so to speak,...
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The Demi-godsThe Demi-gods"Will you leave that donkey alone," said Patsy Mac Cann to his daughter. "I never heard the like of it," he continued testily. "I tell you the way you do be going on with the ass is enough to make a Christian man...
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The Willing Horse: A NovelThe Willing Horse: A Novel(1) Writing a novel of some period of the world's history antecedent to the year nineteen-fourteen. This is undoubtedly a wide fieldthe Christian era alone covers twenty centuriesbut it has been cultivated by several writers already. (3) Writing a post-war...
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Das zerstörte Idyll: NovellenDas zerstörte Idyll: Novellen KARIN, ich widme dir dies Buch. Du weit so gut wie ich, wie schwer es jetzt ist, von Gefhlen zu sprechen. Oder gar sie mit Papier und Druckerschwrze zu vermhlen. Man mu sich akrobatenhaft auf jene zweite Ebene hinaufarbeiten, auf...
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A Voyage to the MoonA Voyage to the Moon La terre me fut importune Le pris mon essort vers les Cieux. l'y vis le soleil, et la lune. Et maintenant J'y vois les Dieux ("All weary with the earth too soon, I took my flight into the skies,...
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Children of the Dear CotswoldsChildren of the Dear CotswoldsI was in the train, and at Swindon a mud-stained "Tommy," hung round with equipment like the White Knight, and accompanied by an old lame man and a young lad, tumbled into my carriage just as the train was leaving...
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Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts joursLe Tour du monde en quatre-vingts joursEn l'anne 1872, la maison portant le numro 7 de Saville-row, Burlington Gardens,maison dans laquelle Shridan mourut en 1814,tait habite par Phileas Fogg, esq., l'un des membres les plus singuliers et les plus remarqus du Reform-Club de Londres,...
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Familjen i dalen: BerättelseFamiljen i dalen: BerättelseFrod. Frra afdelingen: 1. I dalen. 2. Inom hus. 3. Ett kta par. 4. Kammaren och Loftet. 5. Den frsta otligheten. t. En fverenskommelse. 7. Jagten. 8. Jgaren i skogen och vid hemkomsten. 9. Kpet. 10. Tv slags gnabb. 11. Fisket....
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Secret Service or, Recollections of a City DetectiveSecret Service; or, Recollections of a City DetectiveBy ANDREW FORRESTER, JUN. AUTHOR OF THE PRIVATE DETECTIVE NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED LONDON W A R D A N D L O C K 158 FLEET STREET MDCCCLXIV [All Rights are reserved] LONDON: ROBSON AND LEVEY, PRINTERS,...
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Robert Annys: Poor Priest. A Tale of the Great UprisingRobert Annys: Poor Priest. A Tale of the Great UprisingAdmirers of William Morrisamong whom I count all his readerswill recognize the personal description of John Ball as taken from his "A Dream of John Ball." They will also note that some parts of his...
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The conquest of RomeThe conquest of RomeA clanking of swords dragged on the ground was heard, and some lively muttering that passed between a Lombard and a Piedmontese. It came from a group of subaltern officers, who were ending their evening's amusement in coming to see the...
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AloneAloneIt is meet that those whose sympathy has been dew and sunshine to the nursery plant, should watch over its transplantation into the public garden. And as this Dedication is the only portion of the book which is new to you, you do not...
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Gold-Seeking on the Dalton TrailGold-Seeking on the Dalton Trail - Being the Adventures of Two New England Boys in Alaska and the Northwest TerritoryAmong my first passions was that for exploration. The Unknownthat region of mysteries lying upon the outskirts of commonplace environmentdrew me with a mighty attraction....
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Ford of H.M.S. Vigilant: A Tale of the Chusan ArchipelagoFord of H.M.S. Vigilant: A Tale of the Chusan ArchipelagoI don't expect that you have ever heard of Upton Overy, in North Devon, but it is there where Captain Lester, of the Royal Navy, lives, and, at any rate, you must have heard of...
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