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Memorie di Giuda, vol. IIMemorie di Giuda, vol. II Restai confuso. L'apostrofe brutale di Moab m'immerse in un disordine d'idee vicino alla stupidit. Una sola cosa non lasciava pi alcun dubbio: che questa Ida era la sorella del Rabb di Nazareth. Di pi! C'era ben stato un Cajus...
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Memorie di Giuda, vol. IMemorie di Giuda, vol. I La citt formicolava di forestieri accorsi da tutti gli angoli della Giudea, della Galilea, della Perea e dell'Idumea, s dalle citt greche e romane, che dalle rive del mare e dai confini del deserto. Il movimento raddoppiava da per...
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The Death of the GodsThe Death of the Gods - (Christ and Antichrist, 1 of 3)Dmitri Mrejkowski is perhaps the most interesting and powerful of the younger Russian novelists, the only writer that promises to carry on the work of Tolstoi, Turgeniev, and Dostoievski. His books, which are...
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The Remarkable History of Sir Thomas Upmore, bart., M.P., formerly known as "Tommy Upmore"The Remarkable History of Sir Thomas Upmore, bart., M.P., formerly known as "Tommy Upmore"When Sir Thomas Upmore came, and asked me to write a short account of his strange adventures, I declined that honour; partly because I had never seen any of his memorable...
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Recollections of a PolicemanRecollections of a PolicemanTHE tales included in this volume possess a remarkable degree of literary merit, which renders no apology necessary for their appearance before the public at this time. The Detective Policeman is in some respects peculiar to Englandone of the developments of...
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Gunboat and Gun-runner: A Tale of the Persian GulfGunboat and Gun-runner: A Tale of the Persian GulfFor many years the fierce, unruly tribes beyond the north-west frontier of India have only been able to obtain rifles from the Arabian coast. Arab dhows bring them across the Persian Gulf and adjacent waters, and...
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White Wolf's Law: A Western StoryWhite Wolf's Law: A Western StoryAt first they had mistaken it for a brush fire and had swung their horses off the trail and headed toward it as rapidly as the going would permit. The brush was as dry as tinder, and a fire,...
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Mysterium Arcae BouléMysterium Arcae BouléFor permission to publish this Latin version of The Mystery of the Boul Cabinet I take pleasure in expressing my thanks to Mr. Burton E. Stevenson, the author of the story, and to Messrs. Dodd, Mead & Company, the owners of the...
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Rogues and VagabondsRogues and Vagabonds The sky was cloudless, the sun rode high in the heavens, and the waves glistened in the clear, bright light. It was a glorious summer daya time when life pulsed joyously, and everything invited a man to forget his troubles, close...
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Pfarre und Schule: Eine Dorfgeschichte. Dritter BandPfarre und Schule: Eine Dorfgeschichte. Dritter Band.Eben hatte der alte Holke angefangen, zu einem neuen Treiben ablaufen zu lassen; die Herrschaften standen in kleinen Gruppen, etwas abgesondert von den brigen Schtzen und Treibern, zusammen, und die Bauern und Jger, Verwalter, Controleure etc. etc., die...
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Mr. Midshipman Glover, R.N.: A Tale of the Royal Navy of To-dayMr. Midshipman Glover, R.N.: A Tale of the Royal Navy of To-dayTitle: Mr. Midshipman Glover, R.N. A Tale of the Royal Navy of To-day Author: T. T. Jeans Release Date: July 28, 2014 [EBook #46441] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 In this story...
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The Rising of the Tide: The Story of SabinsportThe Rising of the Tide: The Story of SabinsportThe town is going to the Devil, and the worst of it is nobody will admit it. You wont. You sit there and smile at me, as if you didnt mind having Jake Mulligan and Reub...
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St. Bernard's: The Romance of a Medical StudentSt. Bernard's: The Romance of a Medical StudentHaving selected medicine as a profession, the usual day for a man to enter on a course of study at one of our great medical schools is the first of October. The almanack tells us this is...
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HeidiHeidiThere is here presented to the reader a careful translation of "Heidi," one of the most popular works of the great Swiss authoress, Madam Johanna Spyri. As particulars of her career are not easily gathered, we may here state that Johanna Heusser was born...
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Pfarre und Schule: Eine Dorfgeschichte. Zweiter BandPfarre und Schule: Eine Dorfgeschichte. Zweiter Band.Die kleine Gesellschaft bestand bis jetzt erst aus vier Personen, und zwar aus der Frau Oberpostdirector von Gaulitz erst seit wenigen Monaten vermhlt aus des Pastors rosigem Tchterlein Sophie, und den beiden Schwestern des Herrn Geheimeraths Seiffenberger aus...
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Basil EvermanBasil EvermanRichard Lister's mother stood at the head of the stairs and called a little impatiently. She was a large, middle-aged woman who looked older than she was in the black silk dress and bonnet with strings which was the church- and party-going costume...
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The Cruise of the Make-BelievesThe Cruise of the Make-BelievesTHE thin young man with the glossy hat got out of the cab at the end of the street, and looked somewhat distrustfully down that street; glanced with equal distrust at the cabman. A man lounging against the corner public-house,...
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Harry Blount, the Detective Or, The Martin Mystery SolvedHarry Blount, the Detective; Or, The Martin Mystery SolvedIt was a beautiful May morningthe more especially in that part of Lancashire, immediately surrounding Hanley Hall, the magnificent residence of Mr. St. George Stafford. Yet Mr. Staffordthough an ardent lover of nature, sat down to...
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The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45 All my early life being spent in Manchester, where I was born, bred, and schooled, I am naturally familiar with the scenes I have attempted to depict in this Tale. Little of the old town, however, is...
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Maan ympäri 80 päivässäMaan ympäri 80 päivässäVuonna 1872 talossa N:o 7 Saville-row kadun varrella, Burlington Gardens samassa talossa, jossa Sheridan kuoli 1816 asui Phileas Fogg, esq.,[1] ers Lontoon Reform-Club'in kummallisimpia ja etevimpi jseni, vaikka hn nytti panneen silmmrkseen olla tekemtt mitn sellaista, joka vetisi huomiota puoleensa. Tss...
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