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"If Youth but Knew!""If Youth but Knew!"Her child eyes were still upon him and seemed to ask for something yet. And, at this, he bent and kissed her gently, as he would have kissed a child . . . Frontispiece "Is it not," remarks Fiddler Hans the...
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From the Earth to the Moon, Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes: and a Trip Round ItFrom the Earth to the Moon, Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes: and a Trip Round ItDuring the War of the Rebellion, a new and influential club was established in the city of Baltimore in the State of Maryland. It is well known...
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Fru Marie Grubbe: Interieurer fra det syttende AarhundredeFru Marie Grubbe: Interieurer fra det syttende AarhundredeDen Luft, der laa under Lindetrernes Kroner, havde vugget sig frem over den brune Hede og de trstige Marker; den var bleven baget af Solen og stvet af Vejene, men nu var den renset af det ttte...
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KatiaKatiaBY COUNT LON TOLSTO Author of War and Peace, What I Believe, etc. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH AUTHORIZED EDITION NEW YORK WILLIAM S. GOTTSBERGER, PUBLISHER 11 MURRAY STREET 1887 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887 by William S. Gottsberger in...
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The Eve of All-Hallows Or, Adelaide of Tyrconnel, v. 3 of 3The Eve of All-Hallows; Or, Adelaide of Tyrconnel, v. 3 of 3The banditti who made the fierce and fiery attack, as recounted in our last chapter, a few days subsequent to that sad event were arrested by the Gens d'Armes in Soignies wood. They...
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Les Deux Rives: RomanLes Deux Rives: RomanNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Comme la voiture s'arrtait devant la grille du...
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Cape Breton TalesCape Breton Tales"On the French Shore of Cape Breton" and "The Privilege" were first published in The Atlantic Monthly, while "La Rose Witnesseth of La Belle Mlanie" is reprinted from "Amde's Son" (Chapters VIII and IX) with the kind permission of the publishers, Houghton...
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Histoires naturellesHistoires naturellesIl saute du lit de bon matin, et ne part que si son esprit est net, son cur pur et son corps lger comme un vtement d't. Il n'emporte point de provisions. Il boira l'air frais en route et reniflera les odeurs salubres....
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Richelieu: A Tale of France, v. 3/3Richelieu: A Tale of France, v. 3/3STRANGE to say, in the manuscript notes from which this true history is derived, there occurs the most extraordinary omission that perhaps ever appeared in the writings of any one pretending to accuracy; and most provoking of all,...
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Richelieu: A Tale of France, v. 2/3Richelieu: A Tale of France, v. 2/3THE jingle of Claude de Blenaus spurs, as he descended with a quick step the staircase of the Palais Cardinal, told as plainly as a pair of French spurs could tell, that his heart was lightened of a...
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Richelieu: A Tale of France, v. 1/3Richelieu: A Tale of France, v. 1/3 DEARLY BELOVED READER, ALTHOUGH I call the following pages mine, and upon the strength of them write myself Author, yet I must in truth confess, that I have very little to do with them, and still less...
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Anne of Geierstein Or, The Maiden of the Mist. Volume 2 (of 2)Anne of Geierstein; Or, The Maiden of the Mist. Volume 2 (of 2) 1st Carrier. What, ostler!a plague on thee, hast never an eye in thy head? Canst thou not hear? An 'twere not as good a deed as drink to break the pate...
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Das Bildnis des Dorian GrayDas Bildnis des Dorian GrayDas Atelier schwamm in einem starken Rosendufte, und wenn der leichte Sommerwind die Bume im Garten wiegte, so flo durch die offene Tr der schwere Geruch des Flieders herein oder der zartere Duft des Rotdorns. Aus der Ecke seines Diwans...
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A Family of NoblemenA Family of Noblemen - The Gentlemen GolovliovAnton Vasilyev, the manager of a remote estate, was giving his mistress, Arina Petrovna Golovliov, an account of his trip to Moscow. He had gone there to collect the money due from those of her peasant serfs...
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The Abandoned FarmersThe Abandoned Farmers - His Humorous Account of a Retreat from the City to the FarmIt is the inclination of the average reader to skip prefaces. For this I do not in the least blame him. Skipping the preface is one of my favorite...
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Old Judge PriestOld Judge PriestTHIS story begins with Judge Priest sitting at his desk at his chambers at the old courthouse. I have a suspicion that it will end with him sitting there. As to that small detail I cannot at this time be quite positive....
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Dominie Dean: A NovelDominie Dean: A Novel That day when you came to my home and suggested that I write the book to which I now gratefully prefix this brief dedication, I little imagined how real David Dean would become to me. I have just written the...
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Back Home: Being the Narrative of Judge Priest and His PeopleBack Home: Being the Narrative of Judge Priest and His PeopleAFTER I came North to live it seemed to me, as probably it has seemed to many Southern born men and women that the Southerner of fiction as met with in the North was...
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Those Times and TheseThose Times and TheseTO me and to those of my generation, Judge Priest was always Judge Priest. So he was also to most of the people of our town and our county and our judicial district. A few men of his own agemainly men...
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The Incubator BabyThe Incubator BabyOn the sunniest slope of the garden of Paradise the trees stand in long, pleasant rows. The air is always balmy, and the trees are forever in bloom with pink and white blossoms. From a distance the trees look like apple trees,...
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