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James Russell Lowell, A Biography vol. 1/2James Russell Lowell, A Biography; vol. 1/2The existence of the two volumes of Letters of James Russell Lowell, edited by Charles Eliot Norton, has determined the character of this biography. If they had not been published, I might have made a Life and Letters...
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Le jardin des supplicesLe jardin des supplicesQuelques amis se trouvaient, un soir, runis chez un de nos plus clbres crivains. Ayant copieusement dn, ils disputaient sur le meurtre, propos de je ne sais plus quoi, propos de rien, sans doute. Il n'y avait l que des hommes;...
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Les MusardisesLes MusardisesC'est l ce que tu trouveras dans le dictionnaire, Ami Lecteur. Et l-dessus tu n'auras pas grande estime pour un volume de vers qui s'appelle les Musardises, c'est--dire les bagatelles, les enfantillages, les riens. Mais pour peu que tu sois un lettr ayant...
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Bess of the WoodsBess of the WoodsRichard Jeffray thrust back his chair from Sir Peter Hardacres dining-table, and stood stiff and ill at ease, like a man but half sure of his own dignity. The Dutch clock had struck three, and the winter sunlight was still flooding...
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The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 1 (of 3)The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 1 (of 3)The First Gentleman in Europe sat upon the throne of his fathers, and the Battle of Waterloo was a stupendous event that still dwelt freshly in men's memories, when one bright August...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 6, June 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 6, June 1850[In the following elaborate specimen of literary criticism there are many passages which will be very obscure, not to say unintelligible, to those who are not familiar with the philosophic phraseology of the Germans. The student of...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 5, May 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 5, May 1850I am almost frighted at my own temerity; and when I estimate the fame and the strength of those that maintain the contrary opinion, I am ready to sink down in reverential silence, as neas withdrew from...
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A Woman Rice PlanterA Woman Rice Planter While the influences and mechanisms of the present world tend to make all parts of it alike in thought and in costume, the various nooks and corners of our own country are gradually losing their original highly accentuated characteristics, and...
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La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 5La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 5Nous vous le disons en pleine sincrit, mademoiselle Philomne Gran tait une douce fille, sans angles, sans dfauts. Elle valait mieux que Mlite, qui tait cependant une personne de trs-belle tenue.Mais il faut bien soutenir un tablissement. Je vous...
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A Dead ReckoningA Dead Reckoning"You misunderstand me, Aunt Jane. I have been so happy since that evening last year when Gerald whispered something to me in the summer-house, that all my life before I knew him seems as unreal as a dream." A third lady, who...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, April 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, April 1850April, says the author of the Fairie Queene, is Springthe juvenile of the months, and the most femininenever knowing her own mind for a day together. Fickle as a fond maiden with her first lover; toying it...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, March 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, March 1850yet he pictures it, as it advances, scattering blessings around, calling on the buds to throw aside their wintry vestments, and come forth to gladden the earth with their smiles. Such is, in reality, the progress of...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, February 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, February 1850Among the ancient manuscripts in the British Museum there is one of Saxon origin, written by Ethelgar, a writer of some note in the tenth century. Commenting on the months, he speaks of February, which he calls...
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 8, April, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 8, April, 1835CRITICAL NOTICES THE CRAYON MISCELLANY: by the author of the Sketch Book. No. 1 North American Review London Quarterly Review for February THE LIFE OF SAMUEL DREW: by his son THE LIFE OF THE EMPORER...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, January 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, January 1850A young professional man, entirely dependent on his own efforts, is always in danger of falling into the error of considering an advantageous marriage as a most desirable thing. When we say advantageous, we mean in a...
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Proses morosesProses moroses(Amabilits, la pluie, le beau temps, comme si la faillite ne la menaait pas! Cette femme serait-elle dissimulatrice? Oh! je verrai dans le clair de ses yeux bleus la joie de la rsurrection, et tout de suite aprs, au coin des paupires, deux...
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Mixed GrillMixed GrillIf you cant make up your mind what to order, said the City waiter, how about trying the mixed grill? You may not like all of it, but what you dont care for you can easily leave! I met him when I was...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Memoirs of CasanovaIndex of the Project Gutenberg Memoirs of Casanova V MLLE X . . . C . . . V. . . ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 57691 Author: Casanova, Giacomo Release Date: Aug 14, 2018 Format: eBook Language: English Contributors Editor:...
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Griffith Gaunt; or, JealousyGriffith Gaunt; or, Jealousy - Volumes 1 to 3 (of 3)Miss Catherine Peyton was a young lady of ancient family in Cumberland, and the most striking, but least popular, beauty in the county. She was very tall and straight, and carried herself a little...
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Das Kind: NovelleDas Kind: NovelleGraf Authenried trat, zur Abfahrt gerstet, ins Speisezimmer, wo sich die brigen Hausgenossen gerade vom Frhstck erhoben. Er selbst hatte in groer Hast ein paar Tassen Thee hinunter gestrzt, einen Zwieback zerbrckelt und Hals ber Kopf Toilette gemacht, um noch rechtzeitig den...
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