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The Angel in the CloudThe Angel in the CloudTo those who may favor these pages with perusal, I make this earnest request: that, if they commence, they will read all. Knowing that the best mode of dealing with doubts is to state and refute, successively, I regret that...
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Ten Degrees BackwardTen Degrees Backward I. I, Reginald Kingsnorth II. Restham Manor III. Frank IV. Fay V. The First Miracle VI. St. Luke's Summer VII. The Gift VIII. Love Among the Ruins IX. Things Great and Small X. A Birthday Present XI. In June XII. Shakspere...
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Woodcock's Little Game: A Comedy-Farce, In Two ActsWoodcock's Little Game: A Comedy-Farce, In Two ActsLend me Five Shillings, Three Cuckoos, Catch a Weazel, Where theres a Will theres a Way, John Dobbs, A Most Unwarrantable Intrusion, Going to the Derby, Your Lifes in Danger, Midnight Watch, Box and Cox, Trumpeters Wedding,...
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 7, March, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 7, March, 1835SELECTIONS: from the Papers of the Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society The Breviate Book of Sir John Randolph Proceedings of the Sons of Liberty at Norfolk, 1766 Attack on Wheeling Fort in the Year 1777...
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 13Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 13Comme il portait beau, par nature et par pose dancien sous-officier, il cambra sa taille, frisa sa moustache dun geste militaire et familier, et jeta sur les dneurs attards un regard rapide et circulaire, un de...
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Nouveaux Pastels (Dix portraits d'hommes)Nouveaux Pastels (Dix portraits d'hommes)Je me trouvais, au mois d'octobre 188., voyager en Italie, sans autre but que de tromper quelques semaines en revoyant mon aise plusieurs des chefs-d'uvre que je prfre. Ce plaisir de la seconde impression a toujours t, chez moi, plus...
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The Sheep-StealersThe Sheep-StealersIN the earlier half of the nineteenth century, when most of the travelling done by our grandfathers was done by road, and the intercourse between districts by no means far apart was but small, a tract of country lying at the foot of...
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Bêtes et gens qui s'aimèrentBêtes et gens qui s'aimèrentLe commencement de l'histoire, je ne le sais pas. Rien ne m'oblige, d'ailleurs, confesser mon ignorance, sauf ma loyaut d'historien. Mais je prfre en vrit perdre la face qu'abuser impudemment mes lecteurs et trancher au hasard le problme des sept...
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A Modern MadonnaA Modern MadonnaA hush fell on the waiting throng at old St. John's. The soft babble of modulated voices died suddenly away as from the greenery and the daisies of the chancel a singer's voice rose sweet and clear. The white-ribboned, white-canvased aisles were...
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A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's HighwayA Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's HighwayWhen the nineteenth century was still a puling infant scarcely able to stand alone, and not yet knowing what to make of the strange hurly-burly into which it found itself born, Abel Ringwood and...
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The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 3 (of 3)The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 3 (of 3)Never as long as Ella Winter lives will she forget the picture that imprinted itself on her brain, as instantaneously as though it had been photographed there, at the moment when, startled...
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Rákóczy fia: RegényRákóczy fia: RegényA fejedelem hadjrata elmult, daczra a hsi erfesztsnek; maga is haztlann lett s aztn, mint egy eltkozott stks a napot, gy kerlte krl a hazjt, Lengyelorszgon, Francziaorszgon keresztl, mg eljutott Rodosthoz: hallgatni a tenger okos beszdt. A bcsi fiskolba nem jrathattk a...
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All along the River: A NovelAll along the River: A NovelIt had been raining all the morning, and it was raining still, in that feeble and desultory manner which presages a change of some kind, when the postman came with the long-expected Indian letter. He was later than usual....
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Sermons by the late Rev. Richard de CourcySermons by the late Rev. Richard de CourcyThe following discourses, which were found among the manuscripts of the Author after his decease, will, no doubt, be extremely acceptable to those, who have been accustomed to hear the word of truth from his lips, and...
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Interim: Pilgrimage, Volume 5Interim: Pilgrimage, Volume 5 Miriam thumped her Gladstone bag down on to the doorstep. Stout boots hurried along the tiled passage and the door opened on Florrie in her outdoor clothes smiling brilliantly from under the wide brim of a heavily trimmed hat. Grace...
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A czigánybáró Minden poklokon keresztülA czigánybáró; Minden poklokon keresztülKilenczszz falu llt resen a bnsg terletn. (Az sszeirs az olyan falut, a melyikben kt hz lakva van, mr a lakottak kz sorozza.) Azoknak egy rsze le is volt getve s porig rombolva; de olyan is sok volt, a hol...
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Journal 01, 1837-1846Journal 01, 1837-1846 - The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Volume 07 (of 20) Thoreau was a man of his own kind. Many things may be said of him, favorable and unfavorable, but this must surely be said first,that, taken for all in all,...
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Kahden reportterin seikkailut: SeikkailuromaaniKahden reportterin seikkailut: SeikkailuromaaniPelisaleissa kvi kuin maininkien vaimeneva kohina. Vihrefrakkiset virkailijat liukuivat ihmisjoukossa ja suhisevin nin muistuttivat, ett rahan ja intohimon pyhtss tytyi olla hiljaa. Sihkyvien shkkruunujen valossa loistivat kirjavavriset marmoriseint korinttilaisine pylvineen, kuvapatsaineen ja korkokuvineen, parketti kumisi satojen hillittyjen askelten nt, ja vihreverkaisilla...
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 09 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 09 (of 12)Sketches of the Principal Picture-Galleries in England. With a Criticism on Marriage a-la-mode, appeared in a small 8vo. volume (6 in. 4 in.) in 1824, Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 93, Fleet-Street, and 13, Waterloo-Place,...
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