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A Record of St. Cybi's Church, HolyheadA Record of St. Cybi's Church, Holyhead - and the Sermon preached after its Restoration, 1879The old Church of St. Cybi, at Holyhead, which contains so many memorials of the devotion and piety of former generations, has been in this Jubilee year of the...
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Boswell the BiographerBoswell the BiographerThe responsibility for upwards of 300 pages in print is a burden which my unaccustomed conscience cannot easily bear, and by accepting it I lose for ever the unassailable dignity of private criticism. In these circumstances I approach my readers in an...
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Harhama IIHarhama IISe oli Harhama, joka kulki jalkaisin kaukaisen korpikyln tiet. Ryppy otsalla osotti, ett kulkijan mieli oli synkempi, kuin kulkemansa syksyinen korpi. Tummat kuuset seisoivat tienvarrella kysyvin, kun tm outo kulki ohi. Orava pudotti kplistns punaisen kvyn hnet nhdessn ja katseli hnt pehmelt havunoksalta,...
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A Prisoner of the Khaleefa: Twelve Years Captivity at OmdurmanA Prisoner of the Khaleefa: Twelve Years Captivity at OmdurmanWithin seventy-two hours of my arrival in Cairo from the Soudan, I commenced to dictate my experiences for the present volume, and had dictated them from the time I left Egypt, in 1887, until I...
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Amerikasta palatessa: Pilanäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessäAmerikasta palatessa: Pilanäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessäSakari, kievarin isnt. Martta, hnen vaimonsa. Arvid, heidn poikansa. Liisa, palvelija. Joni. Takamen Taava, | Laitolan emnt, | Taavetti, | Kyllisi. Haaralan isnt, | Eero, | Poliisi. Takamen Taava: No, sen nyt tietkin! Eiphn se siit mihin pse. Sellainen visu...
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Versöhnung, Gesänge und PsalmenVersöhnung, Gesänge und Psalmen So steig ich wieder auf, heimlich erhobene Schale! Schon schttet ewiger Sinn sich in mich schwer. Wird mich nicht berreicher Drang zermahlen? Gesang qult wieder auf und bettelt sehr. Doch immer spr ich Scheu, hinaufzublicken: Geahnter! Du wirst Wert und...
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Gedichte der Gefangenen: Ein Sonettenkreis (Nr. 44)Gedichte der Gefangenen: Ein Sonettenkreis (Nr. 44) Es kann nichts entsetzlicher sein, als da die Handlungen eines Menschen unter dem Willen eines andern stehen sollen. Kant, Fragmente VIII. Trotzdem sie nur von Gesetzen reden: auch das Gesetz ist nicht frei von Menschlichkeit. Das Gesetz...
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The Silent Shore: A RomanceThe Silent Shore: A Romance"It is strange, certainly. But there is one solution of it--is it not possible that, even if this is he, the lady registered as his wife might not have been so? In fact she could not have been, otherwise he...
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Der unendliche Mensch: GedichteDer unendliche Mensch: Gedichte Die Luft bebt wie ein Schall, der mir gebietet, Da ich die Dsterheit der Zeit zersprenge, Da alle Stirn, von Sonnen berbltet, Zu einem lichten Menschentag gelnge. Gesang von Worten, menschenheiliges Gut, Die Harfe Ozean, der auferregt Den Segler Erdgefhrten,...
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Harhama IHarhama IPohjattoman syvyyden varaan luo Hn maailmoita, eik Hnen peruskivens pet. Kun Hn kskee, niin tyhjyys on vankka, kuin harmaa vuori. Se kest maailmoiden painon ja Hnen tahtoansa totellen pit pohjattomuus vetten paljouden, eik koskaan vuoda. * * * * * Olematonkin Hnen edessns...
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Die deutsche Karikatur im 19. JahrhundertDie deutsche Karikatur im 19. JahrhundertUnd wenn es vielleicht sich ermglichen liee, zu erkennen, welche Bahnen diese Schaffensart technisch, geistig, knstlerisch durchlaufen hat; wenn es gelingen sollte, hie und da den Kontakt mit der Zeitgeschichte zu bestimmen; wenn es glcken sollte, einmal die Rolle...
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Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 48, February, 1854Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 48, February, 1854The Piano-Forte Action Regulator adjusts the action in all its operations. Those parts are supplied and fitted that are still wanting to complete it. The depth of the touch is regulated, the keys levelled, the drop of the...
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Scapinin vehkeilyt: Kolminäytöksinen komediaScapinin vehkeilyt: Kolminäytöksinen komediaTt kappaletta nyteltiin ensi kerran Palais-Royalin teatterissa 21 p. toukokuuta v. 1671. Se on muinaisaikaisen huvinytelmn jljittely, johon liittyy lukuisia lainoja erinisist italialaisista ja ranskalaisista juonikomedioista. Terentiuken Phormiosta on saatu sen alkuperinen aihe, ja moneen kohtaukseen on vaikuttanut Rotroun komedia Sisar,...
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L'enfant chargé de chaînesL'enfant chargé de chaînesJean-Paul a lou, rue de Bellechasse, un petit appartement au cinquime. Les fentres s'ouvrent sur un paysage de toits. Son pre lui a envoy les vieux meubles qu'on avait abandonns dans des greniers, la campagne; ils ont vu l'troite existence des...
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Wanda, Vol. 3 (of 3)Wanda, Vol. 3 (of 3)When they came home from their tour amidst the mines of Galicia and the plains of Hungary, and from their reception amongst the adoring townsfolk of restored Idrac, the autumn was far advanced, and the long rains and the wild...
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Wanda, Vol. 2 (of 3)Wanda, Vol. 2 (of 3)On her return she spoke of her royal friends, of her cousins, of society, of her fears for the peace of Europe, and her doubts as to the strength of the empire; but she did not speak of the one...
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Wanda, Vol. 1 (of 3)Wanda, Vol. 1 (of 3)Towards the close of a summer's day in Russia a travelling carriage was compelled to pause before a little village whilst a smith rudely mended its broken wheel. The hamlet was composed of a few very poor dwellings grouped around...
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Varavallesmannina: Kuvia Perä-PohjolastaVaravallesmannina: Kuvia Perä-PohjolastaNimismiehen pit olla monipuolinen mies. Hnell tytyy olla taipumusta salapoliisiksi, hnen tulee tuntea maanlaadut, osata arvostella maatalosta, onko se hallanarka vai ei, ja mrt mit on tehtv, jos joku on eksynyt ermaahan. Lisksi on hnen huolehdittava, ett tilastolliset tiedot piirist ovat tsmllisi,...
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The Key Note: A NovelThe Key Note: A NovelThe sea glittered in all directions. The grassy field, humpy with knolls and lumpy with gray rock, sloped down toward the near-by water. Bunches of savin and bay and groups of Christmas trees flourished in the fresh June air, and...
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Much Ado About SomethingMuch Ado About SomethingThere was to be high revel in Fairyland. From far and wide, from uphill and down dale, from here, there and all about, the little people were to gather in the Violet Valley. A round white moon looked from a shining...
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