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The Man of Last Resort Or, The Clients of Randolph MasonThe Man of Last Resort; Or, The Clients of Randolph Mason IN this fin-de-scle time, society has grown liberal, it is said, and yet he who thrusts a lever under sage customs, or he who points out the vice of institutions long established, may...
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A Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume I, II and III: CompleteA Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume I, II and III: Complete The other, whose name was Edmundhis worst enemies had never abbreviated itsmiled, lifted his eyes unto the hills as if in search of something, frowned as if he failed to find...
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A Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume IIIA Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume III SHORTLY after noon he was with her. He had left his rooms without touching a morsel of breakfast, and it was plain that such sleep as he had had could not have been of a...
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A Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume IIA Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume II HE was still pondering over the many aspects of the question which, to his mind, needed solution, when he returned to the Castle, to find Lord Fotheringay in a chair by the side of a...
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A Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume IA Gray Eye or So. In Three Volumes—Volume I The other, whose name was Edmundhis worst enemies had never abbreviated itsmiled, lifted his eyes unto the hills as if in search of something, frowned as if he failed to find it, smiled a cats-paw...
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The Impudent Comedian, and OthersThe Impudent Comedian, & Others N ellyNellyNell! Now, where's the wench? cried Mrs. Gwyn, before she had more than passed the threshold of her daughter's house in St. James's Parkthe house with the terrace garden, where, as the sedate Evelyn records, the charming Nelly...
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The Revolt of the OysterThe Revolt of the Oyster From his hut in the tree-top Probably Arboreal looked lazily down a broad vista, still strewn with fallen timber as the result of a whirlwind that had once played havoc in that part of the forest, toward the sea....
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Carter, and Other PeopleCarter, and Other People I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the editors of several magazines for permission to reprint the following stories in book form. Carter was originally published in Harpers Monthly Magazine under the title The Mulatto. Death and Old Man Murtrie...
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PoemsPoemsHenry Reed Conant was born in Janesville, Wis., on the seventeenth day of February, 1872. When four years of age he removed to Vermont, the native state of his parents Henry Clay and Dora Evaline (Reed) Conant. Henry was educated in the public schools...
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NovellenNovellen - Hausgenossen. — Und Doch! — Der tolle Junker. — Finderlohn. — Glück muß man haben!In dem sonnenhellen, saubern Stbchen, das sie nun schon seit zwanzig Jahren bewohnte, sa Frulein Sabine Krauthoff und strickte, whrend sie, mit einer Hornbrille auf der Nase, in...
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Beauchamp or, The ErrorBeauchamp; or, The Error.It was in the reign of one of the Georges--it does not matter which, though perhaps the reader may discover in the course of this history. After all, what does it signify in what king's reign an event happened, for although...
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Down at Caxton'sDown at Caxton'sIn that charming and dainty series of books published under the captivating title of Fiction, Fact and Fancy, and edited by the gifted son of the prince of American literary critics, there is a volume with the companionable name of Billy Downs....
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Le salon de Madame Truphot: moeurs littérairesLe salon de Madame Truphot: moeurs littérairesPage 313, 15e ligne, aprs transitoire, lire cette phrase saute: Le sage des sicles venir pensera de notre Esthtique ce que le juste du temps de Galba pensait de la gladiature, de la beaut admise, et ainsi de...
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Vanhoillinen: RomaaniVanhoillinen: Romaani'Vanhoillinen' romaanin ksikirjoituksen on arkistosta lytnyt entinen lehtimkelinen, opettaja Ahti Vallinmki. Vanhoillinen on julkaistu vuonna 1891 Vaasassa ilmestyneen sanomalehti Pohjalaisen alakertapalstalla, sen novelliosastossa. Niilo Kivinen on toiminut saman lehden toimittajana. Lehti on mikrofilmattu jlkeenpin. Filmilt otetut monisteet olivat hyvin heikkoja. Lehdet ovat olleet...
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The Old Chelsea Bun-House: A Tale of the Last CenturyThe Old Chelsea Bun-House: A Tale of the Last CenturyIt is a sad Thing when a Lady of Quality, who has been a Toast in her Youth, and has seen the white-gloved Beaux, as Mr. Pope calls them, bowing to her from the Pit,...
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AymerisAymerisCET ouvrage, le premier que jaie crit, devait paratre en 1914. Jtais en train den rdiger les parties Enfance et Jeunesse, daprs des notes et sans prtendre composer un roman, quand je rencontrai Joachim Gasquet, dont jeusse souhait que le nom figurt en tte...
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Tykkien virsi: Kenttäpapin kokemuksia ja mielialoja vapaussodan päiviltäTykkien virsi: Kenttäpapin kokemuksia ja mielialoja vapaussodan päiviltä On aikoja, jolloin vkivalta ja vryys uhkaavat tappaa elmn laulun, rauhaisan tyn ja hytyisn toiminnan hymnin. Sellaisina aikoina kohoo kuin itsestn ilmoille tykkien virsi. Oli lauantai, helmikuun 23 p. 1918. Oulun tuomiokirkko oli ahdinkoon saakka tynn...
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Champavert: contes immorauxChampavert: contes immorauxCest toujours un pnible emploi que celui de dtrompeur, cest toujours une pnible corve que celle de venir enlever au public ses douces erreurs, ses mensonges auxquels il sest fait, auxquels il a donn sa foi; rien nest plus dangereux que de...
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SanguinesSanguinesNous, par respect pour son grand ge et pour sa grande gloire plus vnrable encore, nous nous tenions debout en face de sa personne,[p. 4] adosss deux cyprs noirs et n'osant ouvrir la bouche alors qu'il ne disait rien. Immobiles, nous le considrions avec...
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La Esfinge Maragata: NovelaLa Esfinge Maragata: NovelaVIBRA el soplo estridente de la mquina que desaloja vapor, cruje con recio choque una portezuela, algunos pasos vigorosos repercuten en el andn, silba un pito, tae una campana, y el convoy trajina, resuella y huye, dejando la pequea estacin muda...
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