Public Domain
The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 09 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 09 (of 12)Sketches of the Principal Picture-Galleries in England. With a Criticism on Marriage a-la-mode, appeared in a small 8vo. volume (6 in. 4 in.) in 1824, Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 93, Fleet-Street, and 13, Waterloo-Place,...
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"The One" Dog and "The Others": A Study of Canine Character"The One" Dog and "The Others": A Study of Canine CharacterTHAT creatures best that comes most near to man may in truth be spoken of the dog. Nearest to man in the daily experiences of domestic life, he shares the joys and disappointments that...
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Project Gutenberg Edition of The Memoirs of Four Civil War GeneralsProject Gutenberg Edition of The Memoirs of Four Civil War Generals In the preparation of this work it has been the writer's aim to present in it, with historical accuracy, authentic facts; to be fair and impartial in grouping them; and to be true...
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My Chinese MarriageMy Chinese MarriageI saw Chan-King Liang for the first time on a certain Monday morning in October. It was the opening day of college, and the preceding week had been filled with the excitement incidental to the arrival of many students in a small...
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Diary Kept by Rifleman B. C. Stubbs of the Second Draft Sent to the Queen Victoria Rifles in FranceDiary Kept by Rifleman B. C. Stubbs of the Second Draft Sent to the Queen Victoria Rifles in FranceONCE again the shadow has fallen darkly on all associated with the Union-Castle Line, both in the City of London and at sea. Another young member...
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Eastern Stories and LegendsEastern Stories and LegendsTo this new and enlarged edition of Eastern Stories and Legends, Miss Shedlock has brought years of dramatic experience in the telling of stories to children and grown people in England and America, and united with it a discriminating selection from...
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The Nile in 1904The Nile in 1904The publication of Sir William Garstins monumental work on the Basin of the Upper Nile is an event of such importance in the history of the Nile that the occasion should not be lost of bringing Lombardinis work on the Nile...
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Kuninkaitten aarteetKuninkaitten aarteetRuskinin nyt suomennetun kaunopuheisen esityksen alottamalla teossarjalla on kustantaja tahtonut tarjota meikliselle yleislle ensimisen suomenkielisen yliopiston sit laatua: lyhyeen sanoen maailmankirjallisuuden huippusaavutukset muinaisuudesta nykyaikaan asti, yhdenmukaisesti toimitettuna ja tarkistettuna kokoelmana, jonka nidoksista ovat takeena ptevt kotimaiset nimet. Suunnattomasta kirjatulvasta poimitaan esille ne tuotteet,...
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Muinais-tiedustuksia PohjanperiltäMuinais-tiedustuksia PohjanperiltäTornio on nhtvsti saanut nimens ruotsalaisista sanoista torn, torni, ja , saari, jonka johdosta onkin nimi ennen ollut Torne, niinkuin se kirjoitetaankin vanhoissa kirjoissa, ja niinkuin ers "Suuri-valtaisimman kuninkaan, itse kuningas Karl XI:nen" tekem kirjoitus Tornion kirkossa sen myskin kirjoittaa. Asema on vanha...
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Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, v. 3 of 3Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, v. 3 of 3 - or the Central and Western Rajput States of IndiaThe text is annotated with numerous footnotes, which were numbered sequentially on each page. On occasion, a footnote itself is annotated by a note. In the...
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Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, v. 2 of 3Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, v. 2 of 3 - or the Central and Western Rajput States of IndiaThe text is annotated with numerous footnotes, which were numbered sequentially on each page. On occasion, a footnote itself is annotated by a note, using an...
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Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, v. 1 of 3Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, v. 1 of 3 - or the Central and Western Rajput States of IndiaIn placing before the public the concluding volume of the Annals of Rajputana I have fulfilled what I considered to be a sacred obligation to the...
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OEuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 5: La tentation de saint AntoineŒuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 5: La tentation de saint AntoineAinsi que nous lavons fait pour Salammb, nous avons cru devoir joindre cette dition dfinitive de la Tentation de saint Antoine un Glossaire alphabtique de 240 mots peu connus cits dans louvrage. La...
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The Literary History of the Adelphi and Its NeighbourhoodThe Literary History of the Adelphi and Its NeighbourhoodThis book is intended for the general reader, as well as for the antiquarian and the lover of London. To this end, the history of the Adelphi and its immediate neighbourhood to the west and on...
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Fenris, the Wolf: A TragedyFenris, the Wolf: A TragedyThe invocation of Ingimund to Odin, on page 38, is adapted from Fragments of a Spell Song, preserved as an insertion in the Great Play of the Wolsungs, and to be found, both original and translation, in the Corpus Poeticum...
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The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 2 (of 3)The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 2 (of 3)The mellow autumn months darkened and died slowly into winter. The wild winds that are born in the bitter north blew in stronger and fiercer gusts, and the majestic monotone of the...
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All Things are PossibleAll Things are PossibleLeo Shestov is one of the living Russians. He is about fifty years old. He was born at Kiev, and studied at the university there. His first book appeared in 1898, since which year he has gradually gained an assured position...
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Apotti TigraneApotti TigraneI. Jumalinen kaupunki. II. Hnen ylhisyytens de Roquebrun. III. Rufin Capdepont. IV. Hiippakunnan oikeusto. V. Piispan puutarha. VI. Papinvihkiiset. VII. Pimeyden ruhtinas. VIII. Pyhnhengen messu. IX. Kreivi de Castagnerte. X. Rooma. XI. Kirkollislain ministeerio. XII. Ristiinnaulitun ni. XIII. Pyhn Ireneon tuomiokapituli. XIV. Lavernde...
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FreiluftlebenFreiluftlebenDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gedruckt; Passagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt erscheinen. Klarer als...
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Thames Valley Villages, Volume 2 (of 2)Thames Valley Villages, Volume 2 (of 2)Transcribers Note: Illustrations have been moved so as not to fall in the middle of paragraphs (leaving them as close to the original position in the book as possible). A few minor printing errors were corrected. As Reading...
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