Public Domain
Thames Valley Villages, Volume 1 (of 2)Thames Valley Villages, Volume 1 (of 2)Transcribers Note: Illustrations have been moved so as not to fall in the middle of paragraphs (leaving them as close to the original position in the book as possible). A few minor printing errors were corrected. The Thames...
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Adventures in BoliviaAdventures in BoliviaThis book, that exudes sincerity, just as a pine tree drops its rosin, serves a double purpose. It reveals a curious personality that might have stepped straight from the pages of Purchas or of Hakluyt, and at the same time, all unknown...
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Rienzi: Rooman viimeinen tribuuniRienzi: Rooman viimeinen tribuuniOli muuan kesilta, kun kaksi nuorukaista nhtiin kvelevn Tiberin yritten vieress, lhell sit kohtaa sen luikertelevaa juoksua, joka huuhtoo Aventinin kukkulan juurta. Polku, jonka he olivat valinneet, oli syrjinen ja rauhallinen. Vain etll nhtiin virtaa reunustavia, hajallisia ja likaisia taloja, joiden...
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Captain Lucy in the Home SectorCaptain Lucy in the Home SectorIf the young people who read this last story of Lucy Gordons army life are disappointed that the end of the war does not bring her home to America they cannot possibly be as disappointed as she herself. She...
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The Twenty-first Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteers: Historical MemorandaThe 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteers: Historical MemorandaAT the close of the war and after their discharge the members of the 21st Missouri Regiment scattered over Missouri and other States of the Union. No effort was made to keep the organization alive until...
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Machado de Assis, Son Oeuvre LittéraireMachado de Assis, Son Oeuvre LittéraireOn trouvera runis dans le prsent volume les principaux discours prononcs en Sorbonne, le 3 Avril 1909, la Fte de l'Intellectualit Brsilienne. Rappelons que la sance eut lieu dans l'amphithtre Richelieu, sous la haute prsidence d'Anatole France, de l'Acadmie...
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The Logic of Chance, 3rd editionThe Logic of Chance, 3rd edition - An Essay on the Foundations and Province of the Theory of Probability, With Especial Reference to Its Logical Bearings and Its Application to Moral and Social Science and to Statistics The present edition has been revised throughout,...
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Hawk's Nest; or, The Last of the CahoonsheesHawk's Nest; or, The Last of the Cahoonshees. - A Tale of the Delaware Valley and Historical Romance of 1690.Transcribers Note: A large number of spelling and printing errors have been corrected without further note. There are still some discrepancies in the spelling of...
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Svenska folk-sagor och äfventyr. Första delen (häfte 1 och häfte 2)Svenska folk-sagor och äfventyr. Första delen (häfte 1 och häfte 2)Nrvarande samling r i sin art den frsta, som i fderneslandet blifvit utgifven. mnets nyhet och vigt kunde sledes pkalla ett fretal, som fr lsaren borde ppna en utsigt fver Sago-litteraturens serskildta frhllanden. Men...
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"Stella Australis": Poems, verses and prose fragments"Stella Australis": Poems, verses and prose fragmentsTHE raison dtre of this small work was suggested to me at the time of the lamented death of King Edward of happy memory. I essayed to mark the date of his decease by writing a few lines...
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The Foundations of Mathematics: A Contribution to the Philosophy of GeometryThe Foundations of Mathematics: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Geometry ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 57355 Author: Carus, Paul Release Date: Jun 18, 2018 Format: eBook Language: English
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Theory and Practice of Piano ConstructionTheory and Practice of Piano Construction - With a Detailed, Practical Method for TuningThe original contains inconsistent hyphenation; this has been preserved. Obvious printers errors have been corrected; a full list is available at the end of this book. This Dover edition, first published...
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A tengerszemü hölgyA tengerszemü hölgySoha sem lttam letemben olyan csoda szemeket. Pedig sok szp szemekkel volt tallkozsom. Egsz astronomit irhatnk rluk. De ennek annyifle volt a szeme, a mennyiszer vltozott az indulatja. Azrt neveztem azt el tengerszemnek. Milyen a tengerszem? A hegytetrl nzve lnk zld, az...
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The Great Horse; or, The War HorseThe Great Horse; or, The War Horse - from the time of the Roman Invasion till its development into the Shire Horse.The number of books about horses which have been printed is very large; a good authority states that the total is upward of...
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Punainen leski: RomaaniPunainen leski: RomaaniI. Falkenberg. II. Laukaus. III. Rakas veli, min olen viaton. IV. Salapoliisi. V. Ilta Pursiklubissa. VI. Kirjainarvoitus. VII. Seuraava piv. VIII. "Hn on kostanut." IX. Naisen ryst. X. Kuollut talo. XI. Valaistu huone. XII. J.R. XIII. Uusi tulokas. XIV. Viimeinen keino. XV....
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Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: Vol. 2 (of 2)Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: Vol. 2 (of 2) - Including Sketches of the Campaigns Against the Afghans in 1839, and the Sikhs in 1845-6.After the breaking up of the army of the Indus, Sir John Keane proceeded down the Indus,...
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Table d'HôteTable d'HôteMy best plan, he went on, will be to draw it all up in black and white, so that we can have a clear and proper understandin one with the other. We must have a proper system of fines, same as they do...
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Practical Stair Building and HandrailingPractical Stair Building and Handrailing - By the square section and falling line system.The following book has been written to assist those who wish to acquire a knowledge of the most practical and systematic methods adopted in the execution of stair building and handrailing....
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A Motor-Flight Through FranceA Motor-Flight Through FranceFreeing us from all the compulsions and contacts of the railway, the bondage to fixed hours and the beaten track, the approach to each town through the area of ugliness and desolation created by the railway itself, it has given us...
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Streifzüge im Süden: Reiseskizzen aus Italien und TunisStreifzüge im Süden: Reiseskizzen aus Italien und TunisZum Glck fr den Reisenden, der in der Fremde nicht das Internationale, sondern das Nationale zu studiren sucht, haben sich hie und da in der italienischen Provinz einige Gelegenheiten erhalten, bei denen sich der specifisch italienische Sportssinn...
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