Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
The Woman Suffrage Cookbook: The 1886 ClassicThe Woman Suffrage Cookbook was the first of several fundraising cookbooks published in support of the movement behind the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Edited and compiled by Hattie A. Burr, it features recipes from prominent suffragists as well as from women eminent in...
- ¥3,683 JPY
- ¥3,683 JPY
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Meal Prep Air Fryer Cookbook #2020: Simply, Easy and Healthy Air Fryer Recipes for Smart People - Lose Weight, Save Time & Stay Healthy - 30-Day MealMeal prep is defined as choosing a day to prepare your meals from start to finish.Air Fryer is an amazing tool to save time and money cooking delicious meals that otherwise would take hours to make. However, sometimes we get bored preparing the same...
- ¥1,662 JPY
- ¥1,662 JPY
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Keto Fat Bombs: 70 Sweet and Savory Recipes for Ketogenic, Paleo & Low-Carb Diets. Easy Recipes for Healthy Eating to Lose Weight FastBoost Your Energy with Keto Fat BombsWhat do you think when you hear the phrase "fat bomb"? Most likely it frightens you, especially if you are struggling with excess weight or just trying to keep fit. But do not be afraid, some fats can...
- ¥3,928 JPY
- ¥3,928 JPY
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Foraging: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Foraging Wild Edible Plants and Medicinal HerbsHave you ever wanted to forage but have no idea how to do it safely and responsibly?This book is the ultimate guide for both beginner and advanced foragers alike to working with most common plants found in the wild or even your backyard.Learn how...
- ¥5,665 JPY
- ¥5,665 JPY
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A Spirited Guide to Vermouth: An Aromatic Journey with Botanical Notes, Classic Cocktails and Elegant RecipesVermouth is currently experiencing a revival, and we can't seem to get enough of it Jack Adair Bevan celebrates this versatile drink and its botanicals, drawing out vermouth's history and its delicate herbal flavors with recipes for cocktails, and some food to accompany them....
- ¥6,321 JPY
- ¥6,321 JPY
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Cooking With the Golden Girls: Fun & Delicious Recipes from a Hilarious Miami KitchenWhat do you get when you combine four amazing ladies from different backgrounds, a house in Miami, conversations about sex, a pinch of salt and a box of cheesecake? Why, The Golden Girls, of course One of the most beloved sitcoms in television history,...
- ¥3,076 JPY
- ¥3,076 JPY
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Vegan Instant Pot for Beginners: 5-Ingredient Affordable, Quick and Healthy Plant-Based Recipes Boost Your Energy, Heal Your Body and Live a Healthy lNow More Than Ever People Are Choosing to Make Vegan Meals Part of Their Regular Rotation. The Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook for Beginners was made for the everyday cook who wants to add delicious vegan meals into their diet and experience amazing health results....
- ¥1,836 JPY
- ¥1,836 JPY
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Mozaic: French Cuisine, Balinese FlavoursEmbark on a culinary discovery of Bali, where the wild and inventive gourmet imaginings of French-American chefvisionary Chris Salans have taken root. Using essentially modern French techniques of cooking and presentation, the classically-trained Salans incorporates everyday Indonesian and Balinese ingredients and flavours sometimes explosive,...
- ¥7,188 JPY
- ¥7,188 JPY
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Bone Soup and Flipped Bread: The Yemenite Jewish KitchenWith beautiful photographs, both modern and archival, this cookbook presentsThis book the history, little-known culinary heritage and food traditions of the over two-thousand-year-old Yemenite Jewish community, as well as the changes that followed immigration to Israel in the 1950s. Notable is the strong impact...
- ¥11,500 JPY
- ¥11,500 JPY
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Masas, Saladas y DulcesA mix of over 200 classic and contemporary recipes, this cookbook from three-star Michelin chef Michel Roux includes gorgeous color photographs that demonstrate step-by-step how to use 10 popular types of dough--including short crust, brioche, puff, croissant, and filo--to create dishes such as quiche...
- ¥9,473 JPY
- ¥9,473 JPY
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200 Platos TailandesesThe books in this series each feature 200 recipes that use readily accessible ingredients and feature techniques well within the ability of any cook, regardless of skill level. Full-color photographs walk readers through creating a variety of healthy, delicious, stylish dishes that pamper the...
- ¥2,573 JPY
- ¥2,573 JPY
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Batidos VerdesSmoothies are a great source of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.) Their main functions are to nourish, moisturize, cleanse, and purify the body. They help regulate blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. This book contains fifty delicious recipes to feel healthy and happy.Author: Carla ZaplanaPublisher:...
- ¥5,160 JPY
- ¥5,160 JPY
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Food Futures: Experimental Food DesignFood Futures is a compilation of unique design projects that act as visual stimulus for designers and food enthusiasts alike, illustrating the possibilities that new technologies open up to designers and the different ways society perceives food. The aestheticisation of food is a growing...
- ¥8,612 JPY
- ¥8,612 JPY
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¡Que Viva La Cocina! Recetas Caseras Y Fáciles Para Todos Los Bolsillos / Hooray for Cooking! Easy Homemade Recipes for All BudgetsGorka Barredo nos presenta recetas f ciles, econ micas y r pidas de hacer. Hola, receteros y receteras Mi nombre es Gorka Barredo y por mucho que me llamen youtuber, blogger o influencer, yo prefiero que se me conozca como cocinero; uno que tiene...
- ¥5,734 JPY
- ¥5,734 JPY
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Cocina Sana Con Pizca de Sabor: Una Guía Práctica Para Nutrir Tu Cuerpo Y Vivir / Healthy Cooking with a Pinch of FlavorMejor recetario del mundo en la categor a A#13 (Blogger) en los Premios Gourmand World 2020 Karla Hern ndez nos comparte los secretos de su cocina saludable que han encantado a m s de cuatro millones de seguidores en M xico, Estados Unidos y...
- ¥6,311 JPY
- ¥6,311 JPY
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Stay for Breakfast!: Recipes for Every OccasionWhile everyone has a morning ritual, each is rich in details and differences. Stay for Breakfast presents breakfast ideas for a cornucopia of occasions. The book's recipes offer readers the opportunity to rediscover traditions, to find enticing new possibilities, and to make time for...
- ¥9,609 JPY
- ¥9,609 JPY
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Recettes et menus pour les diverticules coliquesCet ouvrage est d di toutes les personnes souffrant de diverticules coliques non compliqu es, et il offre aux d tenteurs de l'ouvrage du m me auteur: " Quelle alimentation pour les diverticules coliques ? " un ouvrage totalement compl mentaire. De nombreuses recettes...
- ¥8,473 JPY
- ¥8,473 JPY
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Intermittent Fasting and Keto Diet: Essential Guide to Healthy Lifestyle and Easy Weight Loss; With 50 Proven, Simple, and Delicious Ketogenic RecipesAre you looking for a way to maximize the effectiveness of your ketogenic diet and make the most out of the program to seamlessly become healthier and get a lean and fit figure? Then you have come to the right place Nowadays, perhaps two...
- ¥2,453 JPY
- ¥2,453 JPY
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CBD Hemp Oil Guide: 20 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of CBD Oil + 25 Best Recipes To Make You Healthy And Beautyful: (CBD Hemp Oil For HeCBD Hemp Oil Guide: 20 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of CBD Oil + 25 Best Recipes To Make You Healthy And Beautyful What is CBD oil and Hemp oil? Where do we extract hemp oil from? What are the health benefits of CBD oil and...
- ¥2,755 JPY
- ¥2,755 JPY
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Fatty Liver: Best Recipes and Guide to Prevent, Cure and Reverse Fatty Liver Diseases, Lose Weight & Live HealthierThe liver is the second largest organ in the body and it functions to get rid of harmful substances from the blood, processes foods and drinks that we eat amidst many other complex functions. Many other organs of the body rely on the liver's...
- ¥2,888 JPY
- ¥2,888 JPY
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