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The Crimson Conquest: A Romance of Pizarro and PeruThe Crimson Conquest: A Romance of Pizarro and PeruI Booty from Peru II The Seora Declares a Purpose III Nipping a Conspiracy IV The Inca's Encampment V The Monarch and the Princess Rava VI The Massacre VII Cavalier and Cantinero VIII An Arm of...
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Geyer und das Obererzgebirge in Sage und GeschichteGeyer und das Obererzgebirge in Sage und GeschichteZweifellos ist die alte Bergstadt Geyer nach den Geiern benannt worden, jenen Raubvgeln, die frher in dem waldreichen Erzgebirge hufig nisteten. Die Sage schreibt ihnen die Veranlassung zur Grndung der Stadt zu. Sie berichtet: Einst hatten Geier...
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Gandhi and AnarchyGandhi and AnarchyThe struggle for Indian Home Rule which was started with the inauguration of the Indian National Congress has many difficulties to encounter, has strong and powerful opponents and has received many checks. But its strongest opponent is Mr. Gandhi and perhaps the...
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OEuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 4: L'éducation sentimentale, v. 2Œuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 4: L'éducation sentimentale, v. 2Frdric les porta lui-mme jusqu la voiture. Ctait une berline de louage avec deux chevaux de poste et un postillon; il avait mis sur le sige de derrire son domestique. La Marchale parut satisfaite...
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Life and Travel in IndiaLife and Travel in India - Being Recollections of a Journey Before the Days of RailroadsIn the following pages, gathered from voluminous notes of early travel, I have tried to give a faithful account of life in India, as well as of the sights...
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The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 04 [of 13]The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 04 [of 13] - Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events...
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My Year of the Great WarMy Year of the Great WarIn The Last Shot, which appeared only a few months before the Great War began, drawing from my experience in many wars, I attempted to describe the character of a conflict between two great European land-powers, such as France...
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Scenes in North WalesScenes in North Wales - With Historical Illustrations, Legends, and Biographical NoticesThere is a local interest attached to mountain scenery, arising not only from a natural concentration of grand and majestic objects, but also from a spirit of independence and ardent love of liberty...
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Japanese Homes and Their SurroundingsJapanese Homes and Their SurroundingsWithin twenty years there has gradually appeared in our country a variety of Japanese objects conspicuous for their novelty and beauty,lacquers, pottery and porcelain, forms in wood and metal, curious shaped boxes, quaint ivory carvings, fabrics in cloth and paper,...
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The New Sunday Liquor Law VindicatedThe New Sunday Liquor Law VindicatedAn Act came into operation in August, denominated The New Beer Bill, requiring public-houses to be closed on Sundays, with the exception of the hours 1 to 3 p.m., and 6 to 10 p.m. No sooner was it passed...
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