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Çin Lezzetinin Tadını Çıkarın 2023: Orta Krallık'ın Mutfak Geleneklerinde Lezzetli Bir YolculukAuthor: Melike KayaPublisher: Melike KayaPublished: 01/07/2023Pages: 218Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.66lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.46dISBN: 9781837524358Language: TurkishThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 231.02 AED
- Dhs. 231.02 AED
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Okusi Indije 2023: Kulinarsko putovanje kroz 100 autentičnih i ukusnih indijskih recepataAuthor: Niko PericPublisher: Niko PericPublished: 01/12/2023Pages: 222Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.67lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.47dISBN: 9781837524662Language: CroatianThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 231.02 AED
- Dhs. 231.02 AED
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La Cucina Italiana 2023: Preko 100 klasičnih i suvremenih recepata za pravi okus ItalijeAuthor: Anna BartoliPublisher: Anna BartoliPublished: 01/12/2023Pages: 222Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.67lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.47dISBN: 9781837524679Language: CroatianThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 229.83 AED
- Dhs. 229.83 AED
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En Tatlı Şey 2023: Her durum için 100'den fazla tarif içeren ev yapımı keklerAuthor: Sila PolatPublisher: Sila PolatPublished: 01/07/2023Pages: 220Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.66lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.46dISBN: 9781837524372Language: TurkishThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 229.29 AED
- Dhs. 229.29 AED
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ต ำรำ Paleo ส ำหรบ ั ผ ู เ ้ ร ิ ม ่ Ũอาหารคาร์โบไฮเดรตต่ำเป็นหนึ่งในรูปแบบอาหารที่ได้รับความนิยมมากที่สุด แม้แต่ในกีฬาความอดทน อาหาร Paleo ยังเป็นหัวข้อที่สำคัญ แต่อะไรคือประโยชน์ที่แท้จริงของอาหาร Paleo?ร่างกายเปลี่ยนพลังงานส่วนเกินเป็นไขมันนักอดอาหาร Paleo หลายคนอ้างว่าการเปลี่ยนคาร์โบไฮเดรตเป็นสารเช่นน้ำตาลจะเพิ่มระดับน้ำตาลในเลือดเพื่อที่จะลดสิ่งนี้ลงอีก ร่างกายมนุษย์จะผลิตอินซูลินซึ่งช่วยลดการเผาผลาญไขมัน ในขณะเดียวกันความรู้สึกหิวก็กลับมาหลักการของ Paleo คือ ถ้าหยุดอาหารคาร์โบไฮเดรตสูง ร่างกายจะใช้ไขมันมากขึ้นด้วยAuthor: ณั ทองPublisher: Not AvailPublished: 12/09/2022Pages: 312Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.92lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.65dISBN: 9781837526635Language: ThaiThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 240.04 AED
- Dhs. 240.04 AED
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Riċetti Indjani 2023 għal Jibdew: Riċetti faċli mit-tradizzjoniBilli tfassal fuq it-tradizzjonijiet sinjuri tal-Indja, din il-gwida tieħu t-togħma tiegħek x'imkien li x'aktarx qatt ma kienu qabel.Int ser tesplora l-kċejjen reġjonali ta 'l-Indja li rari togħma b'ħafna riċetti tajbin għas-saħħa.Tgħallem tikkontrolla l-arti tat-tisjir Indjan b'ikliet delizzjużi faċli biex tipprepara. Il-platti bit-togħma delikata huma...
- Dhs. 263.10 AED
- Dhs. 263.10 AED
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Paleo eldhúsið 2023: Lyftu matreiðslu Þína með Þessari ítarlegu leiðarvísi um Paleo mataræðiAuthor: Aki MollerPublisher: Aki MollerPublished: 01/12/2023Pages: 216Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.65lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.46dISBN: 9781837524716Language: IcelandicThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 240.56 AED
- Dhs. 240.56 AED
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Riċetti Super Vegani 2023 għall-Bidu: Ir-riċetti tiegħi għal stil ta' ħajja b'saħħtuIl-veganiżmu huwa tip ta 'dieta li tista' tiġi adattata għal kull età u sess. Ir-riċerka wriet li t-teħid ta' dieta vegan jista' jgħin biex ibaxxi l-livelli tal-kolesterol. Jgħin ukoll lil min jagħmel id-dieta jevita ċerti tipi ta' mard bħad-dijabete tat-tip 2, mard tal-qalb, pressjoni...
- Dhs. 257.76 AED
- Dhs. 257.76 AED
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Le très passé: et à venir: renaissanceAuthor: François LavergnePublisher: BlurbPublished: 01/12/2023Pages: 86Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.21lbsSize: 8.00h x 5.00w x 0.18dISBN: 9798211654525Language: French
- Dhs. 96.63 AED
- Dhs. 96.63 AED
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Anything You Can Cook, I Can Cook VeganAuthor: Richard MakinPublisher: Newseed PressPublished: 04/25/2023Pages: 288Binding Type: HardcoverISBN: 9798886740592
- Dhs. 174.68 AED
- Dhs. 174.68 AED
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Juicing in the Fast LaneAuthor: B. L. GrubbsPublisher: Beshara GrubbsPublished: 01/10/2023Pages: 182Binding Type: HardcoverWeight: 0.97lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.56dISBN: 9798987597606This title is not returnable
- Dhs. 143.17 AED
- Dhs. 143.17 AED
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Täydellinen Vauvan Ja Taapurin KeittokirjaAuthor: Päivi LänsimäkiPublisher: Paivi LansimakiPublished: 01/17/2023Pages: 220Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.66lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.46dISBN: 9781805426042Language: FinnishThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 225.61 AED
- Dhs. 225.61 AED
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ПЪЛНОТО РЪКОВОДСТВО ЗА ВAuthor: Нина П Publisher: Not AvailPublished: 01/13/2023Pages: 238Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.71lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.50dISBN: 9781805426172Language: BulgarianThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 236.36 AED
- Dhs. 236.36 AED
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Den Bedste Hjemmelagede Gummy Slik-KogebogAuthor: Victoria BergqvistPublisher: Victoria BergqvistPublished: 01/17/2023Pages: 188Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.57lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.40dISBN: 9781805426929Language: DanishThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 204.09 AED
- Dhs. 204.09 AED
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LÆttu ÍsupplýsinAuthor: Lukka BlöndalPublisher: Lukka BlondalPublished: 01/18/2023Pages: 166Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.51lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.35dISBN: 9781805427278Language: IcelandicThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 204.14 AED
- Dhs. 204.14 AED
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ספר הבישול הטוב ביותר של —Author: רזלי סPublisher: Not AvailPublished: 01/16/2023Pages: 384Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 1.13lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.79dISBN: 9781805426998Language: HebrewThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 263.21 AED
- Dhs. 263.21 AED
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Den Nemme Sandwich Uden BrØdAuthor: Isabella BergPublisher: Isabella BergPublished: 01/19/2023Pages: 274Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.81lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.58dISBN: 9781805427957Language: DanishThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 247.08 AED
- Dhs. 247.08 AED
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Το βιβλίο μαγειρικής της Μεσ&#Author: Λαμέρα`Publisher: Not AvailPublished: 01/08/2023Pages: 226Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.68lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.48dISBN: 9781837524600Language: Greek, Modern (after 1453)This title is not returnable
- Dhs. 228.22 AED
- Dhs. 228.22 AED
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Veganmat för alla 2023: Upptack hur latt det ar att laga ha lsösamma öch smakrika veganska ratterAuthor: Marta AxelssönPublisher: Marta AxelssonPublished: 01/13/2023Pages: 222Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.67lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.47dISBN: 9781837524938Language: SwedishThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 212.52 AED
- Dhs. 212.52 AED
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Rum og Røstinger 2023: Oppdag hemmelighetene bak de beste rumdrinkeneAuthor: Lucas OlsenPublisher: Lucas OlsenPublished: 01/13/2023Pages: 222Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.67lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.47dISBN: 9781837524815Language: NorwegianThis title is not returnable
- Dhs. 227.98 AED
- Dhs. 227.98 AED
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